Briefly background: I have twice the YELLOW VERSION of the Half Scale ------- Wolverine Statue and two of the Sideshow Busts. Better said, HAD

. The unsmasked yellow sideshow head pleased me so much that I decided to separate both heads from the bodies and put the unmasked Sideshow Wolverine head on the ------- custom statue. Of course, it makes sense to install an LED right away. Took a while and lots of work but...
Unfortunately, the LED I was looking for is still on the way, but I made the cigar part interchangeable, so today I can share some pictures of STATUS QUO.
If everything is finished later I will again share pictures (video will be then on youtube cause its not allowed here to share videos anymore :-( ).
I have partially re-painted the ------- because they had some weakness here and there... also the adjustments made it necessary to repaint areas, the Sideshow head I sprayed completely new except the eyes. The original skin tone of the Sideshow bust head is slightly reddish. I have adjusted the skin tone more into of the ------- statue. In LIVE you can see the difference better, with the light here I can not catch it better.
Here is the result ... have fun watching.
Custom ------- half scale Yellow Wolverine statue original is masked this way:
I put the Sideshow head on the statue: