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Old 11-20-2016, 07:36 PM   #391
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Originally Posted by xXx View Post
Neither a Marvel or DC book, and Don't know if anyone posted on this book! But, I just finished reading this, if you love the Lone Ranger, Here's a Really Good book to pick up and read, The Lone Ranger Omnibus Vol.1! Brett Matthews, Sergio Cariello, Paul Pope and John Cassady did a really good job in creating this story, Several surprises in the book and if you know any of the Lone Ranger history, they even hint of a Future hero in the story! And not bad for $26 dollars on amazon!
Good call. In The Mighty Reviews I consistently gave this series my highest rating every issue. Here's an example:

Last edited by wktf; 11-20-2016 at 07:51 PM.
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Old 11-20-2016, 08:27 PM   #392
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
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Originally Posted by wktf View Post
Good call. In The Mighty Reviews I consistently gave this series my highest rating every issue. Here's an example:
I see that your review was in 2010! Was #25 the last issue or did they continue the series? Also, thinking of picking up the Lone Ranger Death of Zorro tp, do you know if this is any good?
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Old 11-20-2016, 11:35 PM   #393
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Originally Posted by xXx View Post
I see that your review was in 2010! Was #25 the last issue or did they continue the series? Also, thinking of picking up the Lone Ranger Death of Zorro tp, do you know if this is any good?
They did continue the series but with a new creative team. Ande Parks, normally a solid writer, just couldn't carry the series and it ended after an extended run. Was never as good as when the original team was on it. Never read Death of Zorro.
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Old 11-21-2016, 06:59 AM   #394
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The First Born & The Broken Trinity deluxe Edition Written by Ron Marz, Art by Stjepan Sejic and others.

It was fun, i liked it overall. In The Top Cow universe, the light is as bad as the dark. Acutally dark is somewhat nicer. lol My point to the book is 7/10

The First Born Part of The Book: The Darkness, Jackie Estacado impregnated The Witchblade Sara Pezzini (the balance between Light (Angelus) and Dark (The Darkness) ) and this started a war for Sara's baby, whoever has the baby will win the eternal struggal between light and dark. (and whoever wins the humantiy lose cause neither Angelus (even if she's an angel) nor The Darkness are good) The Darkness host Jackie didn't have much of an interest in wining against The Angelus actually, but Angelush is pretty obssesed with this. They had their war, Magdalena involved too and Witchblade sided with the father of her baby The Darkness... and in the end the new born baby saved the day lol. Angelus was almost triumpth, grabed the baby and she was like '' woohooo !!!! i won !! i won !!!!'' but the baby started to glow or something and the light coming from the baby totally oblitrated The Angelus. (It seems the baby didn't like her lol) Sara got her baby and everything was fine again. Story has its issues like; ok, they both want the baby, the light and dark but if the baby will oblitrate the angelus (the light) when the angelus get the baby, how can she (the light) ever win ? may be The Darkness knew this all along so The Darkness made the baby... i don't know, if it turns out something like this in the future, the story will make more sense, i guess. But this doesn't matter cause i had alot of fun reading the story and looking at the absolutely gorgeous art of Stjepan Sejic. Other artists were good too.

Broken Trinity Part of The Book: This Story was about the two new artifacts. Both of them are neclaces, one is fire and the other is ice and like The Angelus and The Darkness, they are in struggel against each other. Jackie hired an Irish guy to secretly follow Sara and The Baby around to protect them. Sara being a cop realised that she was followed... so she cought the irish guy in The Curator's shop and told him to stay away. Then went her own bussines. The Irish guy wandered in the shop (thinking what a weird place and stuff) and the Curator came and gave him a necklace, The Glacier Stone which gives the bearer the power of ice, turns him into a giant and there is The Ember Stone necklce and it was found by a red haired nordic woman in a cave in Norway... it give the bearer the power of fire and turn her into a dragon and eternal enemies resurfaced again with new bearers.The red haired Ember Stone bearer woman got in to plane to America to find The Glacier Stone bearer and kill him. And She had a new bigger agenda too, gethering the 13 artifacts to reshape the world. (acording to what The Curator told; there are 13 Artifacts and if they are brought together, they can reshape the world which means Armagedon and stuff. The usual lol) When she got close to The Glacier stone bearer, she felt him and turned in to a dragon in the plane and killed everyone... The Glacier Stone bearer irish guy was with Jackie at the time and Angelus was there to kill Jackie cause Jackie and The Darkness were in bad terms so Jackie was weak, so Angelus followed him. It was a good opportunity for The Angelus. Witchblade was there too. lol She came because of the complains from the inhabitants of the neighborhood that there was a snow gaint around. lol Patric Gleason came with Witchblade too, cause they are partners. So... Ember Stone bearer came and she was like ''i'm gonna kill you The Glacier Stone bearer and everyone started to fight... the angelus's angels, witch blade, The Glacier Stone Bearer, The Ember Stone Bearer and The Darkness. In the end, Angelus kicked the ember Stone bearer's butt with some angel light attack or something and she was out of the picture. Then The Angelus focused on The Darkness who was stabed with a spear... she was about the finish him but Patric Gleason came to help and stabed Angelus from the back with a katana which was given to him by The Curator to do the job, finish Angelus. (where's the baby when you need her, she can kick angelus's butt easly lol) later Jackie got the katana with one last effort (cause he was heavly wounded) and cut Angelus's head while she was trying to kill witchblade... and it was all over.

