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View Poll Results: Which of these three heralds of Galactus do you like best?
Air-Walker because he is by far the most impressive looking herald! 1 33.33%
Firelord since he is the most powerful herald! 2 66.67%
Frankie Raye because she is the most heroic herald! 0 0%
Voters: 3. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-01-2015, 09:23 AM   #1
Force of Nature
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BUSTed! – Part 3: The Air-Walker, Firelord and Frankie Raye MB's by Bowen Designs

Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not.
- Yoda, the Jedi Master; Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Hi guys,

With all those spectacular, grail like full size statues which are released on a very regular basis by more and more companies, it is easy to overlook the art, beauty and appeal of mini-busts.
They are much smaller than full size statues or PF’s, they do not have mixed media attributes or fancy light-up features and are, because of this, often considered to be less sexy and funky.
I think it’s would be fair to say that in general mini-busts are less popular and less sought after than their bigger polystone brothers and sisters.

In my humble opinion mini-busts deserve much better however. For starters much more known and less known comic book characters have been captured for the centuries to come in mini-bust format than as full size or Premium Format statues. Characterwise you have a much broader choice in mini-busts than you have when looking at the larger statues or busts.
Furthermore mini-busts are also much more practical and economical since they are (far) less expensive and demand far less real estate in your display room.
Just like there are real gems and grails amongst the bigger pieces, there are also treasures to be found amongst mini-busts and I think they can easily be a very important part of any collection and any display.
The way I see it, mini-busts have a lot going on for them and as such they deserve much more time in the spotlights.
The beauty is that this hobby should not, and fortunately also is not, only about the large legendary scale figures or premium format statues.
No, there is beauty and pure art to be found in mini-busts as well and a mini-bust can just as much be a proud part of someone's collection as a large piece can.
After all it's not the size of the piece but rather the quality and presence of the piece that matter, would not you agree?

That’s why I have decided to to start a series of reviews under the ‘BUSTed!’-moniker in which I will regularly review two or three mini-busts. In this third edition we will have a look at the Mini-Busts released by Bowen Designs of three very powerful heralds of Galactus: Air-Walker, Firelord and Frankie Raye!

I will try to focus mainly on the pictures and try to avoid long pieces of tekst. In my verdict I will not judge each mini-bust on its own but in comparison to the other two mini-busts also included in the review.

Alright then guys and girls, let’s go!
Have fun with the pics and please let me know which of these three mini-busts you think rules the most!

Background Information

-1. Air-Walker
Number: 64/1000
Sculpted by: The Kucharek Brothers
Release Date: April 2009
Edition Size: 1000
Order Of Release: Phase IV (bust #222)
Height: this bust is 9 inches tall

Among the heralds of Galactus, only one has the distinction of being mistaken as a heavenly messenger from the most celestial realm of all: Air-Walker.
This unique harbinger of the most irresistable force of nature made his first appearance in issue #120 of The Fantastic Four (1972), and what a dramatic first appearance it was.
Upon his arrival, via walking on air while cloaked in a winged cape of cosmic flame, and carrying a golden horn that he used to summon Galactus, this otherworldly messenger caused immediate panic in the streets.
In fact, his bizarre appearance - fiery wings, golden trumpet, descending from on high - along with his announcing that his name was Gabriel, caused all who beheld him to believe they were witnessing Gabriel the Archangel proclaiming the end of the world.
In response to this divine disorder, Marvel's First Family came on the scene, only to be soundly routed.
Fortunately, the timely intervention of his predecessor, the Silver Surfer, put an end to the chaos.
During the battle between the two cosmic crusaders, Air-Walker suffered a severe blow, whereupon it was revealed that the current herald was a supremely developed robotic construct, and not a living being.

