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Old 07-02-2009, 09:04 AM   #1
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The Mighty Reviews 7/2/09

Sam's Reviews

Captain America: Reborn #1 (of 5)
Marvel Comics
Written by: Ed Brubaker
Drawn by: Bryan Hitch & Butch Guice
Cover by: Bryan Hitch

Captain America has been dead for two years. At least that’s what we’re supposed to believe. Yes, his shield is hanging on Steven Colbert’s wall, Bucky, aka Winter Soldier is the new Captain America and he’s even in the New Avengers and has Falcon at his side (sort of) and most importantly everyone saw him get taken out by a sniper (or Sharon Carter, whatever) way back in issue #25. I’d just like to go on record by saying I never bought any of it for a New York freakin’ second. I’m not saying I had a problem with the story, quite the contrary, I was down with Bucky Cap and his supporting cast of the Black Widow (word), Sharon Carter and the Falcon, but seriously. No one ever dies in comics. Marvel, DC, whatever, and with all the publicity behind Cap’s “death” especially. Books got sold, and now it’s time to set things right. Probably this years worst guarded secret, Steve Rogers is coming back, and, well, I’m not surprised…

A couple of weeks ago in Captain America #600, Sharon Carter told Bucky-Cap and Sam Wilson there may be a way to bring Steve Rodgers back. It had something to do with the weapon used to assassinate Steve, a ray-gun type thing, a device Sharon didn’t even recall using until recently. In “Reborn”, the search for Steve Rodgers is on and we find out Steve Rodgers “death” may just be Steve Rodgers “displacement”, and Arim Zola, the Red Skull and Dr. Doom (and his time machine) are all neck deep in it. To find out more info Bucky-Cap and the Black Widow break into HAMMER’s helicarrier to dig through the remains of Arim Zola’s lab. Meanwhile, Sharon gives the ray gun to Hank Pym for closer examination, and Sharon fully brief’s him about the events surrounding Steve Rodgers death. Of course not everything goes according to plan and Steve’s whereabouts are a little complicated to say the least (think “Slaughter House Five”, thanks Ed Brubaker, for the little nod to that in the script)…

So Steve Rodgers probably isn’t dead, no one can say they are surprised. Brubaker’s script is tight as always, and Butch Guice isn’t my favorite but he’s fine. The game is afoot, and I will say Reborn is worth checking out (and a must-buy for Cap fans).

The Invincible Iron Man #15
Marvel Comics
Written by: Matt Fraction
Drawn by: Salvador Larroca

Tony Stark is public enemy #1. A quick recap, after the superhero civil war he became the nations national security czar, director of SHIELD, etc. etc. It all came crashing down after secret invasion. Tony Stark, set up by Norman Osborne, was made to look like the bad guy and now he’s public enemy #1. Norman Osborne has dedicated all the resources of his SHIELD bastardization HAMMER to finding him. Why? Mostly for show, ramping up the heat on Tony makes people forget Norman is a raging psychopath, and partially for the information stored in Tony’s head. All of Stark industries and SHIELD’s databases are in Tony’s head, he downloaded it all and now his brain is the only copy of that (to clarify, Tony has went a little cyber on us since the extremis thing, apparently he’s full of nanites or something like that). This information (which includes the secret identity of every super-hero out there) makes Tony a very dangerous man, and Osborn wants him under wraps and out of the picture. Tony’s only friends are Pepper Potts, the new CEO of Stark Industries and Maria Hill, ex-director of SHIELD and probably #2 (or top ten, at least) on Norman Osborne’s sh** list. On the run, completely depowered and cut off from most of his friends, Tony sounds pretty screwed. Screwed maybe, an easy target? Never…

Issue 15 finds us in part 8 of the “Most Wanted” storyline. Thus far, Pepper Potts has been given her own suit of armor by Tony, only to be used for defense to keep of Osborne’s sh** list Pepper uses it to help people, and still ends up on Osborne’s sh** list. Meanwhile Maria Hill is helping Tony Stark clean out his databases to keep them from Osborne and isn’t doing so hot on her own, but she’s managing. Recently, she touched base with the Black Widow to help her track down Captain America. While this is all going down Tony Stark is making his way around the globe putting his old armories out of commission, most recently his travels have taken him to Russia where he receives some help from the Crimson Dynamo. Madam Masque is hot on his trail though, and just caught up with him. All is not lost though, because Pepper Potts has made her way to Russia as well, which brings us to our current issue. The Black Widow thinks Maria Hill has lost all of her marbles and wants nothing to do with her, so they go at it a little and some HAMMER agents show up. Meanwhile, Madam Masque takes Pepper Potts hostage and wants to make Tony suffer for he’s ever done to her. If you didn’t think our heroes could be beat down anymore, well, they get there a**es kicked this issue and I have no idea how they are going to come out of it.

