Here are a few quick "head shots" of the Custom pieces I have so far.
I will post better, full-bodied pics. At a later time.
1: Cindy Moon-Silk
2: Natasha Ramonova-Classic Black Widow (red haired)
3: Yelena Belova-Red Room Widow
4: Joker (Gabriel Del'Otto inspired)
5: Marie-Rogue-90's costume and big hair blowin' a sugah kiss.
6: Allison Blaire-Dazzler (2000's I believe costume)
7: Catherine Pryde-Kitty Pryde, Sprite, Shadowcat, Ariel and Lockheed of course
8: Illyana Rasputin-Magik
9: Tim Drake-Robin, Red Robin
10: Madelyne Pryor-Goblin Queen
There are a couple that I have in the wings....... more pictures when they arrive.
More pics. (full body) to come.
Thanks for looking all.
Cool thread!!!!!!! Beautiful pictures posted.
Man, I really want to get that Madelyne Pryor sitting on the Goblyn!