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Old 11-09-2006, 10:17 AM   #1
Sculptor of Gods
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WKTf, Sam Wilson and the Dawgs comic reviews, 11/9/06

Sam Wilson’s Reviews

DC’s “Worldstorm” event continues this week with Stormwatch, PHD and issue two of Gen 13. DC also gives us more of Batman’s Bat-tyke in the Morrison penned and Kubert drawn Batman title, and we also get a new issue of one of my favorite books of all time (at least the Perez/Wolfman era) Teen Titans. From Marvel we get the 2nd part to last months cliffhanger in Ultimate X-men, some “What If” type fare in Bullet Points and everyone’s favorite berserker making right a life once wrought asunder in Wolverine: Origins. My pick of the week is Stormwatch, PHD (good to see you back Battalion) and with that being said, on to the reviews…

Stormwatch PHD #1
Written by: Christos N. Gage
Drawn by: Doug Mahnke

In the old Wildstorm U, Stormwatch was the equivalent of the JLA and the Avengers. The team operated under a UN charter and was made up of superhumans from around the world. The team was lead by Jackson King, whose father lead the original Stormwatch, and its members included Fuji (Japan), Hellstrike (Ireland), Winter (Russia) and Fahrenheit (USA). Each character had a cool trait that made them more than just a blank slate, Winter was former Spetznaz, Fuji was a Sumo, Hellstrike worked for Interpol. The book almost lost its way and then was saved in 1996 but a couple of guys by the name of Warren Ellis and Tom Raney. Ellis bought his trademark realism and Sci-Crazy writing style, and Raney brought a level of detail that just made the book explode artistically. Unfortunately all good things come to an end and Ellis killed off most of the team in “Stormwatch vs. Aliens”, and what was left of the team (Stormwatch Black) became “The Authority”. There were attempts to resurrect the book, but all unsuccessful, but with this “reinvention” of the Wildstorm U, does Stormwatch PHD (Post Human Division) have a chance? We shall see…

Issue one opens up with Jackson King, aka Battalion interviewing Officer Doran of the NYPD, the only cop who survived a supervillan melee. In that same fight Fahrenheit (no, she isn’t dead I guess this is the “new” Wildstorm U”, kinda post-Crisis like) received a head injury which depowered her. Anyway, Officer Doran survived because of his keen tactical sense, he even ended up killing a couple of super-villains. As the issue progresses we find out that Stormwatch no longer has an infinite budget and Battalion is going to have to figure out how to fight supervillany on the cheap. As the issue progresses Jackson continues his obvious recruiting mission by talking to a supervillan girlfriend, an assistant to a sorcerer and a former Super-villain. Eventually the team comes together in what Jackson hopes will be the start of a smarter, cheaper national anti super-villain initiative.

I’m liking this book, really liking this book. It’s a grittier, trimmed down version of the original team and the characters have unique personalities and will mix together well. The scripting is tight and the art is unique and pretty damn cool. This book is definitely worth checking out, for old fans of Stormwatch, new fans, or people just looking for a good read.

Bullet Points #1
Marvel Comics
Written by: J. Michael Straczynski
Drawn by: Tommy Lee Edwards

J. Michael Stracynski is best known for his science fiction series “Babylon 5”, which was the anti-Star Trek episodic sci-fi geeks were looking for. It was dark, gritty and relatively free of form-fitting spandex. More than likely we would never have seen “Firefly” or “Battlestar Gallactica” if “Babylon 5” wasn’t so popular. JMS’s first foray into the comic world was “Rising Stars”, a series he did for Top Cow that started off with a bang, but ended with barely a fizzle. The reason being shortly after that series and “Midnight Nation” (my favorite unsung JMS book, get the trade which is still in print by Top Cow comics) JMS moved to Marvel Comics and took over Spider-Man with mixed results. Yes, his 9-11 issue was essentially perfect, but what he did to Gwen Stacey? Oy Vey. Then there was his take on Dr. Strange (which I liked but many hated), Spider-Man “the Other” (meh) and currently the book which I think became everything he wanted “Rising Stars” to be: “Supreme Power”, a send up to the original “Squadron Supreme” but with much of the trademark JMS darkness to it. Damn if it isn’t one of my favorite books right now. His new book, “Bullet Points” is more or less a version of “What if’. It’s about how a single bullet can alter the course of Marvel history; in this case a bullet kills Dr. Erskine and his bodyguard, M.P. Ben Parker, and the butterfly wings flap and what we get is something totally different…

“Bullet Points” starts with Dr. Erskine and Ben Parker dying before Steve Rogers is made into Captain America. Since there is no super-soldier program to speak of the Army goes with plan “B”, an “Iron Man” suit developed with many hindrances, which include it only being able to house a very skinny man and the user must have the machine directly plugged into his heart in case it falls into enemy hands the army can self-destruct it. Convenient the military has a patriotic fellow like Steve Rogers around, who is skinny and desperate to help. Peter Parker grows up to be a little miscreant nerd since he has no male influence in his life, and one day accidentally wanders off into the test site of a gamma bomb. Yeah, I said it. Seriously.

