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Old 05-10-2015, 05:31 AM   #1101
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Wasn't Banner equally guilty? I think Jarvis locked Ulteon out of the net. But it's possible he still survives.

Originally Posted by jedi_don View Post
So why wasn't Tony Stark arrested at the end of the movie? It's absolutely unbelievable that no one died because of Ultron. At minimum, we directly saw Ultron killing Quicksilver. But hundreds and possibly thousands died despite all the evacuation. And Tony is fully responsible through negligence for Ultron's actions by creating Ultron. So he should have been arrested and jailed for crimes against humanity. Same goes for Banner, but he's in hiding.

Probably the weakest plot hole is that Ultron only existed in the physical bodies of Ultron and the Ultron bots. Ultron used the net to escape from the Avengers tower. So there's no copy of Ultron on the net? JARVIS did it, so why couldn't Ultron.
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Old 05-10-2015, 08:29 AM   #1102
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Originally Posted by ZenLogikos View Post
Can someone correct me if I'm wrong about this? Was the scene from the teaser trailer with Ultron saying "There are no strings on me..." missing from the movie? If I recall, didn't Ultron say that line during a totally different scene, and delivered differently?

If I'm not crazy on that point, then that's another problem I have with it. More than just a pet peeve, that's almost false advertising (ok, exaggeration). That is, even with the lips, that moment exhibited a tone that seems lost/changed from the trailer to movie. Ultron's body language, the way he moved and delivered that line, gave me hope when the lips didn't. Ultron ended up being the most Ultron-y when he first appeared as scrap.

Upon repeat viewings, expectations are gone, so maybe I'll appreciate Ultron more then. Hopefully.
I enjoyed the movie a bit more on a second viewing, but my issues (big and small) didn't go away. It was interesting watching with friends who hadn't seen it before, and getting their reaction. Still a fun summer blockbuster.

If I remember correctly, "there are no strings on me" is said at the end of the Stark party battle as the camera pans over Strucker's Segovia castle.

I agree that Ultron's most threatening /comic accurate look was as scrap at Stark's party.

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Old 05-10-2015, 11:21 AM   #1103
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I've been extremely busy in the past couple of days so I haven't had a chance to finish my video review of this film. But I really want to share the write up with you guys. Let me know what you think.

Avengers Age of Ultron Review

Back in 2012, Marvel Studios captivated the whole world with its first Avengers movie. It was a well-crafted film that not only showed that superhero movies could be very fun and entertaining, but also quite close in scope and scale to the comics. It was an epic undertaking that earned the relatively young studio a big pay-off critically and financially.

Following that success, here comes its highly anticipated sequel, riding on the back of one of the most extensive and ferocious publicity campaigns of all times. But is the second installment as good, or even better than the original film? Or can its larger starring cast and multi-million dollar budget set it on a level of its own? Well, there is only one way to find out, and we are heading straight there to get those answers.


The movie begins action packed and the fast pace is maintained throughout the film. From the first moment as in an amusement park, we are welcome to an exhilarating and enticing ride. It is definitely a great start worthy of a blockbuster film.

It is good to note that Josh Whedon is a great director and he knows how to pay homage to the Marvel Universe, even after the painful but necessary deviations from the original story. Marvel purists can rest assured that the most important traits of their beloved characters are left untouched.

The film feels like an Avenger story for sure. Characters are well defined and their chemistry is undisputed. Much of these actors and actresses have been at this for the past 7 years, so their interactions with one another feel for the most part very fluid.

The fights and the CGI are really spectacular. Surely, the technology applied is the best the filming industry can offer. Watching Hulk vs the Hulkbuster, and War Machine fighting alongside Iron Man will make you even jiggle with joy.

One of the greatest things of the film is the high level of fan service. Although the movie is directed towards a wider audience, it definitely provides a good amount of Easter eggs for comic book fans. It is also a family friendly film, so it is safe for everyone to watch.

One of the most important elements of the movie is that it showcases the Marvel cinematic Universe coming together. We can clearly see the direction the franchise is heading to and what is ahead. These are certainly exciting days for all of us.


Sadly, there are many subplots in the story and subsequently the main plot gets lost in the middle. This is disappointing, specially, when the name of the film is “Age of Ultron”. For the most part it feels less than than the title, and more about the state of mind and psychology of each character. There is even an unconventional romance between two important characters that feels forced and unnatural. These heavily melodramatic moments are certainly not the best part of the film.

In trying to tight the Universe and upcoming sequels together, the movie gets forced to have extra scenes that at the end are unnecessary and a hindrance to the main story. Most of these scenes could have been easily left out to improve the quality of the storytelling. By now, most viewers are well aware of the franchise, its main characters and their personal stories.

Although jokes are funny for the most part, many are bouncing off from one another at the most inappropriate times. The necessary tension is cut more than often by these bits of light humor, leaving you with a sense of unfulfilled satisfaction.

Also, in trying to maintain the family friendly rating, you get the impression that the movie holds back from its true potential. Personally, I am a fan of superhero movies that appeal to all ages, but I believe that a story should stand on its own merits and without the restrictions of mandatory crutches. A family friendly film can be entertaining without feeling dull or shallow.

Ultron as a villain leaves a lot to be desired as well. Due to the length of the film, his origin is rushed and poorly explained. The character is emotional, egotistical and childish. He is too philosophical at times but without proper focus. Although I like James Spader as the criminal “Red” Reddington in “The Blacklist”, it is hard for me to see him as Ultron. For the most part, He is disconnected, uninteresting and even his voice does not match the character on screen.

Honorable mentions:

It is important to note that Hawkeye played by Jeremy Renner finally takes a front seat. He is no longer the guy with the bow and the arrow, but the guy that is ready to fight for what is right and for his friends. His performance is definitely one of the greatest highlights of the film.

