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Old 03-10-2012, 02:24 PM   #101
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First impressions (singleplayer): - no spoilers
The introduction was fantastic... I still think Mass Effect 2 has the most b@lls-busting intro I've ever seen (granted, I don't game that much), but this one really sets the mood of the game.

Likes: I'm only four or so hours in, but I figure I can give my two cents. New fighting system, quest waypoint "reticle", the fact that you jump in with the meat of your newly-designed skill trees already filled in - yes, you can wipe them clean and start over (if you jumped in with empty skill-trees, it'd be ugly), and the fact that there's no time wasted in saying the galaxy is f#cked (Earth especially). I haven't tried any of it out yet, but the weapons customization and the diplomacy displays look like more things to spend what will probably be another 40+ hour playthrough on.

The game itself is gorgeous... the scenery and the music are all top-notch, as is the voiceover. The large-scale battles that take place outdoors are great so far, since you don't know from which way the enemy is coming next, and an enemy platoon can come up over the nearby hill and surprise the hell out of you.
You can tell on the "squad selection" screen that your squad is significantly smaller this time out, and you recruit a few of them early on... so while I enjoyed the large squad in the second one (and their missions), it's great that this time out the two discs are all about diplomacy and kicking the Reapers to the curb, and not about individuals on your ship.

Dislikes: Is the multi-player any good? I THINK the single-player experience suffered a little because people who couldn't figure out that this was an adventure game and not GoW (great game) b!tched about not having MP. This game series never had it before, and this outing didn't need it.
If it's fun and rewarding, though (and I think I've read that it benefits your single-player experience somehow), then maybe it's not a total loss, but ME's a single-player experience.
The facial import feature not working is a huge disappointment.. there's several articles on the 'net about how "big" a deal this is, but I just tried to replicate one of my characters as best I could, and went from there (a female). I somewhat miss that her scars and red eyes are gone, since she was seriously Renegade, but I've gotten past it. If it hasn't been fixed in a month or so when I want to play through as my other two characters, well.. at that point, I'll be irritated, but it still wouldn't cause me to not play through with them.. I'd just chalk it up to the character "aging" a bit, if they weren't spot-on.
I found it by accident who is and who isn't returning as squad members, so now I'm wondering if it's worth going back into ME2 to change the romances of my two other characters (this one's fine) so that they have the best "romance" plotline possible on this one. At the end of the day, I probably don't give enough of a crap to care... as it is, one of those "romantic interests" inquires about where you stand with them on that topic, so I'm wondering how much of a difference it makes if you strayed from them in the second game. Just typing this is making me laugh out loud.

Is this game a fitting end to the Trilogy?

So far, definitely. You really get the feeling that the galaxy is losing the war against the Reapers. I wish the Reapers themselves weren't so "present" on the Planets they're invading, but their direct involvement in battles also shows just how up sh!t creek everyone is.
I still think the best representation of a Reaper was Sovereign. His scale was utter insanity when compared to other ships (these are of a similar scale, but Sov seemed "bigger"), and because they were new to us, his mere presence was jaw-dropping.

9.5/10 for the game so far, even with that stupid import glitch. Haven't even touched Multiplayer yet. I only play early mornings/late at night, as I purposely put my Plasma in my atrium to keep me from playing it during the day (impossible to do, as the sun makes the screen unwatchable).
ME 2 was an easy "10/10" for me, and the first ME was a 10/10 also, so it's been a hell of a strong game trilogy. I'm sure this will go up to 10/10 once the glitch is "fixed" (if it is), and I've put more time in behind the wheel.
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Old 03-10-2012, 04:21 PM   #102
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I agree whole heartedly about the import feature not working properly and I had a simple default fem Shep, so there's really no excuse on Biowares end. I'll copy/paste a post I made on the Freaks Board...

I only just started last night because I've spent the last 4 weeks completely replaying both ME 1 and ME 2 (85 hours!). I'm assuming most here are playing as Male Shephard, because this topic hasn't really been brought up. I've been default female Shephard in the previous two games. She looked the same in the previous two versions, but this time EA and Bioware changed her default appearance, which REALLY pisses me off! Why???

Anyway, I figured I would just import my ME 2 Shephard over and it would not be a big deal, but doing do so brings up some glaring flaws. The two biggest are the fact that her hair is blond and her eyes are not green. Both can be adjusted of course, but how does Bioware let such a simple and obvious flaw slip through?

But the main thing is, her face just doesn't look like it did in ME 1 or 2 even with the import option and changing the hair and eye color. It's similar, but off. That's all I've been able to focus on while playing and watching the cut scenes. I feel like I'm going to have to spend a lot of time tweaking the sliders to get a better match which is really a pain.

Ashley looks off too. Very similar, but it's like Bioware wanted to make the female characters "sexier" at the expense of altering who they are visually. As dedicated as Ashley is to her Alliance career, it's not believable she would be walking around with her hair down like that. I also noticed Liars's breasts have been made much bigger than the previous two versions.