It was not until the robot fell in battle against The Mighty Thor that Air-Walker's true name and origin was revealed.
Gabriel Lan was an accomplished member of the Nova Corps, whose passion for unraveling the mysteries of space led him to becoming captain of a diplomatic starship.
While returning home from from the ships exploratory voyage, Captain Lan was beamed aboard the vessel of Galactus. The Devourer of Worlds informed Lan that he had been found worthy to serve as Galactus' new herald.
Lan's love of the cosmos compelled him to accept Galactus' offer, and he was immediately transformed via the Power-Cosmic into the Air-Walker, a cosmically-charged entity in possession of great powers including vast superhuman strength and durability, and the ability to survive the vacuum of deepest space.

Unfortunately, Lan succumbed to a fleet of warships that employed highly advanced weaponry designed to use against Galactus. As a result, the remaining spark of Lan's essence and consciousness was transferred to the aindroid replica that made its way to Earth.
Over the years, Air-Walker has seemingly been destroyed for good on more than one occasion. However, due to the amazing self-repair abilities with which Galactus endowed the robot, Air-Walker has made his unexpected return more than once.
Thus, the Marvel Universe may not have seen the last of this most awe-inspiring of heralds.

Air-Walker had been given a portion of the Power Cosmic, and with it he could absorb and manipulate cosmic energies for a variety of purposes.
It gave him god-like strength, speed, durability, endurance and agility. Air-Walker could fire blasts of heat, concussive force, magnetism, anti-gravity, and electricity.
Using his power at peak capacity, Air-Walker could function for months before succumbing to fatigue. He was immune to extreme temperature changes, most radiation and can survive in the vacuum of space indefinitely without food, water, or air as well as navigate hyperspace unaided.
The Power Cosmic also granted him the ability to analyze and rearrange matter and energy. When entering planetary atmospheres, he would curtail his speed as to not cause devastating side effects.

He could manipulate the forces of nature, altering weather patterns, generate such states as rain or fog, produce winds of varying degrees and intensities up to hurricane force, raise or lower humidity and temperature, induce lightning or other electrical atmospheric phenomena, and dispense natural storms. Air-Walker could direct the path of certain atmospheric effects, such as bolts of lightning and could manipulate ocean currents by creating hurricanes and tidal waves.
He also had "Cosmic Awareness" in the sense that he could detect various energy signatures throughout space.
Gabriel's android form could replicate all his original powers at approximately the same levels by channeling the cosmic energy through its fiery cloak, which acted as a receptor, into its cosmic cells. If drained, the cells could be recharged by an outside source.
The automatic self-repair circuitry within its chest cavity would function as long as 35% of the total system was intact.
Combined with the Power Cosmic, his android body could withstand large amounts of physical damage and possessed a homing beacon in tune with Galactus' worldship, Taa II.


-2. Firelord
Number: 930/1500
Sculpted by: Walter O'Neal with Randy Bowen
Release Date: December 2008
Edition Size: 1500
Order Of Release: Phase IV (bust #212)
Height: this bust is over 6 inches tall

Pyreus Kril was serving as first officer aboard the Xandarian explorer ship Way-Opener when his commander and friend, Gabriel Lan, was unexpectedly abducted by a teleportation beam.
Vowing to rescue him, Kril assumed command of the Way-Opener and began to pursue the huge ship that transmitted the beam.
Kril would later learn that the ship belonged to Galactus, the world-devourer, who was seeking a new herald (since his first herald, the Silver Surfer, betrayed him) and found a worthy candidate in Gabriel Lan. Using his cosmic power, Galactus transformed Lan into the Air-Walker.
For years, Lan served Galactus faithfully, while his ex-crewman Kril followed Galactus's wake of destruction.
When Galactus was attacked by a powerful race called the Ovoids, the Air-Walker was slain defending his master.
Galactus transferred his herald's dwindling life force into that of a replica, but the replica was not enough like his loyal herald to please Galactus.
Thus he dispatched the Air-Walker automaton to Earth to summon the Silver Surfer back to active duty.
The Surfer refused, destroying the automaton in the process.
Persuaded to leave Earth without the Surfer, Galactus returned to the stars heraldless, not even bothering to claim the remains of the Air-Walker replica.

