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Old 07-02-2017, 07:14 PM   #451
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Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye... They hooked me with the title. Originally appearing in The Brave & The Bold and Showcase back in the early 1960s, Carson was a spelunker who, with his high-tech burrowing vehicle The Mighty Mole, encountered subterranean phenomena such as lava creatures, alien robots, and lost cities. It was a fairly typical and unremarkable sci-fi adventure comic; however, co-writers Jon Rivera and Gerard Way, with artist Michael Avon Oeming, have created a new series for DC's Young Animal imprint around an unexplained part of Carson's past.

Based on the odd title, I was hoping for an equally-odd direction for the character, but in CAVE CARSON HAS A CYBERNETIC EYE, VOL. 1, the titular object serves as a MacGuffin for a fairly standard story. EBX, Carson's employer, is meddling in the affairs of the lost city of Muldroog, and its people are being turned into fungal monstrosities. Aiding Carson in his pursuit of the truth is his daughter Chloe, who is slowly learning of her mysterious heritage, and Wild Dog - that's right, the hockey-masked vigilante from the late '80s. I really enjoyed the scenes with Wild Dog, and I can't help feeling that the creative team should have given him a series instead. Oeming's artwork is nice, though it doesn't always help the story, as it's hard to tell what is going on with his action sequences at times, and some of the characters look almost identical. I rate the main story average at best - we'll likely learn more about the eye as the series progresses (as foreshadowed by Dr. Will Magnus), but as it is part of the title, it would have been nice to see more focus on it, as well as a more inspired direction for the story.

What has convinced me to keep reading this series is the back-up section: "Super Powers", by writer/artist Tom Scioli. A seemingly stream-of-consciousness tribute to the classic DC toy line and Jack Kirby tie-in comics, this is a collection of dense 3-page installments that take me back to a childhood spent playing with action figures. Overall, it's the tale of Zan and Jayna, the Royal Twins of Exxor, and how they eventually become the Wonder Twins. Worked into it, via Earth holovids, are bits featuring Green Arrow, the Joker, Batgirl, the power of Shazam, Etrigan, Supergirl, Braniac, and the New Gods. DC has apparently given Scioli the green light to do whatever he wants, with intriguing results.

So, here's hoping that Rivera, Way, and Oeming can get their storyline in gear with volume 2. Scioli has his part well in hand.
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Old 07-16-2017, 08:50 AM   #452
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Girl Friends (Complete Collection) vol. 1-2 8/10

This is the first Shoujo ai manga, i have ever read. Just tells the life of some highschool friends, i can never guess that it's so much fun to see how highschool girls hang out and what they talk about. lol It was a nice change of phase after all the manly man stuff, i'm usually into actually. It starts out like highschool girls' lifes pretty much, like a slice of life series but later on, one of the female protogenists discovers her blossoming feeling towards her new best friend and we see how they handle the stuation. It seems her feelings are not just one sided. It's so sweet to read. There are no pervy stuff like fan service or fetish in the manga and i really appreciate that cause i don't want to end up feeling like a creepy middle aged man who looks at panties of highschool girls... lol I was afraid that there would be some fan service because a friend of mine said to me shoujo ai and yuri were for men but there wasn't any fan service, YAY ! lol

To the defence of the manga; Mari and Akko taking nude photos at bath was so cute and fun they made silly poses and everything i don't consider that fan service. Yeah, they were at their undies at shopping at some point but it wasn't lascivious, i mean it was as lascivious as Tama min's sun burn because of her silly bikini... lol It wasn't sexy, it didn't certainly feel that way. No lewd vibe or anything. It's like not even every sex scene is to turn you on in some films. It's just something people do so it's in the film or in this case in the manga as a slice of life stuation. I don't consider them fan service at all.

