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Old 01-21-2007, 03:47 PM   #1
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lost interview with Claudio Setti

Sculptors Corner: This is to be the second in a series of articles introducing a different sculptor once a month.

Introducing Claudio Setti AKA Hellspawn77

Claudio was born in Italy where he started to learn his craft at the Intitudo D’Arte of Italy’s leading school of classical and modern art.

This training has allowed Claudio to handle many of the different tasks that where brought to him while working at Laird FX inc. where he excelled at sculpting and many other production jobs that his enthusiasm allowed him to bring to new levels. Clients would return to Laird even though the pricing was a bit more than other firms.

Claudio has now moved from Italy and now resides in Toronto Canada, where he is currently working on projects for clients and trying out new ideas. Claudio has also teamed up with other sculptors Martin Canale, and Pablo Viggiano (now signed as exclusive sculptors for Sideshow toys!) to create the Martian Factory. This is a creative team of some of the best in the industry today with new talent joining the team such as:

• “Underworld” Artists Nick Postic & Nick Marinkovich
• Kalman Andrasofzsky, artist on DC Comics “Icandy” as well a many covers for Marvel and Image Comics not to mention numerous arwork for Wizards of the Coasts “Dungeon & Dragons” series and D20 role-playing books.
• Ralph Cordero of Toxic Mom Studio: a toy anf FX industry veteran bringing his extensive knowledge and skill to the team not to mention his 20+ years experience!
• Gabe Perna, who’s sculpture and artwork boasts a fresh, bold new flavor to the industry.

Currently Claudio does most of his sculpting in Castilene to ensure all the details he is looking to achieve can be seen.

As you can see the detailing that Claudio can bring forth in this medium is just amazing. The textures of the skin are just unreal. As one can see after painting the details still come through.

Claudio has also been nice enough to allow to post some WIP’s of his Kabuki sculpt. Kabuki is a character by David Mack. These are pictures not seen elsewhere other than Claudio’s gallery now. Please check them out and let Claudio know what you think.

Q&A session:

SF: How long have you been sculpting?

Claudio: since I was 14 (I’m now 27) but professionally in the film industry for over 6 years.

SF: Claudio I know you like to use Castilene a lot in your sculpting. What got you started using this medium instead of super sculpty?

Claudio: That’s a great question! Acctually I’m heavilt influenced by McFarlane toys so once I heard that is the material I used I started to learn. Also I was amazed (Still are!) by Gabriel Marquez’s work and noticed he used it as well on some projects….

SF: since moving to Canada has it become easier to find or make contacts in the industry?

Claudio: Definitely! I moved here to get into the industry and in a very short time I did working at Laird FX ( . At Laird’s I mostly made safe props and similar things but on some occasions I got to do some sculpting

SF: What would you suggest to a new sculptor just getting into the industry?
Claudio: I would suggest keeping your humility and trying to learn as much as you can from anyone you can. Also make sure you teach others what you know and share with people. I can’t stress that enough because everyone learned from someone else and it is shameful not to help other people achieve their goals as well. There is plenty of room for more sculptors the way I see it. If you live in a world where there is never enough work then you live in a world of scarcity, and that is a very sad way of living. That is basically being greedy and you will live your life never having enough…

Other then that I’d like to quote my good friend from Argentina, Alterton: “Come on man, you have the talent, start moving your ass!!!!!!!!!”

I think that about sums it up: get out there and keep at it! Whenever I have a breakdown, happens quite a bit, I think of how Todd McFarlane sent out 700 portfolios before he got the gig at Marvel… now that’s determination!

Of course I have to acknowledge my sculptor peers that keep on supporting me and giving me guidance! Thanks guys- YOU ROCK!!! It definitely keeps me going otherwise I would never get out of breakdowns…so thank you!

SF: what is your favorite piece of work you have sculpted yourself?

Claudio: Ugh… my next one! Lol

I would say I’m pretty happy with Cable, and KABUKI is My current favorite. I know Selene will come out better though… every sculpture I do I know I can improve with the next one so really “My next one” will always be favorite! heh

SF: What is your favorite piece of work by another artist? Why do you like this piece so much?

Claudio: Now THAT is a seriously tough question! I have so many people’s work I’m influenced by I have a list way too long to write here but I can tell you that McFarlane toys has influenced me the most I would say so I have a lot of my favorites from that company.

My most recent favorite has to be the new Dawn statue by Gabriel Marquez: It’s just stunning! The movement and anatomy is INCREDIBLE! I don’t even like the character its that good!

As one can see by the body of work in Claudio’s Gallery there is not a subject that he cannot sculpt. From Comic book super hero’s to character likeness’ Claudio has a great ability to get the client the end result required.

Keep an eye out for this Man. I hope to see his work for years to come.

SF. Interview by CKinSD.
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