Originally Posted by cooljellow
I kinda like her hair in this picture.
Wow I like her in that picture also. I would not have a problem if JND used that picture for reference. You pick just the right pictures. You and I have the same taste in WW looks, LOL.
Originally Posted by cking
Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman is the absolute definitive subject for JND's talents and product type. Exquisite Silicone skin painting, beautiful eyes, perfectly styled hair, superb costume fabrication, fantastic sculpted costume parts. This is going to be good!
I hope they don't put her in an awkward pose like the second photo though.
Yeah I hope they don't put her in an awkward modeling pose. A simple standing pose would be fine, and she doesn't even need to be smiling, a neutral or serious look is fine. Tweeterhead used the standing, fists on the hips pose on their LC WW, which was good. And you're right, she's the perfect candidate to show off JND's talents. The Reeve duo is a great one also.
I know some had said since she wore hosiery, JND can just apply their expert detailed sculpting and paint apps to the legs (like Superman's suit) instead of all silicone. I'm not a fan of stockings on the legs, and wouldn't mind if they just did bare silicone with this like Gal Gadot WW, although it wouldn't be screen accurate. I'm not a fan of the cape either.