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Old 03-18-2019, 10:15 AM   #721
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Originally Posted by built2shred View Post
In the new Avengers trailer she looked out of place next to the rest of the cast.. If Marvel is hitching it's buggy to Brie and the Captain Marvel franchise for the next phase in the MCU, then I foresee choppy waters ahead... I can never see her becoming as popular as Thor, Captain America or Iron Man... And if that's who she's suppose to replace in future movies then yeah I'm not so sure that's going to work... her personality and acting is so bland I just can't see her leading the way..
I'm not sure how much they will need her to herald the new MCU. Don't forget that Black Panther is a heavy hitter and they could use his Avengers status to make more movies where she is just a piece of a team.

Also, IF Disney gets the clear path to use X-Men and FF. Avengers could take a break for a hot second while Mouse House taps into those rich stories.
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Old 03-18-2019, 11:05 AM   #722
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Originally Posted by Tushar View Post
Are they really fan favorites, though?
That’s the joke friend, they are all pretty unpopular with multiple canceled books each yet they’re going to be the new face of the movies (I will add allegedly here as it is still mostly rumors)
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Old 03-18-2019, 12:02 PM   #723
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Originally Posted by nbr3bagshotrow View Post
id say a new generation that’s more into video than overpriced comics is a large part of the current state of the comic industry. If it wasn’t for the movies I venture to say it would be even worse.
Yes $4.99 for a poorly written barely edited comic which also gets you lousy art is an egregious waste. There's a market for comics, so many people like me would throw money by the handful at Marvel if they only produced comics I wanted to read. As it stands I've bought no comics for the last 5 years from mainstream companies and instead chosen to back content from individual creators on kickstarter and indiegogo to fill the void.

Comics and all that come with them that I've invested God knows how much time and money on over 44 years ( incl. lunchboxes, t-shirts, underoos, coloring books,halloween costumes, toys,statues,movies, television shows like Wonder Woman and Hulk etc etc etc.) were essential to me as a child, as they taught me anything from increasing my vocabulary, problem solving, courage and everything in between, especially and MOST importantly providing an escape from a completely disastrous childhood.

Any one of you can go back and read a comic from the majority of writers, look at the art from the majority of artists and go ahead with a shred of honesty and tell me the product that you buy today with precious few exceptions has anywhere NEAR the same level of value. Of course it doesn't...and you think this failure has no correlation with the collapse of comics? Did anyone on this site ever mention that Marvel actually cucked itself to IDW? Something that never would (never should) have happened under competent leadership and capable creators.
Marvel farming work out to another company is a disgrace as they launch their 5th! Captain Marvel #1
and Kate Bishop "Hawkeye" or Riri Williams "Ironman" .

As for me now, it cost me $40 to just take my family to a movie, which I'm more than happy to give as long as I'm getting something in return. I'm certainly going to apply the same filter of discernment to movies as I do comics when it comes to quality and holding some standards of output, most sane people will as well.
IMO spending time and my money on "meh it was alright" is a waste and can be put to better use. If anyone sees it different, by all means be my guest and water it all down. Go forth and dilute! When you expect less effort, when you subsidize moderate quality people will be more than happy to give it to you.

Originally Posted by galactus View Post
I'm sure you can see the irony in calling ME infantile as you respond in the most juvenile way. 6 crybabies as well...a bit of an overkill. If it were me, I'd be more judicious in my use of the crybaby otherwise it's just "crying" wolf ! every time you use it to deflate someone's criticism or opinion.

Originally Posted by d rod View Post
For almost the price of a comic book, I'm still going to see it. As long as it entertains me for 2 hours, I'm good. My better half and I watch a lot of foreign films for the story lines and Marvel for good effects and entertainment. I guess it's what you want out of the movie. And, the generation that they're catering to really don't read comics so a lot of what matters to us is meaningless to them. I do agree though that if they move to B characters for movies as a change of pace, the writing will need to get better. Hell, I really didn't even enjoy IM2, the one with Mickey Rourke. Really? He was your villain of choice?
That's what I'm saying. I can't go and "turn off" for two hours. I don't understand how people like Venom, I could barely sit through it, but people were happy with it and it made money...what am I gonna do? The studio will keep giving it to them as they should. It's like's not good, it's not good for you as far as being nutritious but people consume it anyhow for some reason.