In all fairness this book is well written. Stylistically, strictly speaking from an academic standpoint the dialogue and story flow well, but as to plot. Man. Damn. CORNY. Way to corny for me. Wow, Peter is a combination of Rick Jones and Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers becomes Iron Man. I don’t care and I don’t want to care. Save your money, don’t by the trade; it’s just another useless Marvel limited series that in the greater scheme of things will mean nothing to anyone.

Wolverine: Origins #8
Marvel Comics
Written by: Daniel Way
Drawn by: Steve Dillon

For those of you who haven’t been keeping up with “Wolverine: Origins” I’ll give a quick recap. At the end of the “House of M” fiasco Wolverine, who is the best at what he does and what he does ain’t pretty, was granted access to his memories. All of them. Yup. Most of them are nasty and are the types of things no one wants to come to light. SHIELD is alerted and so it begins. Wolverine decides he is going to use his newfound knowledge to exact bloody revenge on all those who have ever wronged him, so he whups Silver Samurai’s ass and takes his Muramasa Blade (a katanna that has a bloodlust and is said to be able to contain evil spirits) and embarks on a quest. First up, he has some words with the Secretary of State, then he visits a guy named Nuke (who we last saw in the now classic Daredevil storyline “Born Again”). It turns out Wolverine more or less helped create Nuke, and after setting that little flub straight he mixes it up with Captain America and a few of the X-men. Wolverine almost goes berserk on all of them, but Emma Frost stops him and drops a huge bombshell on ol’ Logan. He has a son. In a moment of clarity Logan hands over his Muramasa Blade to Cyclops, requesting that if he goes to far in his current revenge bender that Cyclops end it with the sword, the only thing that can permanently put Wolverine down. Anyway, things for Wolverine haven’t slowed down a bit since issue six, and issues seven and eight, well…

Wolverine has hopped a freighter in search of his son, but the cut he received from the Muramasa blade isn’t healing as it should. He remembers there is a mineral that has helped him before his healing factor was on the fritz, but it isn’t synthesized naturally. Wolverine needs to pay a visit to one of his old buddies from Team X (see Wolverine, the first ongoing series, issue #50), Maverick to get his hands on this mineral so he can resume his quest. He tracks Maverick to Queens, and runs into an old friend along the way, an old friend and an old enemy (Omega Red). Issue seven opens up with Wolvie and Omega Red going at it, and a depowered Jubilee and Maverick sitting on the sidelines trying to stay alive. We also get a nifty “flashback” to Wolvies past as a mercenary who got his brain wiped after each mission. Wicked. Issue eight, well, damn. I have nothing to say except look at the last page, that final, beautiful splash page. Word, indeed, word. Don’t take my word for it though, why don’t we ask my bro kdawg how he feels…

A word from the Dawg on Origins…

Final beautiful splash page indeed… Riddle me this comic fans… what is black, red, and white all over… is hotter than the sun… and say’s “Little Uncle?”

This was a great book this week. Way and Dillon deliver consistently told tales of Wolverine on a mission to atone for the sins of his past. All the while he seems to commit a few new ones along the way. Issue 8, had a pretty nostalgic feeling to it. We got to replay the scene where Maverick, Sabertooth, and Wolvie were back in team X and first going up against Omega Red and rescuing their mole at the time…(as seen in the classic Jim Lee run on the adjective less X-Men)

And then there is the surrogate fatherly feelings that Logan has toward Jubilee…. That brings me back to when Jubilee first sprang on to the scene and followed the X-Men home to Australia and latched on to Wolvie when he was being crucified on the X by Donald Pierce and the Reavers (from the also classic run of 3+ years by uber talented and underrated Marc Silvestri)

What else brings back the nostalgia??? Oh yeah that last splash page that Sammy was talking about. Uncanny X-Men #268… one of the best pre-Wolverine origin origin tales I’ve even laid eyes on…

What all of these factors boil down to is that Wolverine is cool again. He’s finally getting some fresh material to work with other than his struggle against the beast within. Dillon and Way are carefully spinning the tales of what we’ve always wanted to know about the “Best there is at what he does” mutant… If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then it’s the best series you aren’t reading yo…

Last edited by Kdawg59; 11-09-2006 at 10:19 AM.
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Old 11-09-2006, 10:17 AM   #2
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Kdawg’s Reviews

Eternals #5 (of 6)
Written by: Neil Gaiman
Drawn by: The man, the myth, the legend…. John Romita Jr.

