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Old 04-22-2006, 02:37 AM   #21
curmudgeon Mod
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Originally Posted by Tommy Allison
It's okay Rising Star. They won't be for too long. I think there will be a huge backlash, and there will be a huge demand for Venezuelan oil. Especially since Hugo Chavez is trying to do the job that OUR president won't do, which is to get Americans cheap oil and gas.
I'd like to hear what anyone thinks "should" be done to lower gas to say, less than $2 gallon. ANWR? That'll be years before that comes to fruition. How about BAN any car that can't get 30 to 35 miles / gallon from the roads? Let's BAN all auto racing events (such a waste of gas). Love to hear ideas/suggestions.
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Old 04-22-2006, 03:05 AM   #22
Tommy Allison
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How about, Oh... I don't know... Buy gasoline from Venezuela. It's easier, cheaper, better quality, and.... AND... would benefit the impoverished people of Venezuela.

Call me crazy
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Old 04-22-2006, 07:45 AM   #23
Curt Chiarelli
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Originally Posted by nbr3bagshotrow
I'd like to hear what anyone thinks "should" be done to lower gas to say, less than $2 gallon. ANWR? That'll be years before that comes to fruition. How about BAN any car that can't get 30 to 35 miles / gallon from the roads? Let's BAN all auto racing events (such a waste of gas). Love to hear ideas/suggestions.

Okay, I'll take up the gauntlet. This list is by no means comprehensive as I have a lot more detailed plans as to what needs to be done to help alleviate the situation.

#1 - It's the duty of the President to order the oil corporations to quit price gouging. Even Bush #41 did that back in 1991 even though it probably conflicted with his own private interests. Not so with Junior. Thus we underline some of the major differences between the two generations.

#2 - Government reform. No member of higher office shall allow their private business affairs to conflict with that of the nation's welfare. That means those Halliburton stock options would have to be jettisoned by old D*ckie Boy if he wanted to be Vice President.

#3 - Make conviction of government corruption charges a capitol offense. Personally, I would enjoy seeing the executions carried out on national TV - kinda like the idea Dubya was kicking around while he was occupying the governor's mansion in Texas . . . . only this time the retarded person getting snuffed would be him.

#4 - With all that pork barrel cleared up, we should have some extra spending money rattling around in the budget - to the tune of billions. Use it as an incentive to inventors. Offer a large federal reward to the individuals who invent practical and clean alternative energy sources.

#5 - Institute government regulation of the oil industry.

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Old 04-22-2006, 08:55 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Curt Chiarelli
Okay, I'll take up the gauntlet. This list is by no means comprehensive as I have a lot more detailed plans as to what needs to be done to help alleviate the situation.

#1 - It's the duty of the President to order the oil corporations to quit price gouging. Even Bush #41 did that back in 1991 even though it probably conflicted with his own private interests. Not so with Junior. Thus we underline some of the major differences between the two generations.
Opec doesn't care what Americans think. And sadly, the world has changed since 1991.

Originally Posted by Curt Chiarelli

#2 - Government reform. No member of higher office shall allow their private business affairs to conflict with that of the nation's welfare. That means those Halliburton stock options would have to be jettisoned by old D*ckie Boy if he wanted to be Vice President.

Highly unlikely that an American politician today would ever be allowed to get that high up in power without owing a few favors to the wrong people or being the type to indulge these money hungry types from the get-go.

Originally Posted by Curt Chiarelli
#3 - Make conviction of government corruption charges a capitol offense. Personally, I would enjoy seeing the executions carried out on national TV - kinda like the idea Dubya was kicking around while he was occupying the governor's mansion in Texas . . . . only this time the retarded person getting snuffed would be him.

Americans live in a world where the guy who Chaney shot in the face apologizes to Chaney at a press conference for being in the way. That sounds like a pretty clear message to me.