Elizabeth Olsen, the younger sister of the Olsen twins is a delight as Wanda Maximoff, The Scarlet Witch. She does not have many lines to say, but she fits the character well. She certainly has a lot of potential within this cinematic universe in the years to come.

Vision is masterfully portrayed by Paul Bethany who also plays the voice of JARVIS. His demeanor and his speech are right on point. His appearance and representation are taken straight out of the comics.


All in all, Avengers Age of Ultron is a good movie but not without its faults. Sadly, these faults are self-inflicted wounds caused largely by the great success of the franchise as a whole. In the last decade, we have seen the Marvel cinematic Universe grow and expand in a dramatic way. We have witnessed the rise of super heroes that were for the most part relegated to comic books. This new found level of pop fame puts these movies under the public microscope. It makes the job of the studio a difficult task and a treacherous path to navigate in order to please the crowds. It also limits the capacity of these films to break cinematic ground while appealing to its wide mixed audience.

Although this is a well-produced film, it fails to captivate the attention the same way the first movie did. Even with its larger and very talented cast, it falls short from its true objectives. It is certainly fun and entertaining, but not memorable or one step above previous films. Unfortunately, the movie feels more like a bridge or an intermission rather than a stand-alone film. The final result is somehow disappointing, specially, when movies like Captain America “First Avenger” and “The Winter Soldier” are great examples of what can be achieved in this regard. Ultimately, “Age of Ultron” is a good addition to the marvel collection, but not one of a kind film. Hopefully the next one can rectify the shortcomings.

Final score: 7 / 10 - Good
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Old 05-10-2015, 12:10 PM   #1104
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Second viewing coming up in hours in IMax - Mom's choice to mark Mother's day!

Having said that wtf was Ultron concerned with discrediting/ not making martyrs of the Avengers for when he was going to eradicate life on the planet anyways?
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Old 05-10-2015, 12:52 PM   #1105
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I had my first viewing of the film yesterday and spent the rest of the day and this morning digesting how I felt about it. JP's review pretty much sums it up for me. It's a worthy sequel but like JP said it fell short in several areas. I plan to see it again before it leaves the theater so maybe my opinion might change after a second viewing.

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Old 05-10-2015, 07:17 PM   #1106
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JPSarri, you pretty much nailed it, imo. 7/10 is what I gave it as well, Avengers being 8/10.

The only point is disagree slightly with is Spader. My issue isn't with him specifically, but more with the writing and tone (and possibly more added metallic voice effects). Spader is more than capable of delivering the goods, I believe.

Regardless, well done!
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Old 05-10-2015, 09:40 PM   #1107
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Originally Posted by Viper245 View Post
I had my first viewing of the film yesterday and spent the rest of the day and this morning digesting how I felt about it. JP's review pretty much sums it up for me. It's a worthy sequel but like JP said it fell short in several areas. I plan to see it again before it leaves the theater so maybe my opinion might change after a second viewing.

I had the same issue. It took me a few days to digest the whole thing. The movie has certainly much to talk about. Good and bad.

Originally Posted by ZenLogikos View Post
JPSarri, you pretty much nailed it, imo. 7/10 is what I gave it as well, Avengers being 8/10.

The only point is disagree slightly with is Spader. My issue isn't with him specifically, but more with the writing and tone (and possibly more added metallic voice effects). Spader is more than capable of delivering the goods, I believe.

Regardless, well done!
I like Spader too. He is a great actor. I also think that his voice needed to sound more robotic. A simple solution with some basic audio editing effect that the studio failed to implement.

In my opinion, some of the excess in the story (subplots and extra scenes) needed to be left out to give room for the development of the character. After all, "Avengers: Age of Ultron" means that the movie is all about the struggle against the villain, and not about the team personal struggles. At the end of the movie, my wife put it in very simple words; this should be a superhero story and not a melodrama. I definitely agree with her practical but unbiased perspective.
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Old 05-10-2015, 10:53 PM   #1108
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Originally Posted by Bullseye View Post
Wasn't Banner equally guilty? I think Jarvis locked Ulteon out of the net. But it's possible he still survives.
I think Banner is just as culpable. But he's like mint jelly because he's on the lamb.
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Old 05-10-2015, 11:30 PM   #1109
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Second viewing and still a solid 7/10. A very visually pleasing film with tons of candy for my fanboy self. That said the film as a cohesive narrative falls short with so much of the run time leveraged for the sake of setting up future films. I would have preferred they stripped much of that away and showcased a slower and more involved evolution of Ultron's psyche from peackeeper to executioner. They should have gone TWS' route in that the story they needed to tell was told and the pieces of the MCU move on from what happened during a single, cohesive film.

I also had a huge problem with the "neat bow" for this one. It played out very Disney, happily ever after at the end. So much so that Pietro's sacrifice didn't have the gravitas it should have; to be honest he should have lived to keep with the approach and tone if Act 3. The perfectly clean evacuation scenarios, the ever present vacant buildings, and SHIELD spontaneously resurrecting, and functioning so to ensure nary a civilian is harmed was a bit forced for me. (FTR I do watch AoS and the helicarrier in storage was fairly tacked on there as well IMHO). I honestly made me appreciate a bit of WB's unapologetic and seemingly cold take with aspects of MoS,it felt more organic and natural in retrospect.

I do still really enjoy the film for what it is but it is not "the greatest film EVAR" as proclaimed across Twitter.

Last edited by Matches Malone; 05-10-2015 at 11:32 PM.
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Old 05-10-2015, 11:41 PM   #1110
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Oh yeah and the Vision..... Absolutely perfect in every frame in both look and character
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