Ed McGuinness art is so fun. If a man's style was meant for any character - his is meant for Hulk. Or Thor. Never disappoints. Congrats!
Originally Posted by JadeGiant
Right now, everything is in storage. We just built a house and are in the process of finishing my nerd space
Originally Posted by JadeGiant
and drawing inspiration from the frame thread!
Can't wait to see how you set up the new digs and how you select which pieces to put on walls and which to keep in protective binders!
If I had space, maybe in the future sometime, I would find a way to keep portfolios more readily accessible for people to flip through. Or for me to flip through and have a different piece of art on on display for a bit. All I can think of now is putting a podium out with a folio open on top. Turn it every once in a while for a new piece to enjoy. But the podium is so....blah....not sure how to make a podium or music stand more cool looking.