Originally Posted by Onewiththeforce
Hey guys...........
Do you think I should replace my SS OG museum posed Bat Girl with this new one???
I guess having the Clay Face base is cool as far as having another rogue in the mix but if she is in the back, we may not be able to see much of Clay Face.
I'm not sure??
A part of me is thinking of selling OG Babs but I have always loved the simplicity of the piece. I do have the EX and was thinking about maybe taking one of the portraits and having her hair painted blonde and having some bright purple padding painted along the sides of her body and maybe changing the gold gloves, belt and emblem to be yellow and her boots to be black so that she becomes Stephanie Brown and then keep the new Babs with Clay face as the true Barbara Gordon.
So what do you think???
Should I sell OG Bat girl and just get the new one or should I keep her, get her a "make over" to become Stephanie Brown and then get the new one??
That is a choice only you can make.
You mention
'the simplicity of the piece' - the new piece looks way more busy.
I do not like the portrait paint app downgrade from the amazing proto. The lips look bad.
You could always pick up the new piece and return it if you do not like it in person.
If you do like it in person, sell or keep your older piece.