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Old 08-21-2013, 05:39 PM   #21
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Oh snap! I agree with this fully.
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Old 08-21-2013, 07:29 PM   #22
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Why o Why are there always people who ruin the best of places for their own gain...

it really is beyond me. I hope it return as fast as possible, its my fav place to be!
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Old 08-21-2013, 07:35 PM   #23
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This thread has been getting ALOT of views the past 2 days.. hopefully now people will realize how serous this is!!

IMO Home Grown is the best section of this whole forum, especially the sculptor's corner & painter's corner, so we don't want it getting shut down again do we? The new changes being made should definitely keep a lid on things and we can get back to enjoying all the incredible work thats posted on here every day!!
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Old 08-21-2013, 10:29 PM   #24
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Perhaps there were a few first time posters in the forums that did not read the rules correctly before posting their works (with intention to kit or sell their unlicensed products). Some of these new artists dont speak english as a primary language either, which makes things difficult for the moderators.

On one hand, I really do enjoy viewing all the wonderful pieces of new sculpting artwork out there. Its also more relatable to us if we know the characters being sculpted. I think each artist can show different interpretations of the same subject, which is what makes this forum so amazing.

But on the other hand, the moderators have a responsibility to make sure this forum is used properly and not as a big advertising billboard for sculptors with unlicensed products.

I hope I didnt step on anyones toes with my comments. This is just my opinion.

Sculpting to me is one of the truest forms of art, bringing a subject to life with ones own imagination and hands (or computers!). There's something primitive about it, but so complex that it takes years to master. It's also requires a person's utter devotion and time to complete. And passion for the art is probably the biggest motivator. And passion is what keeps bringing us back to sculpting, whether it be our own, or admiring someone else's work.

I think I'm being sentimental because I miss the sculptor's corner so much already
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Old 08-21-2013, 11:07 PM   #25
d rod
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The problem is few a bad apples. Sadly, everyone has to pay the price. With a greater reason, any member seeing these things in the future should take a step forward and report the post or thread. Some members do but with our size, within minutes, reports should be popping up. I know it's our job but mods have a lot of ground to cover. Just as they leave a section, a bad poster can pop up as well.

Regardless of the country or language, if you are selling a kit or recast, you have to know that it's not a legal issue. Going into a random forum (being the case for new members) and not having the manners of asking first is foolish. To me, it's actually taking advantage of the forum and all of it's members. That being said, I love the art as well. If I didn't, myself like many others would not spend the time and money that we do have done.

I'm hoping that I'll finish the changes sooner rather than later. The HG will be different. A bit of an adjustment to make at first but the artists will get past it.
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Old 08-21-2013, 11:54 PM   #26
black and white
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I for one am glad to hear about this change. It would be nice to see the sculptor’s section go back to a forum in which only sculptors are allowed to post their work. It was taken over by people posting their “commissions” and the forum lost its validity in my eyes as a place for networking with other sculptors. Sure, there is always going to be a model kit community and “illegal” kits being made, but that has no place here. I realize that this forum must be a great venue for potential sales, but it’s like messing with a sleeping lion expecting it not to wake up and end you. I will be very interested to see how things are revamped as I have wanted to start posting again here but have held off since things have been so dicey for the last couple of years.
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Old 08-22-2013, 06:48 AM   #27
Sey hallo to my lille fren!
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I think this is a mixture. Clearly there are people out there who are trying to make a living...illegally! This forum clearly is not the place for that, however it is still amazing to see their work as often it's incredible!

But there are also new people like me who post our WIPs and share progress in the hope that we will get positive/constructive feedback, advice and help in the process of learning... I think I may be one such person who has been sharing my progress of sculpting and then learning the process of mold making and casting...but I am not looking to make a living from my work, just to learn and create pieces that people like.

The first I cannot condone, but the later group I feel should have a place and whilst it may look like a production process, is...but only to learn not to profit...much like all the Youtube videos I watch to learn from which are also showing the production help others learn...not to make money necessarily..

In this case...I would not like to see the freedom of sharing and learning on the internet restricted, but I do understand we must not promote illegal sales of unlicensed products..

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Old 08-22-2013, 07:30 AM   #28
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folks this is not an easy task. We are working out how the new section will be made.

We will always want to show the incredible work of the insanely talented sculptors that come here and post their work here!

when the new section comes back on-line one thing will be clear no "commissioners" will be posting. We want the sculptors to post.

We have asked nicely multiple times for folks not to use our site as a store. Well it seems they listened for a day or so but kept on doing it.

Folks that do this WILL BE BANNED!
Recasters suck big time!
Banning is what i do best!!!!
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Old 08-22-2013, 07:54 AM   #29
Darth Kinetic
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As a newbie sculptor, I too miss my daily fix here in the Corner.
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Old 08-22-2013, 07:59 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Patu View Post
I think this is a mixture. Clearly there are people out there who are trying to make a living...illegally! This forum clearly is not the place for that, however it is still amazing to see their work as often it's incredible!

But there are also new people like me who post our WIPs and share progress in the hope that we will get positive/constructive feedback, advice and help in the process of learning... I think I may be one such person who has been sharing my progress of sculpting and then learning the process of mold making and casting...but I am not looking to make a living from my work, just to learn and create pieces that people like.

The first I cannot condone, but the later group I feel should have a place and whilst it may look like a production process, is...but only to learn not to profit...much like all the Youtube videos I watch to learn from which are also showing the production help others learn...not to make money necessarily..

In this case...I would not like to see the freedom of sharing and learning on the internet restricted, but I do understand we must not promote illegal sales of unlicensed products..

My thoughts exactly. I would love to actually make money from sculpting my own kits one day. I really use this forum to get feedback on what people like or want from statues. I wouldn't use it for a store, but want to still be able to post my sculpts that may become a kit later on. Is that not acceptable?
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