But what they should have done to begin with was to release the baby on Angelus... lol

There are some single issues of witchblade and darkness and angelus and aftermath issue and stuff that ties the two seperate event of First Born and Broken Trinity but i didn't go in detail on them... cause it was too much of a chore... I'm lazy. lol

Actually in the aftermath we saw that The Ember Stone bearer was not dead and The Glacier Stone beaerer saved the life of Jackie and The Glacier Stone bearer was in a seach for The Ember Stone bearer to finish the job with the magical Katana and the tome which was given to him by The Curator.

I'm really excited about The 13 Artifacts, i wonder what the rest of the artifact bearers are like and what are their powers.
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Old 11-21-2016, 04:16 PM   #395
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Picked up the new Son Of Satan Classic trade pbk on lcbsd on sale & am about a 3rd of the way through. It's very good. Had forgotten how tied to The Ghost Rider the early Marvel Spotlight's were in rolling out Daimon Hellstroms' beginnings are. Solid Bronze age supernatural story telling by mostly Gerber & Warner. Had no idea that Gene Colan drew Son of Satan for a few issues & man, are they incredible.

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Old 11-25-2016, 10:04 AM   #396
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Witchblade vol. 5 TPBby Ron Marz & Stjepan Sejic

i give 7/10

This volume had the first born story and some issues of witchblade afterwards first born. I wrote about first born in The First Born & The Broken Trinity Deluxe Edition reviewish blabring of mine so i will just write about aftermath issues.

The Haunted appartment part was fun aspecially before the ghost appeare to steal the baby Hope's soul... there was this suspense about the creepy things that going on in the appartment... and i really enjoyed that, i wish it was a bit longer... The Ghosts appeared kind of too soon and all the fun suspense went away... ofcourse Witchblade kicked the ghosts's butts immidiatly. Dani's date was fun to read, i hope she found a good guy but i have my dubts about the guy... if he turns out to be an evil dude after the witchblade artifact, i won't be surprised. I liked how Dani and Sara met in the end of the trade to tell eachother their day. They are really like sisters.

Witchblade vol. 6 TPBby Ron Marz & Stjepan Sejic

i give 7/10

Sara visited her sister who was a former drug addict in prison and told her that she was an aunt now then Sara got an emergenct call from her partner and boy friend Patric Gleason and left. When Sara got to the crime scene, it was horrible, 3 man were crusified in the positions of some famous saints who were crusified at same positions back in the day.

Then we go to Dani side of the things, she was having sex with her new boyfriend when a crossbow arrow broke the window of the appartmant and got in... Dani was like what's going on and the boyfriend took the arrow and said '' an old enemy found me'' but nothing more... he kept his past as a secret from Dani and Dani was like -uuu mysterious, cool-... lol (if you ask me if you are witchblade and attract all kinds of supernatural monsters and stuff, you should be more careful about the guys who keep their pasts as a secret, just in case lol ok, i have to admit the guy was fishy from the start, i don't think there was anyone who didn't see this coming lol the dani's boyfriend turned out to be evil.... lol) Dani had to look after The Sara Pezzini's Baby Hope tomorrow cause Sara was busy with another murder which was done by the same crusifier murderer. The reporter Gratchen was there too to get some information but she got nothing from detective Pezzini. (I think this Grachen girl will play a big role in the future stories of Witchblade.) While Dani was looking after the baby, the boyfriend came and they were like the baby is sleeping, lets make out like we were at high school lol then Pezzini came back to her appartmant, called for Dani but got no answer, something was fishy... she pulled out her gun and started to seach for Dani, checked out the baby and she was ok then found Dani Laying on a bed and her boyfriend came behind and he had Dani's witchblade and he was like -HAHAHAHA ! i took the witchblade from Dani, now i want the part of witchblade that you have ! and wow... you are hotter than my father Kennet Irons said... ! lol it turned out he was Kennet Irons the former archnemesis of witchblade Sara Pezzini's son... who was a templer knight like his father who also drank from the holy grail back in the crusade days (there were flashbacks of this at the begining of the book and some part of it at the middle or something, not sure... brain, you failed me again ! lol) The evil boyfriend kicked Sara's butt really bad... but he couldn't take the other half of witchblade from her... ( ok, The evil boyfriend took Dani's part of the witchblade easly but he couldn't take The Sara Pezzini's part... why ? well, it's simple, the darn thing just didn't come off... these witchblades, they sometimes got stuck to arm of the bearer like one of those rings which you just can't get out of your finger... darn things... lol actually, in all seriousness, there is no answer, you just have to accept that the evil boy friend (by now you realised i don't remember the boy friend's name lol ) could easly take Dani's witchblade but he couldn't take Sara Pezzini's part of it... just couldn't with no explanation whatsoever. lol) and just left Sara Pezzini there uncontious and left saying ok, half of the witchblade is enough for me to kick the butt of my ancient enemy. Then he faced his ancient enemy on rooftop of a church or something (this makes it more dramatic i guess lol) and the ancient enemy was a guy who drank from the holy grail with Kennet Irons and his evil son and lost half of his face cause he was not pure in heart or something... the Kennet Iron's evil son who was also evil boyfriend of Dani and his ancient enemy started to fight, this antiant enemy was also the crusifier murderer... so he was a psycho too lol and The evil boy friend kicked his butt and killed him... then Dani and Sara Pezzini came and Sara pushed the evil boyfriend of Dani from the rooftop, the evilboyfriend fell and broke the most of the bones on his body... he was like ''please help...'' and Sara and Dani was like '' serves you right, you almost immortal poo'' (Kennet Irons and the other templers including his son who drank from the holy grail became almost immortal btw but just almost...not the holy grail is not quite get you but pretty then Dani took the witchblade back from her evilboyfriend, and Sara put the evil boyfriend in prison for life for murder. (this is what happens if you don't kill or take what's necessary from the hero when they are unconscious you stupid villain lol villains will never learn lol) The almost happy end... almost... not quite there though lol cause Dani's heart was broken.