Originally Posted by Curt Chiarelli

#4 - With all that pork barrel cleared up, we should have some extra spending money rattling around in the budget - to the tune of billions. Use it as an incentive to inventors. Offer a large federal reward to the individuals who invent practical and clean alternative energy sources.

If I create a new, cheaper, and cleaner source of fuel, I would be hunted down and killed before it would ever see the light of day, as would any one who may even have a hint of what I was up to... Whether we like it or not, the world economy depends upon the overindulgence and self absorbed lifestyle of Americans who just so happen to use 50% of the world's oil.

Making gas more expensive is making people use less gaz... While not the greatest or easiest way to go about things, it still is a step in the right direction....

Originally Posted by Curt Chiarelli
#5 - Institute government regulation of the oil industry.


The goverment should offer better, more balanced, and affordable education (so more people can read and write). Bring on a more socialized form of medicare (so people don't have to pay through the nose to take both themselves and their kids for regular check ups). This does wonders for most countries in the world who don't view health care as a way to become rich.

Most importantly, allow more people to have access to their political representatives. They're way too untouchable now. People have lost faith in the system. The average American doesn't believe anyone is accountable for their misdeeds. The country is in a state of learned helplessness. Many feel victimized by a global community who berades them and by a government who doesn't seem to care about them.
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Old 04-22-2006, 09:03 AM   #25
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What the world needs is a good old bonafide Alien invasion of some kind. That would certainly get every one to start thinking about working together...
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Old 04-22-2006, 09:24 AM   #26
Tommy Allison
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Let's see here...

We spend BILLIONS on education and yet they continue to lower standards to make sure that every child's self-esteem stays intact, and yet, they can't seem to thrive. Do you really want a government mandated program that enforces mediocrity and maintains the level of ignorance and rewards abject stupidity? Because that is EXACTLY what we are doing now. Home Schooling is the only REAL answer to the educational problem in America. Doing away with the unions and largesse of the Department of Education is the only real way to bring change to our classrooms. Merit based pay does nothing but encourage teachers and other faculty to diminish standards in order to raise the number of passing grades. THIS DOES NOTHING BUT DILUTE THE INTELLECT OF A FUTURE ELECTORATE!!!

We spend BILLIONS on entitlement programs for everyone, and yet the only people who can't afford health care are the people who actually work for a living. Yes, I'd like to be able to take my kid to the doctor or dentist, but must I do it at the expense of others? Since when is it someone else's responsibility to take care of MY child's needs? It's nobody else's responsibility. It's MINE. If I bring a child into this world it is MY responsibility to make sure that child thrives, and is healthy.

We send BILLIONS of American Tax Dollars to so called impoverished countries who hate us, but expect our grace and currency who just so happen to be extremely wealthy in natural resources. I imagine if we cut off the gravy train they might start respecting us. ESPECIALLY those who we've treated with kid gloves far too long.

We SPEND BILLIONS of dollars to OPEC nations who take that money in turn and fund militant terrorist groups and build palaces and what not with their obscene wealth for a natural resource that is in no way scarce. Considering that they trade GOLD instead of our dollars for oil in the middle east, it's no wonder we're a joke to them.

We do not hold anyone accountable for anything in this country because to do that is to be prejudiced, and judgemental, and that's just not politically correct in this day and age. We can thank pop psychology, and the braindead morons who think that by doing away with dialogue by dictating what is acceptable wording, we'll have a better world. What a joke...

We cannot seem to call a thing a thing for fear of our litigious society's rancor and penchant for destroying those who upset the applecart of political correctness.

The quickest way to fix this country, is to take the safetys off of everything and let naturaly selection take its course. Make people accountable for their own lives. Once you do that, they'll start making their leadership accountable. Because Misery makes people incredibly intolerant of others who make living difficult.

My idea of government goes back to a time when politics was a part time job. Back prior to 1913, government was a part time gig where representatives only were in session when needed and had to live in their respective communities where they had to deal with the laws they passed. By centralizing all that crap to Washington DC, they've insulated themselves from the people they're paid to represent. Do you think for one minute that if you didn't have to live with the people who you've defied, that you'd worry about what they thought? Besides, after all, it's not YOUR money you're spending, it's THEIRS!!!