As for B comic characters they need to give us a reason to be invested ...that's all I'm asking for. If you're pushing Riri Williams as the new Ironman or Kate Bishop as Hawkeye or Jane Foster Thor....they better have something going for them other than stealing another character's title and being a women.

Maybe I'm out of touch with the new generation who don't read comics as I grew up reading well written comics and appreciating the amazing art and saw the excellence in unbelievable creators like Kirby,Eisner ,Buscema, Perez, Claremont and Simonson etc etc. It's a shame more people are not interested in comics, as they are merely an extension of ancient storytelling going all the way back to Sumeria with reliefs carved on walls,painted images in the tombs of Luxor , glazed on Greek vases or penned illuminated manuscripts before the press was invented in Medieval Europe.

Today we have modernized this system to tell tales of heroic deeds, morals and virtues encoded into comics and movies and I appreciate that power and think it deserves more from it's creators. If that makes me a bad guy so be it. What are people going to do? Hate me MORE for saying it?
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Old 03-18-2019, 02:01 PM   #724
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Originally Posted by armitage View Post
Yes $4.99 for a poorly written barely edited comic which also gets you lousy art is an egregious waste. There's a market for comics, so many people like me would throw money by the handful at Marvel if they only produced comics I wanted to read. As it stands I've bought no comics for the last 5 years from mainstream companies and instead chosen to back content from individual creators on kickstarter and indiegogo to fill the void.

Comics and all that come with them that I've invested God knows how much time and money on over 44 years ( incl. lunchboxes, t-shirts, underoos, coloring books,halloween costumes, toys,statues,movies, television shows like Wonder Woman and Hulk etc etc etc.) were essential to me as a child, as they taught me anything from increasing my vocabulary, problem solving, courage and everything in between, especially and MOST importantly providing an escape from a completely disastrous childhood.

Any one of you can go back and read a comic from the majority of writers, look at the art from the majority of artists and go ahead with a shred of honesty and tell me the product that you buy today with precious few exceptions has anywhere NEAR the same level of value. Of course it doesn't...and you think this failure has no correlation with the collapse of comics? Did anyone on this site ever mention that Marvel actually cucked itself to IDW? Something that never would (never should) have happened under competent leadership and capable creators.
Marvel farming work out to another company is a disgrace as they launch their 5th! Captain Marvel #1
and Kate Bishop "Hawkeye" or Riri Williams "Ironman" .

! When you expect less effort, when you subsidize moderate quality people will be more than happy to give it to you. ....

That's what I'm saying. I can't go and "turn off" for two hours. I don't understand how people like Venom, I could barely sit through it, but people were happy with it and it made money...what am I gonna do? The studio will keep giving it to them as they should. It's like's not good, it's not good for you as far as being nutritious but people consume it anyhow for some reason.

As for B comic characters they need to give us a reason to be invested ...that's all I'm asking for. If you're pushing Riri Williams as the new Ironman or Kate Bishop as Hawkeye or Jane Foster Thor....they better have something going for them other than stealing another character's title and being a women.