To some, these issues may not be a big deal, but after dedicating so many hours to this trilogy, it's a shame (to me) that Bioware messed with their own formula. Feels like a sellout decision. I'll assume Jack and Miranda look drastically different too, but I haven't gotten that far.

It's as bad as changing actors in tv shows and movies when the characters don't change. Dukes of Hazard, Airwolf, Fresh Prince. Even April O'Neil changed actresses from in the TMNT movies from the 80's/90's. So annoying!!!
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Old 03-10-2012, 04:24 PM   #103
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After doing some searching, I found a post by someone on the Bioware forums that was as "concerned" (haha) about this issue as I was. He posted a custom face code of a fem shep that looks as close to the ME 2 default shep as he could get it. Looks pretty good!

MASS_EFFECT 2 Default Female Shepard for ME 3

As close as I could get to her appearance in Mass Effect 2.


Original hair color/style does not exist and eye shape is slightly different.

Not an EXACT match, but close enough that I was pleased._ I tried to create my own Fem Shep back in ME1, but just settled on the Default because I couldn't make anything I liked more._ After playing through both games multiple times, I was very unhappy that I could not import into Mass Effect 3 properly._ The new Default is just fine, but simply not MY shepard._ I really like the default original Femshep and just couldn't part with her for ME3.

Just start a new game (import/new), choose custom appearance then copy and paste the facecode._ Pick your favorite hair color then you're good to go!_

Please make sure you try it out IN-GAME as the character creation screen does not do it justice.
Here are some Screenshots:
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Old 03-10-2012, 04:35 PM   #104
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well i beat it last night, was a good ride but you guys need to hurry up so i can complain about a few things
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Old 03-11-2012, 01:02 AM   #105
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Originally Posted by MrYac View Post
well i beat it last night, was a good ride but you guys need to hurry up so i can complain about a few things
That makes the two of us lol
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Old 03-11-2012, 09:58 AM   #106
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Quick replies:

I usually hate multiplayer games when they're not pure 2 person co-op with people I know. ME3 pretty fun, I've played a LOT of it. My biggest complaint is that it uses a "booster pack" system to unlock things.

I can appreciate Ashley's new hotness... It's just too bad the psudo-xednophobic unpleasant lady didn't survive this rounds me2 intro.

Jack doesn't look VASTLY different... and Miranda looks about the same.

I want absolutely NO response to this but... They better show Tali's face... She's been my favorite female throughout the first 2. And she better not die. I'll swear off future Bioware games if they kill her off.

Offer still stands if anybody wants to do some 360 multiplayer. Genericsmith88
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Old 03-11-2012, 11:15 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by Andrew View Post
To some, these issues may not be a big deal, but after dedicating so many hours to this trilogy, it's a shame (to me) that Bioware messed with their own formula. !!!
By the way, I'm right there with you.. between my three characters and the previous two games, and my several playthroughs on increasingly harder difficulties... I easily see myself having spent a couple hundred hours on the Mass Effect franchise since it debuted in '07.

It's been a fantastic ride.. the importing face f#ck-up is a huge negative, but that's something Bioware's probably scrambling to fix.. or maybe they'll provide something else because of it (like the first add-on's free, or something), but if it's not fixed.. I'll live.

I do remember how stoked I was to see my ME characters' faces "updated" into ME2, but how much further has facial tech gotten since then anyways? I'm sure it's been improved, but I'm not sure by how much.

Doing Citadel quests at the moment... they pulled out all the stops for the Citadel this time around. I like how the Keepers are mobile now, too.
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Old 03-11-2012, 11:17 AM   #108
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Oh.. and about the Reapers? The Sovereign-sized ones are still in the game, but those are mostly the stationary ones on the planets, or the Reapers you'll see in space. Bioware also made smaller Reapers, for player-combat reasons.. which is why I said "the Reapers look smaller".. because some of them are, but not all of 'em. Awesome.
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Old 03-11-2012, 11:43 AM   #109
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I too have invested a couple hundred hours into this franchise. Beat ME 1 four times and ME 2 twice. Both on insanity. I really just wish they would make the ME 1/2 default fem Shep an option even if the ME 3 default fem Shep is different. I guess EA told Bioware that Jane Shepard wasn't "sexy" enough. Idiots.

The game is still great otherwise. It's just hard watching my character when she looks so different. It's like I can't get as immersed in the game this time around.

It's an emotional investment too.
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Old 03-11-2012, 11:48 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by Andrew View Post
The game is still great otherwise. It's just hard watching my character when she looks so different. It's like I can't get as immersed in the game this time around.

It's an emotional investment too.
I feel your pain, man... I'm just glad my Femshep WAS a redhead, and her hairstyle is provided. I can't get back her wicked eyes and scars, but.. she's already well on her way to having those return.
I don't play her as being "evil", I play her as being "hardened". She still does Paragon (though predominantly Renegade) choices, but she looks out for herself, humanity, and her team (aliens included) first, and everyone else second.
She's also, appropriately, an Infiltrator.
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