Pages after pages. Comments after comments. meaningful feedback provided to Sideshow and Sideshow's management regarding this piece.
Forps is here though to provide some meaningful feedback for Sideshow.
This piece COULD be the quintessential Beast.
"Forps, we all know that you are the craziest man alive but also a genius and undoubtfully the best "eye" in this hobby, so why is this?"
So, let's see.
Base ? Marvellous (possibly one of the best bases Sideshow has ever produced)
Face sculpts? Marvellous
Sculpted fur ? The best Beast's sculpted fur ever (licensed or not)
Colr palette? Marvellous.
The problem lies with the pose and more specifically the sculpt from the waist down.
It is NOT that this pose is impossible. It is possible to be executed even by a mere human, let aside Beast.
But it is unnatural and it creates a "comic", a "playful" feel.
It is like something a friend of yours could do in order to impress you/us and then laugh alltogether. "Look, Forps, look what i can do". It is something that could create a smile in our faces. It is unnatural and it is a "weird", a strange pose.
If this Beast had another pose, even if Beast was simply standing over the MARVELLOUS base and reading a book being serious and intimidating, then this could be the best Beast ever.
Sideshow's team and the CONCEPT team behind this, did the sculptor a disservice.
I repeat. The pose is not impossible, but it is instantly correlated in our monkey brains with a more "funny", a "playful" thing.
Sideshow went for an animated Beast here, a "playful", a "weird" pose one, when in reality collectors wanted a REALISTIC Beast.
Keep the base as it is, keep the 2 headsculpts the same and make him either leaping over the base with ANGER and intimidation or have him simply standing on this base reading a book and being serious.
This would then sell like hot cakes.
The concept team did a disservice to whoever the sculptor of this piece was.
Forps came here to clear some things up and provide some meaningful feedback that can be used by Sideshow. I blame the concept team/art for this.
Forps has spoken.
Now close the thread and move on.