We’re almost there… we’re almost to the end of this incredible mini (snuffle) To recap a little, Here’s what we have…

It's all Ike Harris's fault. He went to Mark Curry, talking of his dreams and memories of their lives as gods called "Eternals." Mark didn't believe Ike's rants and, in a move that would end his medical career, allowed two men posing as doctors to take Ike away. The only silver lining to the events for Mark was meeting the beautiful party planner Sersi, who invited him to the party she was throwing at the Vorozheikan Embassy. Sersi was hired by Deputy Prime Minister of Vorozheika Druig, who didn't tell Sersi that the whole party was a ruse to kindap a group of leading scientists. One of this group was Thena Eliot, who works for Tony Stark, A.K.A. Iron Man. However, someone other than Druig was puling the kidnappers' strings and ordered them, after abducting the scientists, to kill the rest of the party guests. First killed was Thena's husband. Mark was able to save everyone else with super speed that he didn't even know he possessed--speed that made him wonder if what Ike had told him was true. Thena and the rest of the abductees were rescued by Iron Man. Meanwhile, Druig has begun hunting down those who betrayed him, Mark has gone to see child-star Sprite (whom Ike spoke of as an Eternal), and Ikaris... Well, it seems that being atomized might not have been the end of him.

A newly resurrected Ike inside the reactivation chamber of Olympus and a computer acknowledging him as an Eternal. Things are starting to roll for our main characters now as the events of previous issues have them questioning themselves, each other and everything they have ever known. Mark believes that Ike isn't as crazy as previously thought and seeks out Sprite to answer his questions.

Much to Mark's surprise and disbelief, Sprite starts breaking everything down for him and explaining the reasons why the Eternals and their existence in the Marvel U has been all but forgotten. It turns out that Sprite has more than enough answers for Mark as the issue progresses and things reveal themselves to not be what they seem.

Turns out Sprite doesn't like being Eternally 11 years old and has been up to a little UNI-Mind mischief. Other Eternals are starting to get the picture here and the tide of the mini-series is starting to turn. There's an ass kicking coming and Thena and Ike are the ones that are going to start the reckoning.

So that is the long-winded recap folks, but it’s important, trust me… Issue 5 is where all hell breaks loose… Ajak and Zuras (Way powerful Eternals) are here and they seem to want to wake the dreaming celestial. The dreaming celstial will basically annihilate life as we know it… I was absent that day in school, but I think that is a bad thing.

The deviants that were responsible for atomizing Ike are prevalent in this issue as greater plans are revealed and mysteries come to light. This issue set up what will inevitably be an all out John Romita love fest next issue as a battle of cosmic proportions will no doubt take place.

Eternals #5 answered so many of the questions I have been asking about this mini since Sam made me pick it up for the dead sexy Sersi variant cover those many moons back… Neil Gaiman has taken characters that we have all but forgotten and given them air to breath again in the Marvel Universe. Jack Kirby would be proud Neil… Truly.

At this point you may as well wait until the trade for this hits… Get out there and get it. One way or another it is one of the best self-contained mini series I have read since Kitty-Pryde and Wolverine. That’s why you can bet that each time an issue of Eternals hits the stands, it will be My Pick of the Week.

Batman #658
DC Comics
Written by: Grant Morrison
Drawn by: Andy Kubert

So far in this arc, we have seen that Batman has put all of his rogues behind the gnarled gates for Arkham Asylum. He is buddies with his partner Robin again, and he even cracks a smile or two as he has a night out on the towm with Alfred.

Not Bad Grant Morrison… you have made Batman likeable, because you have made him more Bruce Wayne again. But while Bruce was enjoying a smile and a night out, Hell came knocking in the form of Man-Bat ninjas. That’s right, I said Man-Bat ninjas…

Ra’s Al Ghul’s daughter Talia has taken over his crime empire and obtained Kirk Langstrom’s Man-Bat formula and is giving it to her assassins to wreck havok. It seems to be working quite well too… Later it is revealed though that it is just part of a sub-plot to draw her “beloved” out and make Batman come to her so that she can present to him their son Damian.

