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Old 02-03-2019, 01:58 PM   #1
Force of Nature
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Si vis pacem, para bellum! - Iron Patriot 1:4th scale statue by Gentle Giant

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.
- John F. Kennedy

The attractivess and appeal of this statue are explained beautifully in the below statement from Gentle Giant:
When a challenge comes that's too much for even the likes of Iron Man to handle alone, Tony Stark calls in the heavy artillery.

I could not have said it better myself and it exactly explains why I like this statue so much.
The Iron Patriot is a heavy-duty solution for big and stubborn problems which won't go away without using some serious firepower.
Critical problems call for unorthodox solutions and the kind of problems James Rhodes faces, are without exception immediately solved everytime he
activates his armour's weaponry.
The Iron Patriot is here to serve and protect his country and to make the world a little bit safer for all of us, not only today but also tomorrow.

I have written a review of the iron line of defense and hope you will like it.
Please feel free to express your thoughts and provide me with your feedback, questions and comments; it would be great to hear from you!

Have fun and enjoy!

My Verdict

Si vis pacem, para bellum! ... If you want peace, prepare for war!

Statue number: 141 / 380
Statue size: 1:4 scale statue (18 inches high)
Released by: Gentle Giant Ltd. The statue was digitally sculpted using the original CGI data from the movie IRON MAN 3.

Sculpt: 7.5 - Very good
When it comes down to the sculpt, this statue satisfies in all major areas. Iron Patriot looks as impressive and magnificent as he should.
When you look at the suit it is easy to see that it is not only an incredible piece of high-tech, but also a tremendously powerful weapon
ready to solve the issue at hand resolutely with overwhelming fire-power.
Thes uit is sculpted in a realistic and convincing way and with a bit of imagination you can see James inside the suit determined to protect the
earth against whatever threat is endangering it.
The perplexing armor plates and the ingenenious way they fit together, the sophisticated unibeam and gauntlets, the destructive machine gun and the advanced helmet,
all confirm the engineering genius that Tony Stark is.
Being technologically advanced is often a deciding factor in winning or losing a battle and Iron Patriot is going to use this advantage to its fullest extent.
You can't see them but you can almost sense the micro-computers, sensers and AI incorporated in the suit.
It is as if Iron Patriot can foresee your every move way and is able to counteract it before you even know what you are going to do.
The small and intricate details which you can find on the suit together with the overall look and feel of the statue, lead up to a solid and beauitiful sculpt
which really makes the statue come alive.

Paint & Mixed Media: 8.0 - Impressive
The statue does not include mixed media but in case this disappoints you, I can assure you that the paintjob more than makes up for this.
First of all the paint is applied beautifully without any spots being missed but also without any areas which are oversprayed.
The blue, red and grey/silver colors make for an appealing look and are a great tribute to the flag of the USA.
The Iron Patriot proudly wears his colors and is ready to defend his country and to do whatever it takes to serve and protect.
I also like the black lines between the various armor plates: they not only add to the illusion that the armor is used and well maintained
but also gives the armor a little bit of a worn look.
This armor is not only used for parades or to be admired in Tony Stark's armor display room.
No, this piece of heavy artillery has been used many times everywhere in the world under every possible condition.
A good paintjob can really bring a statue to a higher level and in this case Gentle Giant has really delivered.
The paintjob is impeccable and it is as if James Rhodey stepped out of the movie and right into your display room.

All I know... is that today... the world needs a War Machine.
-James Rhodes (Earth-616)

Design: 8.0 - Impressive
The design of this statue was what struck me first and foremost when I looked at this statue for the very first time.
In my interpretation this statue is a terrific display of Iron Patriot hitting the ground ready to attack his first target.
Iron Patriot is a problem solver and the design of this statue supports that all the way: here we see a man in action who has
the determination, the technology and the firepower to change something wrong into something right.
Here is a man who can solve complex situations with surprisingly simple yet convincing solutions and that image is beautifully
reflected in the sculpt.
The design is dynamic, action-packed and captures the tension and danger of the situation Iron Patriot is facing.
I can appreciate a great museum pose as much as the next man but this dynamic pose fits Iron Patriot very well
I also like the fact that Iron Patriot is facing to the right: this adds to the illusion that there is a clear and present danger in
the area around Iron Patriot which poses a threat from various angles.
Those are the kind of situations Iron Patriot is trained to deal with and this is what the suit was made to do.
The design shows who Iron Patriot is and what he is capable of doing and that is absolutely no small feat.