Then we had a one shot where Sara Pezzini reported for the weird insident of a woman who tried to kill her and they had this fight on a truck and truck wrected havock on the streets while they were fighting but lucky no casulties happend and the woman who tried to kill Pezzini escaped. This is the part Pezzini told to her superiors and luckly got away with it. What actually happend was The woman who tried to kill Sara Pezzini was an assassin android called Aphrodite IX which was sent on test massion to take on The Witchblade Sara Pezzini. The mysterious owners of Aphrodite IX thought, Aphrodite IX held herself pretty good against The Witchblade in the end and ready for dangerous missions.

Then we get to the Dani part of the things, she was dansing in club and a guy kind of bothered her but big sis Sara Pezzini came just in time to rescue Then they went to the top of a pilar tower of a bridge to have a heart to heart talk (and it was pretty fun to read, i really like the big sister, little sister moments of Sara and Dani) they talked about the evilboyfriend and Sara's boyfriend Patric Gleason, and how Sara feels between Patric and Jackie Estacado (The Darkness who is also Sara Pezzini's baby Hope's father) Then they littrely took off to have some breakfast lol then we found Dani in her dancing school, talking to the headmaster... headmaster said her sister was canser and she was in Poland so the headmaster needed to go to Polan and take care of her sister so when the headmaster was out of the countery doing that Dani needed to teach headmaster's beginers class, this was a great news for Dani cause Dani needed the money so she immidiatly started to teach at the next lasson of the class which was now. Headmaster intruduced her to students and Dani started to teach. Then we get to some Jewish rabbi's office while he was reading some ancient tome and someone came from behind and murdered him... and this is it for this TPB. Pretty fun read
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Old 11-27-2016, 11:14 PM   #397
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Originally Posted by protector2814 View Post
Picked up the new Son Of Satan Classic trade pbk on lcbsd on sale & am about a 3rd of the way through. It's very good. Had forgotten how tied to The Ghost Rider the early Marvel Spotlight's were in rolling out Daimon Hellstroms' beginnings are. Solid Bronze age supernatural story telling by mostly Gerber & Warner. Had no idea that Gene Colan drew Son of Satan for a few issues & man, are they incredible.

Wow! Thanks, didn't know. This was out there!
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Old 11-28-2016, 09:55 AM   #398
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Stupid expensive ($40) for a paperback bronze collection but well worth buying if you can get it on discount.
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Old 11-30-2016, 03:03 PM   #399
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Two books that I can read over and over...

Camelot 3000 - I've probably read this story 20 times since it was released in the early '80s. I never get tired of it, still finding new things to enjoy... as well as new things to shake my head at - hey, it's not perfect . Still, Mike Barr did his homework, packing a ton of plot into these 12 issues, and Brian Bolland's art is absolute perfection.

The Books of Magic (original miniseries) - I'll never forget reading this when it came out in 1990. Neil Gaiman's unifying overview of DC/Vertigo's magical worlds and characters blew me away, and it was illustrated by 4 top-of-the-line artists (Bolton, Hampton, Vess, and Johnson). Some serious creative power in these four issues.
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Old 11-30-2016, 03:35 PM   #400
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Purchased both those series as they rolled out (remember, it took a full year between C3000 2nd to last & last issue). I completely agree with you on how great both series were. I've read 'em both a ton of times too & they never stop getting old.
Those were special times for comics. A lot of strong stuff came out back then.

(way pre-Harry-Potter)
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