That being said, the others are right that she does look as advertised. He is, thus, an idiot for being her at retail price to begin with. His IQ is questionable to begin with though. He looks at a clearly loose fitting shirt and questions why it isn't skin tight. He wonders why the materials of a weight don't look a material that they aren't even trying to look like.
If he were just handed the statue randomly at gunpoint while being forced to record with a phone vertically, then the review makes sense especially if he was just told the pricepoint upfront. He's right that the accessories look extremely cheap, that the paintjob is flat, that her leg definition is nonexistent given the situation, among other things. She looks like a $400 at best. That is very much the case. The fact that people like him spend the full price anyway and just return statues and get a full refund is actually really silly though.
So let it be clear that my issue is not that she suddenly looks bad. My issue was with how she looked to begin with in comparison to the price. I always liked this statue as a statue, but I also always had an issue with how her legs lacked definition, which was why I was always conflicted on this specific version versus the others. To me, it just looked like they took her default version and painted the blue leggings to a skin color. She still looks like she is wearing tights to me. It doesn't look like skin and it lacks the muscle definition to suggest otherwise. I actively chose not to preorder this not because I disliked the statue. I like it quite a bit. I chose to avoid it because I hoped it would go down in price.
My main issue with most PCS statues these days is that I feel they are overpriced. I also know they tend to get delayed a lot and I am not too keen on their customer service and website. I would rather just take my chances with the aftermarket. If the statue goes up in price, I honestly don't mind and I just ignore it and move on. If it goes on deep discount, it feels like a nice win to me. If it floats at the same price, I just skip it. I imagine a lot of people are doing this same tactic too because PCS seems to be getting more and more aggressive with their PR and with their preorders in general. They probably rack up quite a healthy amount just on NRD, though I imagine that is the name of the game for most of these statue companies.