It was then that Pyreus Kril caught up with him. Boldly teleporting himself aboard Galactus's ship, Kril demanded the release of his former commander.
Galactus was impressed by the Xandarian spaceman's determination, and offered to tell Kril of his commander's fate if he agreed to become his new herald.
Kril agreed and was transformed by the power of Galactus into Firelord.
Though Galactus kept his side of the bargain, he suppressed the knowledge he had given Kril so that he might send him on a mission to Earth.
Firelord was released from active service when Thor offered Galactus the Asgardian construct called the Destroyer in exchange for Firelord's freedom.
Unlike the Surfer, who was sentenced to remain on Earth for his treason, Firelord was free to leave.
Yet Firelord chose to remain because of his subliminal memory that the Earth was the final resting place of the remains of his friend.
Months later, when the Air-Walker automaton reactivated itself, he remembered the reason for his compulsion to remain.
Taking custody of the automaton (which was wrecked once more in battle with Thor), Firelord bore him into space, where he buried the remains on an asteroid in their home star system.
Free of his only tie to Earth, Firelord' has since returned to his native Xandar, only to find the world had, been destroyed by the space pirate Nebula.
He has since joined forces with Nebula's great uncle Starfox to track her down.

Firelord possesses the ability to manipulate cosmic energy in the form of stellar fire. His entire organic carbon-based body was transformed to accommodate the nuclear energies that course through him. These energies make him the humanoid equivalent of a miniature sun. Projected from any point on his body at mental command, Firelords energies encompass the entire electromagnetic spectrum possessed by a star: heat, light, gravity, radio waves, and charged particles. The maximum amount of energy he can produce at once is determined by his mass. When all the atoms of his body are in fusion, his energy level is equivalent to the outer layers of a small star. By the slightest manifestation of his stellar powers, he can burn through any Earthly substance (with the exception of Adamantium). He can project a stream of fire resembling a solar flare for distances measured in the hundreds of miles.
Firelord can control the path of his cosmic fire to such an extent that he can project a sustained ring at a fixed distance around a person or object.
By utilizing his cosmic power uni-directionally. Firelord can fly at near-light speeds through interstellar space. (Flying at such speeds near planetary bodies, however, could cause devastating gravitational disturbances.) Firelord can even traverse hyperspace without danger to himself. Firelord uses the gravitational fields of stars to help him break his speed.

Although Firelord still possesses a solid physical body, he is virtually impervious to most forms of physical harm.
His body automatically incinerates any projectile before it reaches the surface of his "skin." He is immune to disease, aging, and muscle fatigue.
He no longer needs to eat since his body takes its nourishment from the carbon-carbon cycle of solar fusion.
Furthermore he no longer needs to breathe air and hence can exist indefinitely in the hard vacuum of space.
As a consequence of his cosmic form and metabolism, Firelord is far stronger than a human being.
When he channels his cosmic energy into acts of physical strength, he can augment his musculature to enable him to lift (press) 50 tons.
Firelord's major limitation is that his brain, still organic in perceptions and function, needs occasional sleep to resuscitate itself.
A severe concussion to his body can cause temporary unconsciousness, but it would take radical molecular dispersal to kill him.

Firelord carries a staff five feet in length, the ends of which he keeps ablaze with his cosmic flame.
He uses this fire-staff as a striking weapon and an astrogational aid.
Firelord generally projects his cosmic flame through the stick rather than directly from his body.


