Originally Posted by komodo112
I think I'm going to get this one.
The black fits this statue's concept more...but I really like the colors on the blue. Not the MOS Suit but the colors make it very close to it.
Tough choice here
Curious why do you think the black suit fits the concept more?
I'd say, considering what we know, red and blue fits the concept better. The damaged JL headquarters, skulls and the dead Batman all happen in the red/blue.
There is the question of the mother box, but the Knightmare does start with a mother box and I would presume Darkseid brought some with him when he arrives.
Granted, Superman may have destroyed JL headquarters and kicked off the Knightmare in the black suit. The only thing that doesn't fit is the dead Batman because we know that he lives until he's in the red/blue. Tbf though that could easily be a timeline where Batman dies immediately but that is a total guess.