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Old 08-06-2008, 07:47 PM   #1
Cosmic Art Collector
Adamantium Plus Member
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We want sculptors and artists, both professional and amateur, so show their pieces. It helps with feedback for the sculptor and it's exciting for the members to see new and different stuff.

We also enjoy seeing commissions that our members purchase since it's always nice to see a different take on a character, or simply a character that hasn't been done by one of the major companies.

The fact of the matter is that most, if not all, of the pieces shown are sculpted/commissioned with the intention of becoming a kit at some point (or hopefully picked up by a producer). Obviously, with the exception of original characters or public properties, these pieces are unlicensed and are illegal to sell. This is why the forum has a rule against the open solicitation and sale of kits/commissions.

Unfortunately, we have another reason that we now have to have a zero tolerance policy on these types of threads; deals gone sour. There are many sculptors/painters/artists who have taken on commission projects, collected funds, and who have disappeared. There are many "reasons", "excuses" and "promises" made, but in the end, it still boils down to people being out money and no apparent sense of accountability by the people who have collected it.

So, these are the hard and fast rules which the forum will now enforce. This applies to EVERYONE, moderators on down.

1) Sculptors may show pieces they are working on which are original properties, being done for a licensed company, or being produced as a portfolio piece. Commission work can be shown by a sculptor, but I encourage the person purchasing the commission to show it instead (see #2). Never, under any circumstances, should a sculptor advertise or solicit anything they are sculpting, that's not the reason we're here. Show your sculpts, and if people like them and want to ask about purchasing them, they should contact you via PM. What you do off the forum after that is your business.

2) If a member would like to show something they are commissioning for their personal collection, that's fine. Show WIPs, final products, whatever. Members are NOT to advertise something as a kit that they have commissioned. Again, the forum cannot condone the production and sale of unlicensed products.

3) The "Producers". You guys know who you are. Unfortunately, you're some of the casualties of this necessary lock down. Too many people are being burned (not by you guys), but we can't make exceptions. Please follow the rules laid out in #1 and #2, you guys will be ok.

4) Members should never, under any circumstances, ask about the purchasing of unlicensed sculpts in a thread. Likewise, a sculptor should never answer such questions in a thread if encountered. Keep in mind that we are NOT going to play a game of semantics here. ANY post which even eludes to the fact that a member is questioning the availability of an unlicensed piece, or hints at the fact that a piece is going to be reproduced and distributed (including pics of multiple copies of the same piece) will be deleted without warning.

5) Don't start any "which character should I commission/sculpt?" threads. These will be seen as phishing threads (gauging interest in a piece for the purpose of producing it and then selling it). You're all grown-ups, you don't need other people telling you what to spend your money/time on. If you can't decide what you want to do when spending your own money/time, we suggest not doing anything.

Please be aware that ANY thread we perceive to break these rules will be deleted or modified without warning.

I apologize for what may seem like a harsh move on our part. This forum was designed to be a place for members to discuss statues, busts and other stuff being produced by licensed production companies. Obviously, seeing the stuff that ISN'T being produced by them can be even more exciting. The sculptors and artists who participate on the forum really help to make this place what it is. I would never deny the importance of their contributions and the fun we have because of it. However, this doesn't change the fact that we need to protect both the forum and it's members from any legal issues and financial loss.

If you choose to get involved in commissions or make deals for pieces you see on the forum, you do so at your own risk. The forum neither supports nor condones these deals and we cannot be held liable for any deals which go awry. Please do not contact us concerning any deals you make as we will be unable to help.

We welcome any questions or comments about this topic.

Last edited by d rod; 08-24-2013 at 12:37 AM.
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