Great tks for the new pictures, now I can undertand better the statue, it's amazing you guys make a really good work on her, I understand better the effect too, I think they must pair good together even don't facing each other.
Cammy and Chun Li are really 360 degrees statues, you really must look around the piece to enjoy and understand all, they are so full of movement!
So we have an england classic telephone and clock being destroyed, the bag with shadaloo cloths, an england flag, a cup of beer (or tea?), a dog with a crown little hat and the yellow effect
The only thing I'm not a fan is the hat on the dog, I think if was just the dog would be more natural, more like a natural scene, just my 2 cents on it.
I will take both and exposed here on my game room, can't wait for Chun, she came out so perfect!