View Full Version : Halo 3 edition 360 worth more in pieces

Endless Wake
10-09-2007, 11:57 PM
The system comes with only 1 green controller and you can't buy another so some sellers have started to sell them between $100-$200 on ebay. Imagine when the 20GB hard drives start to fill up and players want another gold colored one.

10-10-2007, 03:04 PM
In the UK, you can buy both Halo pads....

10-10-2007, 03:16 PM
Yeah, the Halo 3 edition is quite underwhelming. On a side note, I love the game, aside from the Jr. High inane dialog, and horrible voice "talent". Just finished it on Legendary in less than 12 hours the day before yesterday. :buttrock:

10-10-2007, 03:16 PM
I heard about this. I guess it will really "tick" those off who want two of the same controllers....but if you are someone who is really in love with the HALO concept enough that you'd buy the system that was made with the HALO skinz, then it might just be a better idea to get the HALO controllers that are out for sale. I think I saw them at BEST BUY for $64.99. There was one veriosn with the Master Chief and there was another with the Arbitor......They were cool pics......kinda like a comic book strip....

I also heard that this model platform comes from refurbished models from the first generation 20GB that were not sold...... Not sure if it's true or not, but I have chosen to not get one..