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Old 06-04-2009, 10:39 AM   #1
Sculptor of Gods
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Fellas... It seems there is a LOT of threads running rampant in the Sculptor's corner about pieces being produced.

Kits are great and we all love 'em, But I do feel like I am reading a lot of posts with blatant "advertisement" for numbers being produced and "yes it will be a kit" etc... This is a no-no and the lack of discretion will only lead to attention that perhaps you don't want. If you don't believe me, know that it has happened before. We've seen it. It is Statueforum's stance that this is a "No-No".

I am chiming in here to remind everyone of the rules as stated by our admin Galactus on these commission and kit threads. For those of you who follow these rules, then this thread is only a reminder. For those who are stepping into the muddy fringe... please read and take notes.

thank you.

Last edited by Kdawg59; 06-04-2009 at 10:42 AM.
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Old 06-17-2009, 11:48 AM   #2
Sculptor of Gods
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Hmmm it seems that this thread is being ignored or misunderstood as optional reading... consider this a bump.

I advise you all to again read the forum RULES about commissions... It's for your own good guys. The hand that might be slapped won't be coming from the moderators here...

Some of the many threads openly discussing "how much?" "can I get on a list?" etc... are against forum policy and threads will be deleted without warning should this continue. PRIVATE COMMISSIONS should be just that... PRIVATE...

Show off your pieces... if people want to know about YOUR PRIVATE one off pieces, ask them in Private.

Sorry for the inconvenience... but the alternatives are much worse.

Thanks again.

Last edited by Kdawg59; 06-17-2009 at 11:54 AM.
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Old 06-17-2009, 03:18 PM   #3
Sculptor of Gods
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BUMP... as an enthusiastic and helpful fan... you aren't helping a producer by asking him in a thread if his piece is to be a kit...

You are more liable to bring the wrath of legal departments down on their heads.

This will be the last warning today gang... sorry, but threads will be deleted or edited without warning from now on.

Last edited by Kdawg59; 06-17-2009 at 11:28 PM.
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Old 06-17-2009, 11:28 PM   #4
Cosmic Art Collector
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The Sculptors Corner has been LOCKED temporarily so people will realize that we are very serious about this. A few of the producers who frequent this site have been slapped with Cease and Desist letters recently (we know who tipped off Marvel as well...).

Regardless, the forums official stance on kits of licensed characters is that we DO NOT allow the sale of them on this site. Feel free to show items you are sculpting, or pieces you are commissioning for your private collection, but DO NOT under any circumstances try to sell kits on this site. If someone asks about it in a thread, that post will be deleted. DO NOT respond to that post within the thread itself.

We are VERY serious about this. We are NOT a venue or avenue for people to sell unlicensed/illegal merchandise. If people, who are fully aware of these rules, continue to press the issue, they will be removed from the site PERMANENTLY.
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Old 06-18-2009, 12:56 PM   #5
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follow the rules folks. that area is for sculptors to show works that they are working on. not to solicit buyers, kits, etc.

as for the question about something alerady a kit and selling it here. follow the rules and post only in the B/S/T area.

Oh it is getting old having to remind a select few of these rules. It is not fun locking an area down punishing all because of a few but it had to be done. no one was listening.
Recasters suck big time!
Banning is what i do best!!!!
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