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Old 07-31-2017, 05:27 AM   #453
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Horimiya vol. 1-7 TPB 7/10

Creative team: Hero & Daisuke Hagiwara

I started Horimiya because a frined of mine insisted to me to read it. It's highschool friendship and romance manga. There wasn't many mushy feelings... The romantic moments were mostly intrupted with comedy so the manga was not heavy on unbearbly girly emotions side. lol The protogenist Miyamura was a totally gloomy, bluied, tortured soul who was without friends who found love and new frineds at highschool so his life was better now... This is a heavy hit to high school otaku boys' hearts, our otaku can identify and get full of hopes and dreams with such a protogenist, if you ask me so even if it is a romance manga, it definetly targets boys, mostly. It's not like girls can't enjoy the manga, it's heavy on the girl protogenist Hori's side too and there are other girls in love in the stoy, there is even a love triangle... lol

Hori and Miyamura see a side of each other no one else knows about. The gloomy highschool boy Miyamura is full tatoos and piercings, he hangs around in this rebelious style after school and stylish and popular school girl Hori is pretty much a not very stylish house wife like girl who looks after her little brother like a mother and takes care of the house after school. They discover their those secret sides by coincidence and that leads to love.

Warhammer 40k: Will of Iron vol. 1 TPB 7/10

Creative team: George Mann & Tazio Bettin

The 10 millenias long warp storm is over and Calapax Cluster excecible again. There is past there which interests both The Dark Angels and The Iron Warriors and that's a past left from the times of Horus Heresy. Since the warp storm is over and they can axces to Calapax Cluster, both Dark Angels and Iron Warriors rush in there and the fight begins for an anciant secret artifact of great power. Legend says The Dark Angels fought against The Iron Warriors in this anciant place 10000 years ago and it was an immens scale battle. The Iron Warriors used somekind of super weapon which could kill millions with a single shot and it brought the warp storm upon The Calapax Cluster. An inquisitor after the truth of the anciant past of The Dark angels also came to Calapax Cluster. The Dark Angels who landed on the planet discover the anciant artifact and Chaose froce The Iron Warriors soon arrived too and they got into a fire fight.

And that's pretty much not very detailed short summery of what happened in this first volume. It was pretty action pact and there was some gore as you can expect from a Warhammer work. I'm kind of new to Warhammer 40k and The Dark Angels doesn't seem like traitors to me but the inqusitor seem so sure but afterall inquisitors are usually overly suspicious and kind of crazy lol I'm really looking forward to volume 2.
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Old 08-08-2017, 03:36 PM   #454
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Really want to recommend last week's drop of Shane Davis' 1-shot, New Gods Special. In DC's on-going year-long celebration of Jack "The King" Kirby's 100the year Birthday, this book really knocked it out of the park! It's a self-contained, 24 page Orion story dealing with his early years as a New God. Shane also inks the book & his art is mind-blowing in this one. M. Delecki's colors are equally impressive. Orion fights a younger Kalibak in this book & the fight is really quite impressive. So violent & fun that Orion actually semi-shifts his look for a few panels, into a beserker.
There's a cool back-up story dealing with Orion in an Aquaman-esque underwater adventure in one of the polluted seas on Darkeseid's home-world Apololips. Just 4-pages, it's written & drawn by Thor' great, Walter Simonson. The book ends with a 7-page, New-God, Lonar story which I'd never seen before & is just Kirby squared.

Quite a bang for $5 & well worth it. Loved it!

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Old 08-23-2017, 02:00 PM   #455
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Planet Of The Apes Archive, Volume 1 -

After years & years of waiting for a 70's, B&W, Curtis' POA magazine collection, the wait is finally over, sort-of. I was around back when this mag. 1st hit the stands back in 74. When Marvel/Curtis released the 1st issue, the final POA movie had just come out & the tv series hadn't hit yet. This magazine kept us kid' Apes fans in the pool. What Curtis did w/ the mag. was directly comic-interpret the movies, w/ the 2nd half of the magazine devoted to a separate, stand alone tale, outside of the movie stream. It's these separate stories that Boom Studios collects in these archives. In this 1st one they collect the mags 1st & complete independent tale called Terror On The Planet Of The Apes. Written by Doug Moench & mostly illustrated by Mike Ploog, this story just really brings it all back to me. Gorgeous is how I'd describe it. With the main theme being anti kkk, if you can believe it. Mutants, monsters, forbidden zones, power mad gorillas, this tale has it all. One of the great things about this mag. was the incredible covers. This archive displays some of them, but way out of order, skipping many for reasons I believe have to do with United Artists & the skipped covers having to do directly with the movies for which Boom may not have gotten license for. Just a theory. The covers in this volume are issues 3, 4, 11, 13, 14, 17, 19, 23, 26. So you do loose a lot. Still, this is an incredible collection; one I thought we'd never see. Maybe one day an Omni will come out collecting everything but, for now, this killer book will have to do.