We live this way because it's important that the average citizen feel an over developed sense of entitlement. An over developed sense of helplessness which is taught in the grade schools all the way up through High School. There's a book that is being read to Kindergartners in the Twin Cities about a baby duck that gets separated from his flock and how he is nothing without the love and approval of the group and how he must work to stay with the group. AS OPPOSED TO THE LESSON THAT BEING AN INDIVIDUAL SOMETIMES IS BETTER!!! I've seen whole flocks of ducklings run over by a car. Maybe it's okay that an individual duck NOT follow the rest of the flock. That of course is NATURAL SELECTION.

As far as a Global Community, That's laughable. The Global Community is more like the Global Welfare system with the United States Taxpayer as the sugar daddy of the world. We're there with the cash whenever someone has a tragedy, or whenever some tinpot dictator needs a new mercedes. A GLOBAL COMMUNITY DOES NOTHING BUT BRING EVERYONE DOWN TO THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR. Can you imagine paying taxes to a world government where you'd have to bring the primitive peoples of the world into a modern civilized culture? The cost of let's say taking Sub Saharan Africa and bringing them into the 21st century would bankrupt every 1st world nation in the world. That's just ONE area of the world that's full of primitive people. Take a look at Mexico, Central and South America. Lot's of tribal people living the way they have for the last 4000 years. Mind blowing isn't it? That we live in the 21st century, have put people on the moon, and yet we have people living the same way they have for the last 4000 years, that have no idea what a television is, let alone toilet paper.

Am I a victim? Yes, I am. Why? Because I pay taxes without representation to a government that has nobody's best interest at heart but their own.
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Old 04-22-2006, 04:39 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Curt Chiarelli
Okay, I'll take up the gauntlet. This list is by no means comprehensive as I have a lot more detailed plans as to what needs to be done to help alleviate the situation.

#1 - It's the duty of the President to order the oil corporations to quit price gouging. Even Bush #41 did that back in 1991 even though it probably conflicted with his own private interests. Not so with Junior. Thus we underline some of the major differences between the two generations.

#2 - Government reform. No member of higher office shall allow their private business affairs to conflict with that of the nation's welfare. That means those Halliburton stock options would have to be jettisoned by old D*ckie Boy if he wanted to be Vice President.

#3 - Make conviction of government corruption charges a capitol offense. Personally, I would enjoy seeing the executions carried out on national TV - kinda like the idea Dubya was kicking around while he was occupying the governor's mansion in Texas . . . . only this time the retarded person getting snuffed would be him.

#4 - With all that pork barrel cleared up, we should have some extra spending money rattling around in the budget - to the tune of billions. Use it as an incentive to inventors. Offer a large federal reward to the individuals who invent practical and clean alternative energy sources.

#5 - Institute government regulation of the oil industry.

You'd make a great politician. Speak alot without really coming up with an answer.

"#1 - It's the duty of the President to order the oil corporations to quit price gouging." Go sit outside one of your local gas stations and watch them raise the per gallon price of their gas and you'll notice they probably haven't received a new shipment of gas. Did their supply of gas they received a week or so ago suddenly cost them more? So, is the oil company gouging us or the local franchised gas station owner?

"#2 - Government reform. No member of higher office shall allow their private business affairs to conflict with that of the nation's welfare. That means those Halliburton stock options would have to be jettisoned by old D*ckie Boy if he wanted to be Vice President." And that is going to lower the price of gas to $2 per gallon how?

"#3 - Make conviction of government corruption charges a capitol offense." Geez, while were at it how about doing the same thing for Murderers (none of this life without parole crap), Rapists, Child Abusers, Enron executives, and shoplifters. Again, how does that get the price of gas below $2/gallon.