-3. Frankie Raye
Number: 2003/2500
Sculpted by: Jim Maddox
Release Date: June 2006
Edition Size: 2500
Order Of Release: Phase III (bust #134)
Height: this bust is over 6 inches tall

Frankie Raye was the stepdaughter of Phineas T. Horton, inventor of the android Human Torch. He became bitter at the announcement of a new Human Torch, Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four.
Horton brought Frankie with him as he dug into the spare parts and chemicals he had used to build the Human Torch decades earlier.
Frankie was exposed to a canister of chemicals which set her on fire, but instead of being harmed she gained powers similar to the Human Torch's.
Horton later placed a post-hypnotic suggestion in her mind to keep her afraid of fire, so she wouldn't use her powers.
By chance, Frankie met Johnny Storm and they began a romantic relationship. She finally discovered what her father had done to her and regained her memories.
Under Johnny's guidance, she learned how to control her powers and became an unofficial member of the Fantastic Four.
Although Frankie wanted to join the team on their adventures, Mister Fantastic often left her behind due to her lack of experience.

When Galactus returned to Earth, desperate for sustenance, Frankie offered herself to him as a herald in order to save Earth, and for the chance to explore space.
Galactus granted her a portion of the Power Cosmic and she departed Earth, without a backwards glance.

Now called Nova, Frankie took delight in finding new worlds for Galactus to feed on, caring little for the lives of aliens.
That was, until she met the Silver Surfer. The Surfer did his best to teach her to value all life, finally bringing Frankie to a primitive world and asking her if she would feed it to Galactus.
She said she would, only to learn that the Surfer had brought her back in time to a young Earth.

Nova grew reluctant to serve Galactus after this, and he grew tired of her. Galactus finally cast her out, taking the vicious executioner Morg as his new herald.
Nova then joined with her fellow heralds – the Silver Surfer, Terrax, Firelord and Air-Walker – in opposing Morg.
During the battle, Morg slew Nova with a blast of energy through her chest.
Later, the Silver Surfer laid her body to its final rest within a sun.

Nova could manipulate cosmic energy in the form of stellar fire, surrounding herself in a flaming aura.
Her portion of the power cosmic allowed her to manipulate all forms of energy, fly at warp speed, and survive in outer space.
Her entire organic carbon-based body was transformed to accommodate the nuclear energies that course through her.
These energies make her the humanoid equivalent of a miniature sun.
Projected from any point on her body at mental command, Nova's energies encompass the entire electromagnetic spectrum possessed by a star:
heat, light, gravity, radio waves, and charged particles.

The maximum amount of energy she can produce at once is determined by her mass.
When all the atoms of her body are in fusion, her energy level is equivalent to the outer layers of a small star.
By the slightest manifestation of her stellar powers, she can burn through any Earthly substance, with the known exceptions of Adamantium and Captain America's shield.
She can project a stream of fire resembling a solar flare for distances measured in the hundreds of miles.
Nova can control the path of her cosmic fire to such an extent that he can project a sustained ring at a fixed distance around a person or object.

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Old 11-01-2015, 10:06 AM   #2
Force of Nature
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See to this, Surfer...find MEANING in it! Or would you continue to drift aimlessly while a universe dies around you...
- Air-Walker -

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Old 11-01-2015, 10:10 AM   #3
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Direct your rage at Galactus, not at me... I'm sure it will amuse him.
- Firelord

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Old 11-01-2015, 10:12 AM   #4
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Spare the Earth, Galactus, and take me as your new herald.
- Frankie Raye a.k.a. Nova

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Old 11-01-2015, 10:16 AM   #5
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I have need of a new Herald...
- Galactus

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Old 11-09-2015, 04:38 PM   #6
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My Verdict

I have said it in the previous edition of the BUSTed!-series and I will say it again: as different as these three busts are from each other, they also have a lot in common.
All three busts are in their own way great representations of the respective characters and each of these busts could rightfully and proudly take their place into the collection of any fan or collector out there.
In my verdict below I will not so much comment on the strengths and flaws of each bust separately but much more compare the busts with each other to see how they score in comparison to each other.
The goal is not to conclude which bust is best (that may be different for all of us) but only to indicate what I like about these busts and where I feel there is possibly room for improvement.
For each criterium I will, if possible, point out one bust which scored the highest and explain why in relation to the other busts.

