View Full Version : Chun-Li skin tone/color

10-07-2011, 12:06 AM
As Jerry gets back relatively soon, I wanted to post a poll before Chun-Li has gone into production (assuming she hasn't already).

I read alot of comments regarding Chun-Li's (skin) color scheme, and although of course depicting her ethnicity, some people feel the new (skin) color/tone comes off as too "spray tanned"

I have made a poll to see who would prefer her with the previous "lighter" skin color/tone, and who is happy with this new "darker" one.

You can see how it looked previously in either of these videos from SDCC:



Jerry has a history of obliging fans with a certain request/detail if he feels it warrants the change, and also if it seems to be the consensus. However, this may be out of Jerry's hands given that the reason the skin tone was changed in the first place was because Capcom requested it.

I still love the PCS chun-li, but I myself found the original prototype skin tone beautiful and perfect. It looked more subtle and like an "olive complection" to me

10-07-2011, 04:10 AM
I agree with you, I also prefer the older one, but apparently as you said the request went from Capcom so I'm not sure if any changes can still be made...

Well the new tone is cool too but it's real she doesn't look a lot Chinese :thinking:

10-07-2011, 04:31 AM
maybe it will look better in hand when we get it...

10-10-2011, 02:49 AM
Well, I know Jerry likes to follow udon's style closely for the most part. Another thing is, if we take a look at any random udon - or 'udon inspired' - piece from google, in none of them does she look as dark ("spray tanned") as the new production piece:

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_eTB004d0cng/SYS4acd0olI/AAAAAAAAA5Y/IU0Hc9Ek5Wo/s400/chun-li01_01.jpg http://celebrity-photos.elliottback.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/chun-li.jpghttp://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51xWrggUwwL._.jpg


http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_eTB004d0cng/SYS4K-S0pXI/AAAAAAAAA5Q/vY5r0M7bMDI/s1600/chun-li01a.jpg http://www.deviantart.com/download/72134453/SF_Legends_Chun_Li_Issue_1_by_UdonCrew.jpg

It is a shame if Capcom are not willing to re-consider. Perhaps Jerry can correspond with them and let them know about the feedback from the fans (the forum), and they may give a bit of lead. From all of Jerry's previous PFs and the correspondance (w/capcom) he has shared with us, they have always gotten everything right (it is their property toknow best afterall) - it's part of what makes his pieces so accurate and has lead to a long continuous and frutiful series/relationship - but in this case, I think they should re-consider. I know not a great deal of people have voted (yet) - around 20 at the time of posting this - but the people who have voted are the ones who care and are most likely buying (or choosing not to buy) the product. 17 to 1 (so far) in favour of the old 'lighter' shade is a pretty significant ratio. I just think the original proto paint sample had it so right, especially basing it on the above pics (again - I chose any at random, all udon repsentations of chun-li are similar).. We've seen how nice it can look. Just wanting the definitive chun-li in our collections :)

11-08-2011, 07:10 AM
Bump for Jerry :D (jus 2 c results)

Won't resurrect the thread after this

11-08-2011, 01:55 PM
Doesn't bother me, I like the sculpt too much.