Originally Posted by Demona
Hahaha - good catch on that autocorrect that I did not see! My phone better not know something I don?t! Come on Ketchup Mustard Gang.
Another reason I will be salty if the Eagles win is that Nick Siriani is just a punk coach. Zero class. He is just a step above Payton (my bias as a Vikes fan). Meanwhile Reid is a boss. I even liked Reid when he was in Philly.
I still remember that game. Vikes got hosed badly by zebras in that game. I had never seen a QB get beaten the crap out of like that before.
Originally Posted by qz33
Andy Reid is the only reason I cannot 100% root against the Chiefs.
He's cool. Like many, I prefer the under dog. It makes a more interesting story. I am sick of Swift/Kelce garbage everywhere, though.
Originally Posted by Demona
Hey hey - KOC got Coach of the Year!
Really should have been Dan Campbell, but I will take it.
I do not know why the NFL doesn?t want to give that award to Campbell. He has done a great job with the Lions.
Expectations would be the reason I reckon. Nobody thought Minn would be any better than average this year.