Of course there is nothing more personal than pointing out the merits and flaws of any statue or bust and your mileage may vary from my scores below.
I will give it my best shot however and hope you will find my views understandable and useful even if you’d feel differently than I do.
Should you feel differently though please let me know and please feel free to let me know as well which bust *YOU* like best!
With that in mind and without further delay ladies and gentlemen, please find below the verdict of the jury:

Sculpt: Frankie Raye
It was not easy to make up my mind since all three busts are superb sculpts in their very own right. Air-Walker looks very impressive floating on his huge flaming cosmic wings holding his famous golden horn whereas Firelord really looks like he means business looking grim and focused and holding his staff as he is planning to unleash his cosmic fire the very next second.
I chose for Frankie Raye however since I just love the way she is portrayed rushing forward with cosmic fire surrounding her body.
The look on her face is a mixture of her youthful curiosity and her willingness to serve Galactus and fits her character very well.
Add to that the perfectly sculpted female bodycurves of Frankie showing that she was a beautiful young woman ready to explore the Universe.
The best thing about Frankie’s sculpt is however the base: using a scorched planet on which Galactus just fed himself, as her base was in my humble opinion a stroke of sheer genius.
The base is so characteristic of the task which Galactus’ heralds have that once I realized this the choice suddenly was not difficult anymore.

Paint & Mixed Media: Firelord
All three MB’s have a solid and convincing paintjob which I think will satisfy even the most demanding collectors.
That being said I feel Firelord has the most appealing paintjob in a sense that he really seems to have jumped straight out of a comic book.
Firelord really has come to life and the red, orange and yellow colors of his costume work really well with the translucent orange color of his cosmic flames.
Frankie Raye and Air-Walker each look great as well but the paintjob on Firelord really takes me back to the time I was a kid reading about this fiersome herald in Marvel’s comic books.
Everytime I look at Firelord I cannot help but think of the Twin Peaks-movie Fire Walk With Me since that’s how great Firelord looks when displayed in your collection.

Design: Air-Walker
I realize there is nothing more personal than one’s own opinion and preferences but in my humble of all three busts Air-Walker has the best design.
The fact that he seems to be floating on his base is just incredibly awesome and really makes you realise the awe-inspiring Cosmic Power which Galactus has granted him with.
Add to that his huge, impressive fiery cosmic ‘wings’ and the inclusion of his golden trumpet and it is undeniable that this is a top-notch design.
When Air-Walker appeared fort he first time in FF #120 in 1972 he caused a lot of panic with the people on the street who witnessed his arrival because of his
awe-inspiring presence and powers.
That awe as well as the sense of witnessing truly great power is captured perfectly in the design of Air-Walker.

Production & Build Quality: Draw
I am certain that with a bit of TLC all three busts will proudly take their place in your collection for the rest of your life.
They are all solidly built and should not break under normal circumstances. With the exception of a true disaster happening leading to the busts being accidently dropped on the floor,
these busts should be easily able to survive everything time throws at them.
I would advise everyone to be a bit careful with the translucent fiery cosmic flames on all three busts but other than that I feel these busts are ready to grace your collection for a long,
long time to come.
Buy them and enjoy them; that’s basically all you need to do and as such I feel all three busts are winners in this regard.

Please feel free to let me know in case you agree or disagree with my views and thank you for reading this review.
More of these reviews will follow in the (near) future so please drop by to check out the review section regularly!
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Old 11-10-2015, 11:26 AM   #7
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I have these 3 as well. They look awesome.
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Old 11-10-2015, 05:32 PM   #8
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Hi Risingstar,
Well said... I may not be objective but I could not agree with you more!
Firelord, Air-Walker and Frankie Raye may not be as well-known or popular as the Silver Surfer but these three heralds look indeed simply awesome.
Mini-busts like these really make me wish that Randy Bowen will start releasing new statues and busts in the future again!

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