"#4 - With all that pork barrel cleared up, we should have some extra spending money rattling around in the budget - to the tune of billions. Use it as an incentive to inventors" This is probably the closest thing you have to an idea but the stuff mentioned above isn't "Pork Barrel". Go to Citizens agains Government Waste to see where all the "Pork Barrel" is. But again, it would be years before anything substantial comes out from inventors to make any dent in our gas usage.

"#5 - Institute government regulation of the oil industry." Yep, we saw what government regulation did and still does for the Electric Utility industry. Stagnation. It was next to impossible to get new plants built (nuclear, coal, or hydroelectric) because of all the government regulation. Let's take governement regulation a step further. I think we should regulate the statue industry. A bust probably costs about $7 to make and a FS about $20? Let's fix the prices to no more than 200% profit on either. That way we can all afford to be completists!

"And last - but not least - the American public should GET OFF THEIR GODDAMNED BACKSIDES, GET THEIR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT AND VOTE RESPONSIBLY" This is a typical response from anyone on both sides of the fence. Someone doesn't vote the way you (and that's the generic you) think it should be and they aren't voting reponsibly.

I'm still waiting for someone to come up with some "real" suggestions on how to get gas below $2/gal. Alot of comments about what the preseident should do but no suggestions. Not that I really expected to hear any. Even the Sunday morning political talk shows don't have anyone with suggestions. It's always, "Something must be done".
Snakes! Why'd it have to be snakes?
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Old 04-22-2006, 08:20 PM   #28
Curt Chiarelli
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Originally Posted by nbr3bagshotrow
You'd make a great politician. Speak alot without really coming up with an answer.

"#1 - It's the duty of the President to order the oil corporations to quit price gouging." Go sit outside one of your local gas stations and watch them raise the per gallon price of their gas and you'll notice they probably haven't received a new shipment of gas. Did their supply of gas they received a week or so ago suddenly cost them more? So, is the oil company gouging us or the local franchised gas station owner?

"#2 - Government reform. No member of higher office shall allow their private business affairs to conflict with that of the nation's welfare. That means those Halliburton stock options would have to be jettisoned by old D*ckie Boy if he wanted to be Vice President." And that is going to lower the price of gas to $2 per gallon how?

"#3 - Make conviction of government corruption charges a capitol offense." Geez, while were at it how about doing the same thing for Murderers (none of this life without parole crap), Rapists, Child Abusers, Enron executives, and shoplifters. Again, how does that get the price of gas below $2/gallon.

"#4 - With all that pork barrel cleared up, we should have some extra spending money rattling around in the budget - to the tune of billions. Use it as an incentive to inventors" This is probably the closest thing you have to an idea but the stuff mentioned above isn't "Pork Barrel". Go to Citizens agains Government Waste to see where all the "Pork Barrel" is. But again, it would be years before anything substantial comes out from inventors to make any dent in our gas usage.

"#5 - Institute government regulation of the oil industry." Yep, we saw what government regulation did and still does for the Electric Utility industry. Stagnation. It was next to impossible to get new plants built (nuclear, coal, or hydroelectric) because of all the government regulation. Let's take governement regulation a step further. I think we should regulate the statue industry. A bust probably costs about $7 to make and a FS about $20? Let's fix the prices to no more than 200% profit on either. That way we can all afford to be completists!

"And last - but not least - the American public should GET OFF THEIR GODDAMNED BACKSIDES, GET THEIR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT AND VOTE RESPONSIBLY" This is a typical response from anyone on both sides of the fence. Someone doesn't vote the way you (and that's the generic you) think it should be and they aren't voting reponsibly.

I'm still waiting for someone to come up with some "real" suggestions on how to get gas below $2/gal. Alot of comments about what the preseident should do but no suggestions. Not that I really expected to hear any. Even the Sunday morning political talk shows don't have anyone with suggestions. It's always, "Something must be done".

Number3 there were a lot of solid concepts in my posting. You just decided to ignore them for what they are.