Invincible Iron Man is the best Tony Stark has had it for a long time. Fraction keeps the story tight and fast paced. Larroca has his critics, but I’ve always been a fan. Tony Stark is way, way cooler beat up and on the run and Maria Hill I felt never got the love she deserved and she shines in “Invincible”. I give this book my highest recommendation.

Last edited by wktf; 07-02-2009 at 09:33 AM. Reason: Included Hitch in the art credits.
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Old 07-02-2009, 09:05 AM   #2
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Dawg’s Reviews

Justice League: Cry for Justice #1 (of 6)
DC Comics
Written by: James Robinson
Drawn by: Mauro Cascioli

I saw the previews for this book and I was blown away by the art. I knew full well that it would feature at least Hal Jordan and Ollie together again, so it was a bit of a no brainer to at least pick up the first issue. I have gotten to the point where I never really expect much from mini series theses days. Let’s face it; they never truly have any lasting impact on the main continuity of a book. This one promises to be different according to writer James Robinson. I am inclined to believe him as he will be the upcoming scribe on the Justice League monthly title soon.

Hal Jordan has reached the end of his already short rope. The league has suffered many losses including Batman to Darkseid’s omega beams, and Martian Manhunter at the beginning of Final Crisis. Hal seems quite tired of the whole lather, rinse, and repeat routine that Superman and Wonder Woman seem to live by, in carrying on waiting for bad things to happen, so they can be fixed.

What Hal wants to do is live up to his potential, as THE peacekeeper cop in sector 2814, which includes Earth. He’s tired of being overshadowed by Superman, Wonder Woman, and previously Batman. He admits that because he is in awe of them, that he has held back to more of a tertiary role in the league. He swears that it has to end though and promises his version of justice will be more aggressive and proactive, rather than reactive.

Green Arrow; One of Hal’s oldest friends agrees and follows Hal as he storms out.

Immediately after that you can see where this story is being set up, by Robinson taking us to see various other members of what will become Hal’s “League”. We see individual stories of Ray Palmer Atom, Congorilla, Starman and see how sitting back and taking it has not worked out for them either. Aside from all of their cheesy last phrases in their stories of “I want Justice”, I would say it was a pretty decent set up for the characters motivations to this coming story.

It felt a little slow moving to me after the Hal Jordan part in the beginning, but with six issues to pen this tale, I suppose a even paced set-up issue, was in order.

Any slow pace dips were easily rectified by the amazing art of Mauro Cascioli. Did I say amazing? What I meant to say was brilliant… ah… is that better than amazing?

I am willing to give this mini a chance at least for another issue and it was quite enjoyable. Therefore it is my pick of the week.

Uncanny X-Men #513 (Utopia part 2)
Marvel Comics
Written by: Matt Fraction
Drawn by: Terry Dodson

UGH!!!! I was looking forward to this book so much this week after last week’s brilliant issue of Uncanny as well as the Utopia special kicking off the Dark Avengers, Uncanny crossover. Today as I write this review, I am not sure how I feel about it other than to say that maybe that’s the point. Perhaps Fraction has tried to piss us off with Making Emma seem to switch to Norman’s side with very little internal strife. Maybe I just am burnt out already on this whole “Dark” Marvel Universe. While it seems to be working well in the main Marvel U, I do tend to like having the X-Men operate on the outskirts and in their own world. I mean do we really need Dark X-Men? I know Emma’s original intention was to safeguard mutants no matter the cost, but somehow I don’t believe throwing in with Norman Osborn is the way to go… I am waiting for part 3 to calm me down with hopes that this is going somewhere other than Norman Osborn just gaining an even bigger slice of the Marvel U. I was almost beginning to respect Emma Frost and she had better be playing possum here…