Yes you can pick up your lips from the floor now… Batman has a son who is far more dangerous than any child should be. All of the training and skill of a master assassin and the mentality of an 11 year old, whining, spoiled brat.

(quick synopsis of Damian… “ I want a soda babysitter-man” … “WHAT do you mean I CAN’T Have one????” THUD… “Now that I just cut your head off I bet I can have a soda.”… end synopsis)

It falls on Batman to take Damian to the cave and try to instill a little honor to temper the boy’s deadly skill…

As you can imagine this leads to all sorts of trauma the minute Batman leaves to play a hunch in Gotham.

Damian beats the snot out of Alfred and leaves Robin broken and bloody and attempts to take his “rightful place” by Batman’s side because he is the heir…

Needless to say Batman freaks and rushes to Tim’s aid. He has to finish this Talia business with the Man-Bats, so he has no choice but to hail Damian in toe for fear that he is too dangerous to not be watched over…

So they Dynamic 1 and 1 half go rocketing after the League of Assassin-bats and the battle ensues on a ship sailing toward Gibraltor. A few pages of Batman kicking some ninja Man-Bat ass and Damian easily helps Batman defeat Talia’s plans all the while wearing it like a badge of honor to his mother. “See how easily I helped dad defeat you mom?”

Talia assures Damian that it’s not over yet and sends torpedoes pummeling towards the ship telling Damian to choose whom he wants to go with. Damian being a kids doesn’t want to choose, and instead wants them all to be together. The torpedoes have other ideas as the send the ship up in a fireball.

As the wreckage sinks and the debris floats ashore, a hand dips into the water and grabs a tatter of cloak from the water. Batman looks at the cloth and knows it is from the cloak that Damian was wearing as the rest of the boat bubbles into the deep.

I had to read this issue twice. I had to read it twice because I am not sure how it could have ended as quickly as it did. I’ll be damned… it sure did end that quickly and the last 3 issues were wrapped up in the span of 20-some pages… If Batman made it, you know there were other survivors and it is my guess we have not seen the end of this new deadly character in the Batman mythos called Damian…

Great book this title has recently become…

Last edited by Kdawg59; 11-09-2006 at 10:21 AM.
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Old 11-09-2006, 10:18 AM   #3
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This week we decided our theme was going to be “Bruhs”. For those of you unfamiliar with my urban vernacular, “Bruh” is “brother”, “Bro”, “Broham”, “Hermano”, you get it. Guys who kick ass together and do it well. Joe went old school with Neal Adams and Denny O’Neil (bruhs, for sure) on Green Lantern and Green Arrow, and I went new school with the first team up of Ultimate Captain America and the Ultimate Falcon in “Ultimate Extinction”. So check it out, call up one of your bruhs and thwart evil, wherever it may be…

Wktf’s Review

The Green Lantern/Green Arrow Collection
DC Comics
Written by: Dennis O’Neil
Drawn by: Neal Adams

To begin, to creative some sense of perspective, this is one of the most famous comic book creative runs since the dawn of the Silver Age of Comics. It lasted for 13 issues (plus three issues of backup stories in The Flash) and, for many comic book historians, seems to epitomize the second rebirth of comics as this industry, like America itself, struggled through growing pains as it moved out of the 1960s and into the 1970s. These comics first were published in 1970-1 and certainly feel like they belong to the period when the combinations of The Vietnam War and Watergate forced a kind of angry malaise on the nation as expressed by Bob Dylan, The Beatles and even Led Zepplin. As a period piece, this collection presents almost a time capsule to look back on to understand the national consciousness but, frankly, one could fairly ask how well these stories hold up today.

The partnership of Green Lantern with Green Arrow represents a kind of yin/yang that creates plenty of friction and, over time, a deepening respect and friendship between the two heroes but not without some serious conflicts along the way. Green Lantern is the straight laced good cosmic cop whose ethical code compels him to respect and enforce the law. Green Arrow, on the other hand, is a hot headed liberal filled with anti-establishment righteous indignation. He compels Green Lantern to “find America” with him, to get his head out of the cosmos and focus on the fears, issues and problems that are gripping the country in which they live. Green Lantern is humbled by Ollie’s drive and the inner city problems that are laid bare in front of him, defies the Guardians of the Galaxy, and agrees to a road trip (seriously, pickup truck and all) to explore America. In addition, the two are accompanied by one of the Guardians who want to learn what it means to be human. During this time O’Neil puts our heroes through the wringer, both in terms of their actual adventures and emotionally as well, and uses these stories to address powerful social issues of the times. These issues include inner city poverty, corporate malfeasance, racial inequality and persecution (against both American Indians and African Americans), overpopulation, pollution, child endangerment and, of course, most famously, drugs.