You still can't seem to make the connection between the price gouging the American public is experiencing and the corruption of the individuals running the government. Or can you? Allow me to guide you on the road to enlightenment:

If you read some of my most recent postings on this subject you would be informed that Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez has offered to peg his national oil production at $50.00 a barrel - a nation with proven reserves greater than what the Saudi's have at present.

A much better deal, but is Washington jumping at this bait to alleviate the gas crisis? Hell no! And you know why? Because we can't bully him around, because we're not pulling the puppet strings. The man's got our number, he knows how America has manipulated, exploited and abused their southern neighbors for decades and refuses to allow it to happen to Venezuela. Sure he's a jerkwater socialist tyrant who implements specious legal manuevers to confiscate land from the wealthy and upper middle classes - but hey, we've done business with far worse thieves in the past. Far, far worse. (Shall I spur your memory for you, limiting myself to only those placed in power and underwritten by Dubya's daddy when he was the director of the C.I.A.? Can you say Manuel Norriega and Saddam Hussein?)

And let's not forget that the Bush family has ties with the House of Saud going back decades. So, Saudi oil it is.

Even as I write this, Paul Wolfowitz and the World Bank are engineering a dispute with the Chadian government over payments owed them for their oil - further torqueing the High Demand/Low Supply dynamic and closing off all other options for alternative crude acquisitions so that American corporate profits are increased three times over every year.

And so the American people continue to suffer. But it's still all for the best, of course. D*ckie Boy needs artificial aid to get it up nowadays due to his heart medication, but looking at his Halliburton stock portfolio per anum value climb at a geometric progression gives him the stiffy of the century. America is biting the pillow so that D*ck can engorge his flacid member and feel like a man again.

This is just one of many issues that point to the truth of Bush's underlying agenda.

Furthermore, many of your comments have the noted tendency of railroading into non sequitor arguments (just what does executing someone for shoplifting have to do with the main thrust of this discussion?) All civil servants take an oath to SERVE and UPHOLD the principles and welfare of our nation. To do otherwise on such a premeditated, grand and wholly destructive scale (as Georgie and D*ck have), to undermine the wellbeing of a vast proportion of her citizens for personal profit can legally be contrued as treasonous acts - and therefore one that can be punished by the death penalty.

I suspect that your circumvallation of this and many other general ideas I presented in my post is just your way of justifying the "Greed is Good", "Might Makes Right" and "F*ck You Jack, I got Mine" mentality that is so appallingly rife in the Bush administration.

America has splintered off into two distinct camps: those who want to roll-up their sleeves and engineer a better society and those, for reasons of personal avarice or moral laxity, want to see the status quo maintained. I am solidly in the former camp. And thus we see the source of friction between us. Of course, this forum is hardly the most appropriate arena to post fully developed concepts and plans - to do so would run into many hundreds of pages . . . . and you know it. Nonetheless, it can be done, it needs to be done and if it isn't done soon then all of your juicy stock holdings, Number3, aren't going to be an ample bulwark between you and the disasters to come.

And as for becoming a politician, I wouldn't last a New York Minute. I suffer from a severe condition called integrity with complications due to a high IQ.
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Old 04-22-2006, 08:38 PM   #29
Curt Chiarelli
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Originally Posted by risingstar
What the world needs is a good old bonafide Alien invasion of some kind. That would certainly get every one to start thinking about working together...

Hi Rising Star:

An alien invasion would be about the only thing able to provide the proper incentive to unite and realize our shared heritage as a species. Either that or Allison's zombie apocalypse scenario . . . .

All humour aside, as for the rest of your response, is such defeatism truly reflective of your beliefs or are you merely playing Devil's Advocate?
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Old 04-22-2006, 08:39 PM   #30
lord odin
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Originally Posted by risingstar
What the world needs is a good old bonafide Alien invasion of some kind. That
would certainly get every one to start thinking about working together...
My vote goes to the Russians bring back the cold war.
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