So what do we have here? Well Norman has formed a squad of X-Men to be the public face of mutants. This is to keep order amongst the mutants as only Norman sees fit, since he has branded the X-Men and specifically Cyclops outlaws. Norman has called upon Emma to head up the team of X-Men as part of his earlier deal as seen in the illuminaughty special. This team consists of Emma, Namor, Daken (because not only do we have 4000 titles with Wolvie in them, now we need 2000 with his son posing as Wolvie), Mystique, Mimic, Dagger and Cloak (good call on these two) and the guy who took up the mantle of Guardian in Omega Flight.

Most of the issue was the highlighting of the new Dark X-Men and what they are meant to be. There was no internal monologue with Emma as to her seemingly betraying Scott (these two have more issue than he and Jean ever did)

Dodson’s art was per usual quite good and he always seems to excel far more at the feminine form, than he does the super hero male… but it was excellent as always.

So my feelings on this issue are mixed, and I know that multi-part stories are tough because they have to develop, but this issue did not really blow me away. It’s the first X-Men issue in awhile to not do that, so we’ll just have to wait to see where this story goes in its next installment in Dark Avengers.

Wktf’s Trade Review

Superman: Brainiac HC
DC Comics
Written by: Geoff Johns
Drawn by: Gary Frank
Cover by: Gary Frank

Having reviewed a bunch of Geoff John’s compiled work recently (Avengers: Red Zone, GL: Sinestro Crop vols. 1 & 2), Superman: Last Son) and, given how strong his works are, I thought I’d keep it going. Of all of Superman’s foes, Brainiac probably is the best known after Lex Luthor, and he’s appeared in various forms over the decades. In this most current, post Crisis John Byrne era of Superman, Big Blue’s encountered Brainiac in at least half a dozen different forms alone. But apparently, all those times Superman had never encountered the one true Brainiac, only his various probes. At least according to Superman’s cousin Kara, who was on Krypton when Brainiac appeared to imprison Kandor along with members of her family and friends.

When Brainiac’s probes come to Earth, easily identified as Brainiac’s, naturally Superman sets out into space to investigate. Kara’s visceral fear at the thought of this monster should tell us that this will not be the same Brainiac against whom Superman’s gone up before. And most certainly this is not. Johns and Frank re-imagine Brainiac as not only an extremely malevolent and dangerous creature, but an incredibly physically imposing and powerful one as well. This creature really is pretty scary and Superman, who casually walks right into Brainiac’s vessel clearly has no clue as to the fight he’s about to have on his hands. Like other versions of this villain, Brainiac is a collector and destroyer and, having found the Last Son of Krypton, he will stop at nothing to ensure Kal-El stays trapped with him forever.

At its core, this is a pretty simple story. As such, especially compared to Johns’ larger body of work, this one’s really a bit of a letdown following the more complicated and nuanced “Last Son” arc that began Johns’s brief run on Action Comics. Major threat comes to Earth, Superman rushes to confront it, threat is bigger than expected (Superman is pushed pretty far, actually), Superman and villain slug it out, Superman and villain slug it out some more, slug it out yet again and, in the end, villain is put down. At this time, though, it’s at great personal cost to our hero. As most know, a major death happens in this arc that brings the modern Superman in line with his historical incarnations…and even with his All-Star counterpart. As we’ve learned time and again, not even Superman can be everywhere at once and save everyone.

This story wasn’t really all that compelling to me. Gary Frank’s art is as solid as ever, but his line work is much softer than in his Incredible Hulk days that brought him so much fame. His character movements are a bit stiff and jerky, and he seems to try too hard to make Superman look like a normal guy in a costume much like Christopher Reeve. And this approach just doesn’t work as well. Plus, the constant duking it out with the villain makes the outcome feel a bit random, as if the fight could have gone either way and Superman just happened to get the upper hand, finally. In a way, I feel a bit cheated that Geoff Johns wrote this story as I feel any less talented writer could have put this one together. Add to this that Frank’s art doesn’t consistently capture the drama and power this story should have (with occasional bright, and some even gross, moments) and, in the end, this book just didn’t deliver for me. Priced at $19.99, this HC collects Action Comics #866-870 and Superman: New Krypton Special #1. But I’d say if you’re really set on picking it up, I’d wait for the TPB version, rather than spending more on the HC that may not be worth the price.

