Originally Posted by Augen
With video games I wait to see them in action as cut scenes don't convey much.
I'll be curious how gameplay is done.
For sure. I mean, the prospect of a new entry is exciting all by itself, but simply seeing "better" graphics doesn't sway me for Street Fighter. The art direction's more important imo, and game design is key.
Capcom flirted with more realistic graphics for V before ultimately deciding 'no', and I'm not sold on it being a good direction for Street Fighter, but I'm open to seeing it. I'm just always looking at new entries with a critical eye in terms of how it 'fits' in the legacy. I think "Would these characters fit in Street Fighter II?". It had a certain animated style. It's not just like a sports game series where the goal is necessarily to be more and more realistic with every entry.
EDIT: I see qz33 is already on a similar page...