Originally Posted by Phoenixblazes
But at half or even a third of the price of their other competitors for replica helmets, you more then get what you paid for.
And even with the more expensive pieces, all I read is how they?re still not accurate enough.
The price of it shouldn't be the factor here, IMO.
They could use cheaper plastic or manufacturing technique, etc, but the sculpting of the helmet should be accurate to the movie regardless of how much they are going to sell it for.
The terrible look of this DV helmet seems to suggest that they think kids couldn't tell the difference, so it is ok to make a terrible version of it. That seems to be the justification.
Yet, this particular product seems to have a broad appeal to SW collectors in general more so than it would to kids. It is priced "cheap" for adult SW collectors but expensive for kids.
I have had mass produced cheap DV action figures that have far more movie accurate helmet than this 1:1 piece.