Make no mistake this entire collection is laced with some pretty awesome super heroics as well. Green Lantern villains such as Sinestro and Black Hand make appearances. Green Arrow’s girlfriend, The Black Canary, also appears throughout this book. And thanks to Neal Adams’ incredible art there’s lots of great, fast moving, jaw smashing superhero action. The continuous conflict of perspective between the two protagonists leads not only to tense arguments but, at times, to serious blows which threaten to drive the two heroes apart but, ultimately, actually bring them closer together. But this collection is most famous for its greatest comic book, some of which also are historically significant, moments. These include the awesome cover image of Green Arrow firing an arrow through and shattering Green Lantern’s power battery, John Stewart’s becoming the newest Green Lantern and, most famously, Green Arrow’s ward Speedy’s getting hooked on heroin which, in turn, is accentuated by the cause of his addiction: Green Arrow’s ignorance about and neglect of the teenage Speedy’s need for attention and guidance.

This volume collects Green Lantern #76-87 & 89 and The Flash 217-219. I own the slipcase HC version but it also has been published as a trade paperback in two volumes. O’Neil’s writing can be a little heavy handed at times and he even goes so far as to quote Norman Mailer and Ernest Hemmingway to accentuate the morals he’s trying to get across which, in retrospect, feels a little pretentious. But this is Denny O’Neil after all, and he delivers some great superhero stories in this book and also gives us a compelling evolving relationship between these two characters that is the foundation of the friendship they share today. Interestingly, Green Lantern’s confusion over obeying the law even if it may not be right, and the short story of Green Arrow’s decision to run for mayor of his city, seem prescient of today’s Civil War storyline and Green Arrow’s current status in his own comic. And what else can be said about Neal Adam’s art that hasn’t already been said other than that it’s always great and often brilliant. These stories aren’t for everyone and anyone looking for straight superhero action should not pick this up. Anyone who’s okay with some dated language (like references to the establishment, the man, and the occasional “dig it”) and some moralizing about issues that are still problems today mixed into their superhero stories rendered with some of the best art to grace a comic book series should thoroughly enjoy this collection.

Sam Wilson’s Review

Ultimate Extinction
Marvel Comics
Written by: Warren Ellis
Drawn by: Brandon Peterson

Ultimate Extinction is the third part in Warren Ellis’s “Ultimate Trilogy”, which is all about the coming of Gha Lak Tus (that’s Galactus for you regular Marvel U folks). The first part, Ultimate Nightmare, was about the X-men and the Ultimates tracking down an alien distress signal from the dead of Siberia, they soon found out this beacon came from the “Ultimate Vision”, whose alien android body was being used by the Russians for all kinds of cold world nastiness. Sam Wilson (the “Ultimate Falcon”), who was on the recovery team is also a scientist, and Nick Fury charges him with figuring out what exactly this “Vision” was sent to Earth for. The second part, “Ultimate Secret”, I actually will review later in the tpb, so I guess you can just read that for a recap/review of that storyline. Then as a back up story in recent “Ultimate Marvel” books, the story of the Vision is told (who turns out to be a she). The Vision is on Earth to warn it’s populace of Gha Lak Tus, the world destroyer, she was created by one of the worlds he destroyed and then sent out into space to warn other worlds of his coming. Apparently there is nothing you can do to stop the coming of Gha Lak Tus, and she suggests to Sam Wilson the populace of Earth get out while the getting’s good, which brings us to the last part of the trilogy, Ultimate Extinction.

