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Old 02-21-2023, 12:01 AM   #341
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Originally Posted by azurepred View Post
That doesn't really answer anything. I'll simplify my take. The HT will be easy to find and the Jazz won't be.
He means the ubiquity of the assumed "lesser" HT version.

The HT version, if available in sufficient amounts, would decrease in value itself which would widen the gap between "settling" for the HT vs paying >2X premium for the Jazz and therefore even fewer people would be willing to do so thus POTENTIALLY decreasing the Jazz's demand below its original retail price.

The Jazz may be superior but not sufficiently so where initial buyers may be paying a premium that could not be recouped on the secondary market when/if someone does want to sell it.

Basically the same argument of how P1 re-releasing sculpts in 1/4, in sufficient quantity, COULD affect the value of the original "superior" 1/3s.
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Old 02-21-2023, 11:44 AM   #342
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Originally Posted by qz33 View Post
He means the ubiquity of the assumed "lesser" HT version.

The HT version, if available in sufficient amounts, would decrease in value itself which would widen the gap between "settling" for the HT vs paying >2X premium for the Jazz and therefore even fewer people would be willing to do so thus POTENTIALLY decreasing the Jazz's demand below its original retail price.

The Jazz may be superior but not sufficiently so where initial buyers may be paying a premium that could not be recouped on the secondary market when/if someone does want to sell it.

Basically the same argument of how P1 re-releasing sculpts in 1/4, in sufficient quantity, COULD affect the value of the original "superior" 1/3s.
are there actual pics of the Jazz 89 batmobile?

on his site all i see are 3, and it's very hard to tell from those pics that the Jazz 89 batmobile is worthy of 2X the cost of this.
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Old 02-21-2023, 10:12 PM   #343
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Originally Posted by qz33 View Post
He means the ubiquity of the assumed "lesser" HT version.

The HT version, if available in sufficient amounts, would decrease in value itself which would widen the gap between "settling" for the HT vs paying >2X premium for the Jazz and therefore even fewer people would be willing to do so thus POTENTIALLY decreasing the Jazz's demand below its original retail price.

The Jazz may be superior but not sufficiently so where initial buyers may be paying a premium that could not be recouped on the secondary market when/if someone does want to sell it.

Basically the same argument of how P1 re-releasing sculpts in 1/4, in sufficient quantity, COULD affect the value of the original "superior" 1/3s.
But Prime making a 1/4 Hush Supes for example won't matter that much because the scales are completely different. The 1/3 has already doubled in price from the original msrp, so even if it dropped a lot in value (which I think it will because there are more 1/4 collectors and the 1/3 is a space killer), it won't go back to retail and original owners could still make a profit.

If we assume Jazz ends up coming out with a clearly superior product, it's not going to matter how many HT Batmobiles are produced. That's just something we don't know yet and is the big wild card. HT already showed their hand and Jazz has plenty of time to substantially one up it.

If anything, this could potentially help the Jazz version be even more rare because people will buy from the larger, well-known company. The 1.0 HT batmobile never did anything to affect the 2 Cinemaquette 1/12 versions that are out there and those are even smaller, yet sell for $2500-3000.

Originally Posted by The SHOGUN View Post
are there actual pics of the Jazz 89 batmobile?

on his site all i see are 3, and it's very hard to tell from those pics that the Jazz 89 batmobile is worthy of 2X the cost of this.
Nope, not yet. From everything I have seen from them, I don't have any doubts (as of now) that they will deliver.
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Old 02-21-2023, 11:56 PM   #344
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Didn't cinamaquette guns jump out by control and also smoke or something like that? Been awhile since I seen that one tbh
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Old 02-22-2023, 01:50 AM   #345
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Originally Posted by Biggunz View Post
Didn't cinamaquette guns jump out by control and also smoke or something like that? Been awhile since I seen that one tbh
Indeed, the second version did all of that. I'm not sure about the first version. Since the Jazz Patbat mobile has smoke effects, light up and sounds via remote, I would be shocked if the 89 doesn't have the same.
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Old 02-22-2023, 11:58 AM   #346
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If it does all that should hold up then. That would be cool. I'm actually interested to see now.
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Old 03-16-2023, 10:40 AM   #347
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Cheaper choice.
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Old 03-28-2023, 09:16 AM   #348
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Yeah. I'm going to get like 4 of those. Screw jazz inc. Way too expensive.

Got the bat wing too.

I don't understand how the McFarlane $250 and jazz Inc $2500.

Also the delorean $800 and bat wing $2500?

So you're paying $800 for the cockpit and front end of the bat wing and $850 for each wing.

Tell me how that makes sense lol ???
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Old 04-06-2023, 10:39 PM   #349
I went to a general store. They wouldn't let me buy anything specifically.
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Originally Posted by Biggunz View Post
Yeah. I'm going to get like 4 of those. Screw jazz inc. Way too expensive.

Got the bat wing too.

I don't understand how the McFarlane $250 and jazz Inc $2500.

Also the delorean $800 and bat wing $2500?

So you're paying $800 for the cockpit and front end of the bat wing and $850 for each wing.

Tell me how that makes sense lol ???
That?s just a plastic hasbroish toy bud

Also the jazz batwing is 44x52 inches, that?s an insane size, very reasonable price. If I have the space would get that in a heartbeat considering how much studio scale models are going for nowadays. Their 1/6 89 Batmobile is $1500, which is also more than fair considering the iron studio 1/10 is close to $1000.

I know the 1/6 HT also has good detail and cheaper, but cant really compare them?.for different target audience. Just like the McFarlane one is more for my 6 year old son vs HT version.

Edit: found adam savage YouTube on the batwing, you seriously telling me this is overpriced for $2500? There are far more overpriced models to waste 2.5k on than this batwing. It?s amazing.
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Old 04-17-2023, 07:15 PM   #350
I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.
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Is it worth 1000% more.

Come on.
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