Maybe I'm out of touch with the new generation who don't read comics as I grew up reading well written comics and appreciating the amazing art and saw the excellence in unbelievable creators like Kirby,Eisner ,Buscema, Perez, Claremont and Simonson etc etc. It's a shame more people are not interested in comics, as they are merely an extension of ancient storytelling going all the way back to Sumeria with reliefs carved on walls,painted images in the tombs of Luxor, glazed on Greek vases or penned illuminated manuscripts before the press was invented in Medieval Europe.
I'm going to hate myself in the morning for saying this, but I actually agree with many of your points, by no means all, but the more salient ones. Your usual tendency towards hyperbole and vitriol aside, you've summed up many of the reasons I'm down to subscribing to only a literal handful of comics these days. :::sigh::: I still strongly believe that many of your biases can be ascribed to melanin and hormonal issues (and not as neutral as you would have us believe) based on your many previous screeds and rants, but there is some validity here. You do seem to conveniently ignore the many male replacement characters or reboots of established characters over the years. The "No. 1" relaunch issues are tied into economics ("Oooh, look another first issue of Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man!!!") and relieving greedy, naïve collectors/speculators of their ready cash. Care to venture a guess as to how many 1st issue Chromium cover issues are stacked up in boxes in garages? I'll grant you that crappy artwork and some lazy writing is diminishing comics (see: Liefeld, Rob) in general, but you can't overlook the fact that younger people have little or no interest in the medium... for now. I remain optimistic that there will be a renaissance, just as with vinyl LPs.
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Old 03-18-2019, 02:07 PM   #725
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Damn it made a ton of money this weekend too.
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Old 03-18-2019, 02:23 PM   #726
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Originally Posted by armitage View Post
I'm sure you can see the irony in calling ME infantile as you respond in the most juvenile way. 6 crybabies as well...a bit of an overkill. If it were me, I'd be more judicious in my use of the crybaby otherwise it's just "crying" wolf ! every time you use it to deflate someone's criticism or opinion.
Just calling it as I see it
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Old 03-18-2019, 02:58 PM   #727
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Originally Posted by galactus View Post
Just calling it as I see it
That's very different from the way I see it.

Originally Posted by JoeWorf View Post
I'm going to hate myself in the morning for saying this, but I actually agree with many of your points, by no means all, but the more salient ones. Your usual tendency towards hyperbole and vitriol aside, you've summed up many of the reasons I'm down to subscribing to only a literal handful of comics these days. :::sigh::: I still strongly believe that many of your biases can be ascribed to melanin and hormonal issues (and not as neutral as you would have us believe) based on your many previous screeds and rants, but there is some validity here. You do seem to conveniently ignore the many male replacement characters or reboots of established characters over the years. The "No. 1" relaunch issues are tied into economics ("Oooh, look another first issue of Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man!!!") and relieving greedy, naïve collectors/speculators of their ready cash. Care to venture a guess as to how many 1st issue Chromium cover issues are stacked up in boxes in garages? I'll grant you that crappy artwork and some lazy writing is diminishing comics (see: Liefeld, Rob) in general, but you can't overlook the fact that younger people have little or no interest in the medium... for now. I remain optimistic that there will be a renaissance, just as with vinyl LPs.
I'm sure when all is said and done we have plenty of things in common. The problem is you just don't know me and don't know my life situation, don't know events that shaped my views AND I don't know yours. You've formed an opinion of me and I've done the same these may be inaccurate and all of our interactions are based upon those preconceived notions which is unfair.
When all is said and done the truth is comics and the way they played a part in my life are very important to me, sacred to some extent ..and they are important to society in general as they provide something that actually can unite us.
You and I are the perfect example.
The people who made comics successful, who put all their heart into building an immersive world we can all find a facet in to dwell deserve our respect, they deserve to have the tradition continue in the way bards of old had tales pass down through generations. They deserve more than a fast cash grab from Disney who'll run that "work horse" straight into the ground and then go onto another intellectual property to do the same when there's no more blood to be squeezed.
This is why I don't encourage subsidizing mediocrity, I'd rather support those who are willing to give me their fullest potential and nothing short of it.
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Old 03-18-2019, 03:21 PM   #728
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Originally Posted by The Dark Knight View Post
I'm a fan and Ms. Marvel is my favorite. Isn't she more popular than Carol Danvers in comics ? even sells better ?
Yes, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel is a success especially when you look at trade sales. Anyone who says she isn't popular is misinformed.
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Old 03-18-2019, 03:46 PM   #729
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Originally Posted by armitage View Post
That's very different from the way I see it.
LOL, oh, I know how you see it. You're right, everyone else is wrong. My 4 year old niece sees it the same way
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Old 03-18-2019, 04:12 PM   #730
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This is a lot of chatter about an opinion of a Marvel movie. Thankfully, it's not about a late, breaking scientific discovery.
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