Ultimate Extinction begins with Sam Wilson, Captain Marh-vell and Reed Richards briefing Nick Fury on how exactly Gha Lak Tus is going to destroy the Earth. It wasn’t pretty. Meanwhile, Misty Knight was just hired to find a rich dude’s wife who was apparently skirted away by a charismatic leader of a money-hungry cult. Misty tracks down said wife, but finds a weird silvery naked dude has taken her (hmmm…). Then there is a gun battle and a bald chick. Which leads us to issue two, Fury and Richards are butting heads, Cap is coming to grips with his mortality and Misty Knight and Captain Jean DeWolff (fresh from the pages of Ultimate Spider-Man) are hot on the trail of the bald chick (who we find out is named Heather Douglas, aka Heather Moon. Hmm…). Misty Knight gets a visit from the silvery dude, and the sh$# hits the fan, Captain America is alerted by the battle and speeds off to fight something he can finally get his hands on, and Sam Wilson (aka the Ultimate Falcon) ditches the lab coat to join him and in issue three they are jumping out of a SHIELD helicopter to put foot to a$# on said silvery dude. Cap lands shield first on the beyotch and Falcon swoops down on him and lays into him with TWO FULL MAGAZINES FROM THE TWO MP5’s HE’s CARRYING DUAL HANDED CHOW YUN FAT STYLE WORD. Of course there is more techy stuff with Reed Richards and company, Professor X makes mental contact with Galactus, and there are hints of an “Ultimate Weapon” to be used. Issue four continues with the “Ultimate Weapon” stuff with Reed blowing a few gaskets and demanding all kinds of andamantium and other techie type stuff from Nick Fury, Captain America and company are hot on the trail of the “silvery dude” and their strange cult and get a crapload of info from Heather Douglas, who is a clone of her mom (but that is really here nor there), and then Captain America and Captain Marvel capture a silvery dude and torture the living sh$# out of him. Issue five features the big finale, and well, I can’t really say anything. You are going to have to buy the damn book.

The “Ultimate Trilogy” kicks a$# in my humble opinion. It is the first big crossover of the Ultimate Universe; we got the Fantastic Four, the Ultimates, and the X-men. Captain Mahr-vell, Carol Danvers, Misty Knight, yeah, things are cooking in the Ultimate Marvel U. Cap and Falc are teaming up (did I say WORD?). Yes, there are plenty of Ultimate haters out there, fine, hate away, but this is seriously some of the best stuff to come from the house of ideas in a long, long time, and if you don’t want to pick it up, well, that’s your prerogative, but trades for Ultimate Extinction and the rest of the Ultimate Trilogy are all readily available and in print. Word.

Last edited by Kdawg59; 11-09-2006 at 10:22 AM.
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Old 11-09-2006, 12:31 PM   #4
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Thanks, again, Dawg, for the reviews and picking up on where I left off on Batman! I'm now back from my world travels and hope to be in force on reviews next week. Sam, to think I was gonna pick up Bullet Points! Thanks for the review...I'll be spending enough money today when I finally get to the lcs.
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Old 11-09-2006, 12:52 PM   #5
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Wow... Bullet Points seems so forgetful, I near forgot the entire plotline before even getting to the end of the first paragraph. Booooring. Sometimes it seems like JMS gets to write whatever he wants... Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn indeed. Now why could that be a "what if"...?

Whiloe on the subject of Spidey, have any Amazing Spidey reviews been submitted in the last while?

Thanks for all the great submissions!
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Old 11-09-2006, 12:56 PM   #6
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Yep, I've been reviewing Amazing Spider-Man the last few months.
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Old 11-09-2006, 01:19 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by wktf View Post
Thanks, again, Dawg, for the reviews and picking up on where I left off on Batman! I'm now back from my world travels and hope to be in force on reviews next week. Sam, to think I was gonna pick up Bullet Points! Thanks for the review...I'll be spending enough money today when I finally get to the lcs.

Cannot wait to have you back kicking ass Joe...
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Old 11-09-2006, 02:48 PM   #8
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I really like all of DC slipcased hardcovers dedicated to Neal Adams work. I picked up the Green Lantern/Green Arrow one a few years back for around $55 off eBay. The Deadman book is well worth and the 3 volumes of Batman, need I say more...

I enjoyed the Ultimate Galactus books too, but I definitely prefer the MU character.
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Old 11-09-2006, 03:05 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by whd View Post
I really like all of DC slipcased hardcovers dedicated to Neal Adams work. I picked up the Green Lantern/Green Arrow one a few years back for around $55 off eBay. The Deadman book is well worth and the 3 volumes of Batman, need I say more...

I enjoyed the Ultimate Galactus books too, but I definitely prefer the MU character.
Totally agree, whd. I reviewed the three volume Neal Adams Batman HCs (would love for DC to create just the slip case in which to put these volumes). The Deadman book is incredible as well.

Have you read the GL/GA volume? If so, what'd you think?
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Old 11-09-2006, 03:41 PM   #10
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Good to see GL/GA Adams O'neil reviewed, they are true classics. The slip case version is getting up there in price since it is now out of print. I wish they'd produce a slip case for the 3 Batman volumes.
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