Last edited by wktf; 07-02-2009 at 09:44 AM. Reason: Added the Superman: Braniac HC Review
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Old 07-02-2009, 09:15 AM   #3
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Is it not Bryan Hitch on Reborn, rather than Butch Guice?

Cool stuff gents. I hope I enjoy Uncanny more than you Keith. I actually went back and picked up from 500 onwards based on your consistent recommendations, and have been enjoying the run. (Hey, I'm also picking up Invincibel Iron-Man because of you - you owe me 5 quid today!) The line-up of DXM has its strengths, and Daken. It could be fun. Though Norman Osborn needs to sack his PR, since all his teams get branded Dark. I suppose New had already gone. So had Ultimate. Alternative? v2.0? I'm surprised he didn't just revamp all the outfits in his favorite colours and rebrand them as Green Avengers and Green X-Men. With carbon neutral quinjets and blackbirds.
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Old 07-02-2009, 09:31 AM   #4
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It is Bryan Hitch, JDH. Guice's doing the inks.
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Old 07-02-2009, 09:46 AM   #5
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I've added a review of Geoff Johns & Gary Frank's "Superman: Braniac" HC. Work's nearly killed me this week so I couldn't even pick up books, much less review them, but I did have this review in storage to add to this week's mix.
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Old 07-02-2009, 09:58 AM   #6
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Allright i'm gonna say it " I am finally disappointed in Brubaker" . I have loved everything this guy has written over the last 5 years from Gotham central to Criminal but I feel he kinda "jumped the shark" here with Reborn # 1. I read it at my LCS and put it back on the shelf . Displaced in time huh? Does this look similar to what a certain Dark Knight at DC has been shown already to be. This just lacks originality and Bru can do better. It's comics I know and death is not absolute but i always feel time travel is a cop out, like when we were led to believe Mar-Vell had come back the same way I was pissed. Now we are led to believ that Cap is displaced as well. The thing with Batman at the end of Final Crisis was a teaser for a future story so fandom knows Bruce will come back and where he is, with Cap we were to assume he was dead until later. With so many ways for him to come back I feel this may be the weakest. Maybe i'm being too hard on Brubaker and hopefully he wil come through. Either way I'll probably get the trade when it comes out, and hope that is the only thing similar to Morrison's Final Crisis crapfest.
On another note GL Corps # 38 rocked. Tomasi really is on par with Johns when it comes to GL stories and once again those little blue guardians are quite the shysters.
And in Spawn # 193 Greg Capullo reminds everybody that he needs to be on something/anything big and on a regular basis, wow what great art his interiors have been missed. Great reviews guys next week Wednesday Comics # 1
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Old 07-02-2009, 10:58 AM   #7
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I have to agree with Kal-el about Reborn. It felt a bit flat, IMO. Brubaker's run on Cap has been great and I've always looked forward to each issue but the first issue felt like he was just going through the motions.

The Red Skull's plans for Doom's time platform seemed to be used as an easy out for this story vs it being part of a different plan. I had though the Skull was going to extract Sharon's baby, artificially age it and transfer his conciousness into it. Anyone else have similar theories?

Also, why the heck couldn't this have taken place in the regular series?" Are we going to be forced into reading limbo issues in the regular title until this miniseries wraps up? If Cap is skipping through the timestream, who did Thor conjure up for a heart-to-heart in his title? And is anyone else sick of seeing the Dark Avengers again?

You know, the more I write about this issue the more I realize I didn't care for it. I hope it picks up in issue #2.
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Old 07-02-2009, 11:17 AM   #8
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Cap's title is on hiatus during Reborn, after the Gene Colan issue 601.
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Old 07-02-2009, 11:34 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by JDH View Post
Cap's title is on hiatus during Reborn, after the Gene Colan issue 601.
Cool. Thanks.
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Old 07-02-2009, 11:47 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Jack8022 View Post
If Cap is skipping through the timestream, who did Thor conjure up for a heart-to-heart in his title?
This is EXACTLY what I am wondering... I do hope it is touched upon...
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