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Old 07-30-2023, 07:28 AM   #1
Shinobu Sensui
Sey hallo to my lille fren!
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Posts: 142
Removing Touch-Up Acrylic Vallejo Paint on Older Statue

Hi guys.

A couple of years ago I embarked on painting the tongue of my Cammy 1:3 statue as the tongue on her boots were red (like her socks) and not black. I was new to it and did an... OK job at it but I wanted to see if there was a way to remove it without damaging the rest of the paint on the statue.

This was two years ago so I don't know if it is possible but I figured it was worth the ask.

Addendum- I seem to be getting good results with good ol' fingernail power and I might use a plastic scraper with microfiber on it.

Nonetheless, any other ideas would certainly be a great help!

Sublime regards.
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Old 08-03-2023, 12:27 AM   #2
Captain Marvel
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Originally Posted by Shinobu Sensui View Post
Hi guys.

A couple of years ago I embarked on painting the tongue of my Cammy 1:3 statue as the tongue on her boots were red (like her socks) and not black. I was new to it and did an... OK job at it but I wanted to see if there was a way to remove it without damaging the rest of the paint on the statue.

This was two years ago so I don't know if it is possible but I figured it was worth the ask.

Addendum- I seem to be getting good results with good ol' fingernail power and I might use a plastic scraper with microfiber on it.

Nonetheless, any other ideas would certainly be a great help!

Sublime regards.
yep i remember this i do not think there is a safe way to remove that black paint while leaving the surrounding areas intact.....looks like the black paint bled on the red socks too...i would just repaint the whole boots and socks...
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Old 08-04-2023, 02:29 PM   #3
Shinobu Sensui
Sey hallo to my lille fren!
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Posts: 142
It was a very stupid project. Not sure what I was thinking.

I was honestly looking to sell the piece and I wanted to have it done right to maximize the value. Someone suggested using rubbing alcohol but that just ended up removing the under paint as well.

It still looks good but I may hire an expert for this as it's not my expertise and I don't want to ruin it.

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Old 08-29-2023, 03:31 PM   #4
I went to a general store. They wouldn't let me buy anything specifically.
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Is it acrylic paint you used on the tongue? Did you seal it with anything? I'd say start with non-solvent methods like you have, you could maybe, VERY gently use a Magic Eraser sponge too, but you have to be careful and not go through layers you didn't intend to. I've used that for scuffs and paint transfer on PVC statues before with great success. Not this exact application, but I'd think it similar enough for it to be a viable option. You can use blunt tweezers or non-sharp pliers to hold a small bit of the sponge, and get into the small spaces.

But if it's not sealed, you could also try soapy water and cloth, or maybe even go up to isopropyl alcohol if you are super careful too. I'd not go stronger than that thought as you don't want to strip off the factory paint/sealer, and acetone, paint thinner, mineral spirts, etc, will totally melt it all off. I've not had a statue from this line myself though, so I don't have personal experience with the quality of the factory paint to advise further, or venture into the more dangerous methods.

If you did seal it, or it's not acrylic paint, your options may be limited without having an expert weigh in.
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Old 10-05-2023, 07:41 PM   #5
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the fix for this to maximize value is to repaint it....or you can just sell it as is and take the loss as a learning lesson....less hassle that way....think about it....if you send this off to get repainted what if it breaks when it gets to the painter or breaks going back to you? then you end up with a pile of polystone worth maybe $100 with free shipping for a project or kit bash...just sell it off as is i think is the best way to maximize your resale value
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