This cover is not film-related & depicts the 2 main characters from the back-up, Terror, story. I believe the covers reprinted in the back are those which only depict the Terror story.
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Old 08-23-2017, 02:41 PM   #456
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Neon Genesis Evangelion (3 in 1 Edition) vol. 1-5 TPB 10/10

I read the manga of the famous anime tv series Evangelion and i must say i liked the manga alot better because of the different ending. It's a deeper series than your avarage manga. It's a series that heavy on the christian mythology, especially symbolic use of christian mythology. There were probably parts that i didn't understand because i don't know christianty very well as a guy who was raised as a muslim but the human side of the story was very good, that's what really impresed me. All of them aside what they tried to achive with the story was make Shinji want to live, who was the main character, a 14 years old angsty boy who the creative team saw as their audiance lol (i'm not Shinji, damn it ! lol) so by making Shinji want to live in the end, they hope that their audiance who are 14 years old (in spirit) sulky otakus will want to live... lol well, we all hope so. lol

It was a mecha manga and the main mecha Eva 01's design was so good, i really loved that design. The other Evas' designs which were variations of Eva 01's design were good too since the original source is very good.

Misato was such a lovely character, waifu metarial desu.

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Old 09-24-2017, 02:02 PM   #457
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2: Battle Tendency HC vol. 2-4 6/10

Part 1 was at 19th Centuary England, Part 2 was around late 30s just before world war II and it spaned from America to Italy. Part 1's Jonathan Joester, the 1st Jojo was a noble gentleman, Part 2's Joseph Joester The 2nd Jojo (the grand son of Jonathan) was a hot headed smart and talented kid who could use hamon special tecniques without training and he loved comics, it cought my eyes that he had Superman comics in his hands at a flight travel panel in plane. lol Jonathan and Joseph look visually exactly the same btw. I didn't like the Part 2 as much as the Part 1 cause Part 1 had a pure 100% evil villain called Dio and the end was sour... I like a villain who has no trace of goodness in him/her and i actually like bad ends over anything but a sour end was close so it has my symphaties. lol Part 2's naive parts bothered me more for some reason and villains were bigger, Santviento, Wamuu, Esidisi and The Master of them all Kars, the 4 Pilar Men, Pilar Men were god like beings, they all had their special powers so they were bigger than the first part's villain Dio who was just a Vampire, after all the next installment must be bigger, and some of the villains had honor at Part 2 so it wasn't as much as appealing to me like a pure evil villain Dio. The stone mask of the first part was connected to the Pilar Man btw.

Dio, Esidisi and Zeppeli character names sounds familiar to you too ? If you like Rock and Metal music, it must have. These names come from none other than the famous Metal Band Dio and AC DC (Esidisi) and Rock band Led Zeppelin (Zeppeli). Mangaka Hirohiko Araki is a Rock and Metal music lover just like his many readers including me.

Jojo part 1 and 2 was not for everyone for sure. If you can endure, look over some naive writting and if you especially have a taste for some naivety like half an hour falls from hights and the fights still go on while they are falling, the outragously naive ways that they survive from the falls... Joseph's way of wining the battles, Ceasar's Bubbles... those were impossible to buy into. Especially If you have a taste for naive parts like those, you will like Jojo part 1 and 2. I started to read Jojo cause people say it got really good with Part 3: The Stardust Crusaders so i read it for the promise of good future parts and i'm there now, i will see how good it's. Just waiting for Part 3 to be completed in its english publication so i can read it from start to finish without a long break.

Black Butler vol. 1 8/10

The Queen of England's watchdog Phantomhive family's master Ciel has a omnipotent Butler servant called Sebastian Michaels... It really looks like there isn't anything the butler can't do, he's one HELL of a butler lol

Ciel is just 13 years old and a trusted servant of The Queen, her watchdog. He's also the head of the phantomhive family and a succesful business man, or should i say business boy... lol all these being a 13 years old is kind of hard to buy into... But if you can look over that and can buy into the usual supernatural stuff, it's a really fun read.

