I have recently started to pull my stuff out of storage since we bought a new house and have put it out on display. Not ready to post any photos yet, but getting my statues and mostly mini busts out has really made me appreciate that I bought these so many years ago. The quality has always been top notch and nothing else in the market today can compare.
Looking at eBay has really opened up my eyes to the value some of these pieces have retained!
This just arrived it's got to be one of the best Bowen "mini" busts I've ever seen. It's Surtur the fire demon and he's huge. The box is same as full size bowen statue and he stands over 13". Some notable stuff his head is amazing mixing clear resin with porcelain. The teeth look very evil and well done. Other details I thought were amazing are the finger nails long , thin and surprising sharp. The base is well made using iridescent paint to give it an almost magical
look. Last but not least is the amazing sword. I love that it wasn't flaming. It's detailed and made just perfect for this Sculpt fits into the hand via a huge peg. Don't mind Magik she was 1/10 scale figure I felt looked perfect to pose with Surtur both having similar swords and demonic horns in black coming from the heads. Enjoy