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Old 09-29-2024, 03:06 PM   #31
The Dark Knight
Doc Savage
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I finished Copra, vol. 2 and it gets better and better. It is certainly a intruging read. The effored that i spent when i was reading one of the issues that mostly described the personality and background of Copra memebers put a strain on my brain and that created this hard to describe unpleasent feeling. It was weird, when i turned and took a look at the issue, it was a good read yet after i finished it, i had this unpleasent feeling because my brain was tired.

The rest of the issues after that issue were alot easier reads, i am greateful for that. (HA HA) Copra can be a hard read that requires a good focus, even if that, i was still confused at some parts and i couldn't memories all the Copra teams character names yet, but that is just because i don't have photographic memory... My damn intelegence level... Eh, what are you gonna do. I have to live with this intelegence level and try to make the most of it. (HA HA)

I really like the art and coloring in Copra, it is really unique among all the super hero comics. As i read the second volume, i recognised some of the Copra team were Marvel Comics inspired characters.

Vincent (the inspiration was definetly Marvel's Doctor Strange)
Franco Castillo (the inspiration was definetly Marvel's Punisher)

And i can't remember the name of the character, but there was a Copra member inspired by Captain Boomerang and i really liked how rest of the team looked down on him. (HA HA) He was considered a vile disgusting low life even by all those other team members who were murderers and thieves, in short criminals, villains. That cracked me up each time that i saw this boomer stand in guy on a panel. (HA HA)

Yeah, i believe stand in is the right word for most of copra characters. I think i get what Michel Fiffe do here. He wants to use both Marvel and DC Comics characters in his Suicide Squad team, he wants to have creative freedom, but the team and the characters are blong to DC Comics and Marvel Comics so there is no way that he can use them so he changed the name of the team and created these stand in characters. This is acutally a indie Suicide Squad Book and i really really like that and want to see where the book will go.

By Stand in characters, i don't mean the only differences were the names of the characters. Some of the costumes were abit different as well and there were some surprises, for axample Franco Castillo (who was a stand in for Punisher) was also a cyborg, half machine, half human and i really liked his face, somehow when i look at his face on the panel, i go like this face suits Punisher really well, a total Punisher face. (HA HA) Franco Castillo's costume was a classic Punisher costume though, right down to the skull on the chest and white glows and boots. (HA HA)

I liked Vincent character who was a stand in for Doctor Strange in the Copra team and that made me want to read Doctor Strange Comics as a comics reader who has never been interested with Doctor Strange Comics, even if i saw the MCU films. I kind of want to check out some Doctor Strange Comics right now.

I give vol. 2 a 7/10
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