Citrus vol. 1-5 8/10

A forbiden love between two step sisters... lol Yuzu and Mei, Yuzu was a girly girl who was without a care in the world and Mei was a very disciplined girl who wanted to carry the family legacy of runing the Aihara School some day. The two step sisters started to live in the same house together with their mother, even sharing the same room and same bed in a step sisterly way... but there was this too: they fell in love with each other. lol Yuzu had some problems in the strict rules against make up and dyed hair in her new all girls School where Mei was the student consule president and Mei had some father issues, they both had rival love interests but in the end they stuck together and helped each other and got over some of those problems and at the process of getting over some of them and they finally started dating, will they find happiness ? we will see.

I liked Citrus so far but if the mangaka brings up the subject of Yuzu getting expelled from the school for the 4th time, i will break a point of my grading for sure, one more time would be just too much.
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Old 10-12-2017, 05:16 PM   #458
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Bleach vol. 1-8 8/10

I gave another shot to a shounen classic, The Bleach. I found the 8 trades that i bought 7 years ago in a box and i was like ''ok, lets give Bleach another shot'' and i liked it this time around. I don't know why i didn't like it the first time, it's pretty good. May be i was in a bad mood while i was reading the first time around... I think i will get the box sets.

The humor that came from a horny talking stuffed animal named Kon was great. lol Hollow designs were ok, hollows are monster evil spirits who eat regular spirits called konpaku. Hollow designs are important to me cause there are very few things better than a good monster design. All the world building was great, the soul soceity where souls live and their Soul Reapers, urahara shoten, the nearly extinct Quincies, hollows&wholes, Melos Grande and all were great elements of The Bleach Universe.

Soul Reapers are the main focus of the book. Our main character Ichigo Kurosaki is a Soul Reaper (shinigami) and the Bleach's Soul Reapers are a nice new take on the japanese mythology's Soul Reapers (Shinigamies) The Bleach's Soul Reapers hunt evil spirits named Hollow and also send ordinary spirirts the wholes (konpakus) to the Soul Soceity where all the konpakus live. The Soul Soceity is pretty much a new take on the heaven of the afterworld. Ichigo the rookie Soul Reaper/16 year old highschool student fighted against some hollows with the help of his ally Rukia, Rukia was a seasoned Soul Reaper. Ichigo had a talking horny stuffed animal named Kon, Learned a curitial truth about his mother's fate in the process and met Uruhara and had Uruhara shoten store as a new ally and was going to The Soul Society to save Rukia with all of his allies in the end where i left reading.

I really want to read the rest but i must be patient and put some money aside and get the box sets cause why get the single trades when you can get box sets. lol I need those box sets...

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Old 10-13-2017, 12:31 AM   #459
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Fantastic Four Visionaries - Walter Simonson vol 1 - 3.

Every bit as awesome as you’d expect when the greatest Thor writer/artist ever this side of Lee/Kirby tackles their single greatest creation. Skrulls, Mole Man, Galactus, Nebula, Dr. Doom, Thor, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hulk, Ghost Rider all make appearances. Ben Grimm is the star of the show but all of Marvel’s First Family are in fine form here!

Highly recommended.
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Old 10-18-2017, 05:05 PM   #460
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Well, my boycott of all modern comics lasted a whole couple months before I caved and ordered a variant. I just couldn't help it. Dark Nights: Metal #2 NYCC Virgin Cover by Dell'Otto is without question one of my all time favorite Wonder Woman depictions. It could very well be my single favorite rendition of Wonder Woman. We'll see how I feel about it in 6 months or so. Either way, it was just was too brilliant of a cover for me to not buy it. I am really hoping he releases a limited edition art print for this cover as then he will have ended my boycott of limited edition giclee prints as well, lol. Oh well, I figure 1 comic isn't going to kill me. All in all, just an absolutely brilliant rendition of Wonder Woman.

For those that havent seen it:

And yeah, I ordered all 4 covers. Sigh.....
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