I just came across this post on Chronicle's FB page:
So here is a copy of the email they sent back on Sept 4th. It mentions why they have been quite on social media. Dosen't explain the cancelled orders, but maybe there's something useful to someone......
The post COVID world has been a challenging year for most families and businesses across the country. It is a daily struggle to cope with the ever changing business landscape and EVERY product has and continues to experience pandemic related delays. There remains a backlog of product waiting to leave overseas ports, there are still delays entering US ports, and there are even domestic related shipping delays once items have cleared customs. Many facilities both domestic and overseas continue to be faced with government related restrictions to operation; we all experience this in our daily lives. Our in-house team has experienced staff shortages in the midst of increased workflow related to the delays. The pandemic continues to impact every facet of our business, but in spite of these difficulties, we've continued to produce and deliver items where possible, some even during lockdown:
Star Trek Cats
John Wick Arabic Blood Oath Marker
Mandalorian Helmet (Two Waves of shipping)
Raptor Hatchling
Terminator Genisys Endo Bust
Jurassic World Baby Blue
Jurassic World Indominus Rex
It's important to note these items that have been delivered in the midst of the pandemic as we discuss items currently in production, as it's easy to focus on one item that's experiencing delays and assume that it's indicative of items across the board, which isn't the case. We will continue to provide updates on items as updates are available. However...
As many of you have noticed, we've been unusually quiet on social media over the past few weeks. Like many US businesses, we lost a number of employees earlier in the year whose personal situations were of course better served drawing unemployment as opposed to returning to work from lockdown. We've also had to unfortunately scale back on office staff as we've waited on government assistance that was extended to small businesses as the economy was essentially shut down and slowly recovered. This has created a situation where we don't currently have the personnel in house to maintain a constant presence on social media, and we are still overwhelmed with correspondence from customers who understandably are looking for updates. Coming out of lockdown, our remaining in-house personnel were, and continue, to pull double and triple duty to pick up the slack left by these vacancies and the daily challenges this new global situation presents.
One of the things we noticed while trying to do daily social media posts and weekly live broadcasts was that it significantly increased the amount of redundant correspondence we were receiving. Regardless of how many times we shared the same information across various communication channels, we were still overwhelmed with inquiries about subjects that were addressed elsewhere, often numerous times. Given the personnel shortages, we have decided to focus our in-house efforts on actual completion of items currently in production as opposed to daily and weekly social media interactions that was resulting in more questions being asked than it was answering. Moving forward, we'll be posting production and shipping updates via a monthly newsletter, and save social media posts for major news announcements. We hope that this will allow us to strike a balance between keeping everyone informed as production and shipping updates slowly come in, while freeing up our staff's time to focus on addressing the ongoing challenges in completing production of current items and future product launches.
We love hearing from our customers and fostering that relationship, but we continue to be overwhelmed by correspondence. Please understand that sending multiple emails to our support address does not result in your inquiry being answered any faster, in fact it creates a totally separate and duplicate help ticket that further bogs down the system and delays our teams ability to respond. Due to the staff shortages mentioned above, social media inquiries do not necessarily reach team members that can help you, as anyone that we have helping out on those channels typically are not in house and do not have access to your customer records or are up to date on production and shipping information. Your best option continues to be contacting us via
support@chroniclecollectibles.com, where we are working through the overwhelming correspondence as quickly as we are able to. Be sure to include all relevant information in your email, as opposed to a simple question of 'can someone help me'; if we have all of your information up front and details on your question, it helps us in more quickly addressing your question. Please also understand that, again, ALL items have experienced delays, and it is impossible for us to contact every single customer who has an outstanding order every time another delay occurs. We simply don't have the bandwidth, and are trying to focus our time on actually getting these items completed. We will provide updates when we know there is a change in the production or shipping situation via our newsletter.
These have been and continue to be difficult and challenging times for everyone. We're still here and still working hard to create the collectibles you love and look forward to when the global business situation returns to a sense of normalcy. We greatly appreciate your ongoing patience, understanding and support, and we look forward to sharing with you news about items currently in production and future items yet to be announced!
Production & Shipping Updates
PERSONAL INFO - Please be sure to update the personal info on your account if your email, phone or address has changed since you've placed an order that hasn't been delivered yet. Incorrect info is one of the biggest factors that delays us on shipping your items once they've arrived in house.
SHIPPING - There is currently a backlog of items waiting to leave overseas ports, and an additional backlog on ships waiting to dock at US ports. This makes it difficult to nail down an exact shipping date to customers. As soon as product is arrived at the US port and moving inland, we will be able to determine an exact shipping date to customers. We thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we work through the difficulties of these unprecedented times.
The following items have updated shipping info. If you don't see your item listed here, we're still working out updated production and shipping estimates as the global supply chain continues to reopen (Note that larger items are taking longer to reschedule as our factory partners aren't up to full operating capacity yet). If you don't see a change in update from the last newsletter, then the previous issues are still being worked on. As new dates are worked out, we'll update them here:
Shipping Updates Coming Soon for these items
Rotunda Rex (Estimated completion of production and shipping early October)
Labyrinth Door Knockers (Estimated completion of production and shipping early October)
Syd Mead Blaster (Production completed, currently held up due to overseas shipping delays)
Production Updates Coming Soon
Jurassic Park Barbasol Can (Ongoing production delays due to complexity of tooling)
Jurassic Park Nightvision Goggles (Ongoing production delays due to complexity of electronics in close proximity to eyes and associated regulation and extension of battery life)
Labyrinth Jareth on Throne (production updates to hair in progress)