View Full Version : Foreshadow: Full Speed

12-27-2006, 11:07 PM
Hey Everybody! Hope you all had a great Xmas!!

On behalf of CREATIVE ELAMENTZ STUDIOS ( a small press comic publishing company I'm a part of) I'm proud to announce that our company's latest book FORE SHADOW: FULL SPEED is now up for pre-order on Amazon.com

For those of you who are curious, or just want to read bold stories with exciting new characters, feel free to shoot over to Amazon and check out my book.

If you need more convincing here's a small blurb about the book:

When time is dying and there’s no tomorrow to run to nine warriors from the past, present and future have to stand and fight … whether they want to or not.

Pulse pounding adventure and high octane action jump out of every panel in this 200 page anthology as Vigilance, Agilic, The Howler, Mean Streak, Cold Steel, Knight Shield, Jay Nova, Midnight Phantom and Gonz Force separately take on the chaos of “time’s shadow” to preserve life as we did, do and will know it.

Fore Shadow: Full Speed.

Brace for impact.

Thanks for reading!