So, to kill some time waiting for Superman (not shipping until after CNY) I pulled out this rather disappointing Batman Returns kit I got awhile back and started doing some prep work on it. It was advertised as 1/4 scale but the figure itself is only 17.25" from tip to toe...18.5" on the base. I hate when they do that
. The 3D print is not the greatest either, too many print lines for my tastes. It's also hollow, but that's not unexpected. I'll probably fill the base, boots and legs with Hudson Water Putty to give him some weight. And the cape is two pieces, which is always a cause for celebration.
But's Batman. Keaton Batman. So I'll throw some more primer on him to see how rough it is, rub my chin and ponder for a couple of minutes, and execute maneuver Indiana Jones 001... make it up as I go along. LOL