Last but not least I have to mention the base which has both its advantages and disadvantages.
The base is very functional and simple and this is the first statue I have where the base is nothing more than a large, round circle of plexiglass.
Usually the base tells a story in conjunction with the statue with the base not only supporting the story but also defining the surroundings of the statue.
In this particular case the base, at first sight, does not seem to tell a story at all.
Besides it is much larger than the base of many other 1:4 scale statues in my collection.
This might an issue when you are running out of space in your display room.
However, it is definitely not all bad when it comes down to the base. First of all, it provides a lot of support for the statue and makes sure that despite
the dynamic pose, you do not have to be afraid the statue will ever topple.
Secondly, the base in a way also adds tothe appeal of the statue since it does not draw any attention to itself.
You are not 'distracted' by the base and will therefore focus more on the statue itself.
I think it has been a bold design choice to choose for a base like this and can appreciate the effect it has on the appeal and presence of the statue.

Production & Build Quality: 8.5 - Very Impressive
The statue and the base feel sturdy and robust and I have no doubt that if you treat this statue with a little TLC, it will be a gem in your collections for
many, many years without any problem.
This is the first statue I have ever owned where I had to secure the statue to the base via two screws.
As such it will take some extra effort to add the statue to the base. The upside is however that once secured, you have the strongest and tightest
connection possible between the statue and the base. Additionally, you do not have to worry about the statue not fitting on the base;
there is no reason for concern about non-fitting pegs or feet which do not fully touch the base.
There is nothing really flimsy about the statue, nothing which will break just like that.
The statue is made to last and its durability is a tribute to the indestructibility and endurance of the Iron Patriot.
Well done Gentle Giant!

Overall rating: 8.0 - Impressive
Desperate times call for desperate measures and when all hope seems lost, it's people like James Rhodes who can turn the odds and achieve the impossible.
Iron Patriot is a one man army, a problem solver and a peace keeper by using the incredible firepower and technological ingenuity of the suit if the
situation calls for it.
This statue is a great representation of Tony Stark's aid and companion Iron Patriot. The inspiring design on which the dynamic pose is based, the impressive sculpt
which makes the statue come to life, the impeccable paintjob, the solid and robust feel and look of the statue; these all lead to a great statue
which is a worthy addition to your collection.
If you are looking for a statue of Iron patriot nad have the room to display it, I can really recommend considering this statue.
It's a solid choice which surely will not disappoint and it could easily be the one and only iron Patriot you will ever need in your collection.
Two thumbs up!

Background Info
Lt. Colonel James 'Rhodey' Rhodes possesses expert-level piloting skills and a deep understanding of military weaponry.
The War Machine Armor was originally a modified version of Iron Man’s Mark II armor, After several modifications and upgrades, the War Machine suit boasted a combination
of technology, all coming together to make War Machine a powerful one-man army with the ability to deliver incredible damage and destruction.

Like the Iron Man armor, the War Machine suit grants the wearer super human strength and flight, and core weapons such as the unibeam and repulsor rays.
The War Machine armor also includes a swivel mount mini-gun, firing gauntlets, a sonic cannon, rocket launcher and other examples of heavy ordnance.

After the Battle in New York, Rhodey had his War Machine Armor upgraded by A.I.M. to get a slimmer and more versatile body armor than before.
Painted in a patriotic red, silver and blue design it's design took on the appearance of the U.S. National Flag, and it had a star shaped outline around the armor's Unibeam.
The new Armor was dubbed "Iron Patriot", and it became the most dangerous weapon of the US Army in dangerous fights overseas.
The Iron Patriot Armor appeared in the movie Iron Man 3.

Osborn... You didn't just steal the name 'Avengers'... You stole my name, 'Iron Patriot.' And the word 'hero.' And the costume you wear.
And that flag you sprayed on it. But you're not a hero. You're not a patriot -- and you are NOT an Avenger!

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Old 02-03-2019, 03:00 PM   #2
Force of Nature
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You have known me as War Machine. Now you know me as Iron Patriot. America is my home.
As a wise man once said, our flag--that's the blood of the men who died building this country,
and the stars they were looking up to. As Iron Patriot, I carry them wherever I go.

- James Rhodes

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Old 02-03-2019, 03:01 PM   #3
Jedi Order
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This is the Iron Patriot to get. Nice pick up!
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Old 02-03-2019, 03:02 PM   #4
Force of Nature
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Okay, Tony. Let's see what this new toy of yours can do...
- James Rhodes

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Old 02-03-2019, 03:04 PM   #5
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Bring it!
- James Rhodes

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Old 02-03-2019, 03:06 PM   #6
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All right, you monsters want war? You got it... South Philly style.
- James Rhodes

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Old 02-03-2019, 03:08 PM   #7
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I'm gonna test my new toys!
- James Rhodes

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Old 02-03-2019, 03:10 PM   #8
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No Way! I've only just started playin' Hardball!
- James Rhodes

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