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Old 12-01-2016, 10:23 PM   #401
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Originally Posted by protector2814 View Post

(way pre-Harry-Potter)

Speaking of, I'd been aware of the Tim Hunter/Harry Potter comparison and how Gaiman dismissed it, saying that even he wasn't the first to have done it. At the time, I wasn't sure exactly what he was referring to, but I recently learned of "The Journal of Luke Kirby" from 2000AD. This will be reprinted in 2017 and looks to be worth picking up.
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Old 12-02-2016, 08:18 AM   #402
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(Thread Derail, Thread Derail)

Looks interesting is right.

Guess British magic-school & the dangers associated with one is just a universal, timeless idea.

The Worst Witch 1986 Broom riding class.
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Old 12-12-2016, 01:31 PM   #403
The Stones, I love the Stones. I watch them whenever I can. Fred, Barney...
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Well I wanted to do a full review for these but photobucket is a piece of crap.

So I'll make things quick:

Absolute Preacher - 9/10

Infinity Watch vol. 1 - 7 /10
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Old 12-14-2016, 12:10 AM   #404
My baby calls me the Loch Ness Monster, two great big humps and then I'm gone
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so I have not read this book yet(it is MASSIVE) at it is not a TPB (HC) but it is a book of Absolute BEAUTY an orgasm for the eyes

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Old 12-23-2016, 03:37 PM   #405
The Stones, I love the Stones. I watch them whenever I can. Fred, Barney...
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Klaus 9/10 - Read the hardcover which is just a beautiful book to look at. Every page is so vibrant and Grant Morrison tells a tale of Santa before he was Santa that has a classic feel to it. Simple but works.
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Old 01-13-2017, 02:05 PM   #406
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Rachel Rising Omnibus HC

It was so much fun to read this book. It took me a little more than a month to finish it. I'm really satisfied about that, such a long read, totally worth the every penny. It's a 10/10

My favorite character from the book is definetly Zoe that little pyscho's insensitive jokes which were crowned by her being a 10 year old child so she didn't understand just cracked me up. She was actually very old because of The demon Malus's possession... an old woman in a child's body and on that she was a serial killer. But i liked her cause she had a child's body and brain and sense of humor lol the last one is kind of unheard of for a serial killer i guess... lol and she knew that she's sick in the head. I like it when the insane ones know that they are insane but that requires a great intelegence and education... but she's a child and knows that kind of fall in the over the top catagory because of that but she had experince on her side too... she was around for a very long time so with some suspend of disbelief, it's pretty ok and fun. After all this is a book of mytholgy and fantasy so you need to suspend your disbelief, ofcourse.

I liked how the story started with just Rachel's murder and mysterious return from the death, it was about who killed her ? how did she ressurect ? and the first answer to second question was a diversion... and it was a horrible event that took place in The town of Manson in medieval ages that because of The Witch Lilith, the town people gathered all the girls of Manson above age 15 and hanged them to get rid of all the witches... just incase... you know, you can't take your chances with witches... so they hanged all of them... And Rachel was one of those girls who was actually a witch. She was Lilith's apprantece but Rachel remembered this two times in the book, in the first one she was at the age she died but later one she was just 9 or something... and the second remembering was the correct one so the story puts out some diversions to suprise you like how this gets bigger, at first Lilith wanted revenge from the town of Manson because of this event but Rachel stoped her but later on it turned out that Rachel and Lilith were sisters and Lilith was the first woman created by God and Later God created Rachel as the sister of Lilith... (they mentioned Eve but never showed her and no mention of Adam... wasn't he supposed to be created first as The Man ? i don't know christian religion very well... so i can't really tell, if this is uniqe to the book or in some kind of the bible or bibles right ? there are bunch of them, i don't know) then Lilith slept with Lucifer, the God's favorite angel and banished from heaven with Rachel to eternaly live among Eve's ofsprings the humans on earth and (now) they need to stop the demon Malus before he impregnates Zoe (when she turns 15) to give birth to anti christ to bring the end of the world. Malus is a demon who lives in human hosts and Zoe was one of his hosts before Rachel did a trick (without knowig) and get him out of Zoe. Then it turned out that Malus really liked the little pycho Zoe, even gave her the sword of Satan which was broken and became a knife so Zoe could comit her murders with it...(it's implied that the knife belonged to Jack The Rippher and said that Hitler had it for a whie too) They Lilith, Rachel and Zoe decided to stop Malus cause if he brought the end of the world, God would blame them and send Rachel and Lilith to suffer in hell for all eternaty and they thought they might have won the favor of The God and return to heaven... so the story went big like that and then Lilith was like '' i don't need any help to stop Malus, i just wanted your company Rachel...'' (it's an immortal thing) and went and kicked Malus's butt... got him out of his host and stabed him on the chest with the sword of Satan... so that sent Malus straight back to hell, the story pushed everything built big proportions away with lilith kicking the Malus's butt on her own, just like that and went back to -who killed Rachel ?- and i think that was brilliant... starting small, getting big and building for epic and then going back to smaller proportions again. I really liked it since i was also really wondering who killed Rachel in that horrible way...

Somethings left dangling like that profesor who lives with his wife's corpse (and yeah, he has sex with that thing) what was the point of this guy and his corpse wife ? other than being super creepy and cleaning aunt johnny's body of poison. I think their story needed to go somewhere... with the story of what the heckever he planted in Aunt Johnny's neck when she was dead. (and... ewww but did he have sex with Aunt Johnny's dead body...? he seemed like he wanted to and he had the chance when no one but just two of them in the house so may be something off panel... eww, it's mega creepy and gross but one can't help but wonder)

what will happen with Jet and Earl relationship ? i mean Earl was staring at Death on the window when we last saw of Jet and Earl... so that implies Death is waiting for Jet ?

The famous person with mansion garden full of buried dead people and the little girl who can see and hear all of them... I bet that famous person is one of Malus's children.

Those totally deserved more exploration.

I would love to see more of Rachel Rising...
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Old 01-30-2017, 09:17 PM   #407
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Prophet volume 5: Earth War

This volume concludes an often baffling but always fascinating comic series featuring a Rob Liefeld character from the earliest days of Image Comics. Writer/artist Brandon Graham has continued the Prophet storyline in an ambitious and wholly-unexpected way by jumping 10,000 years into the future and turning the title into a sprawling sci-fi epic. In this new setting, the Earth is occupied by various alien races, and humans are an afterthought. Volumes 1 and 2 focused on innumerable clones of John Prophet awakening from hibernation across the galaxy in an attempt to "restart the Earth Empire"; however, Volumes 3 and 4 gave that mission an ominous context. After sweeping the reader along to distant worlds, Volume 5 brings the action back to Earth. The scope of this storyline has grown tremendously over the course of four years, and Volume 5 suffers somewhat for it; specifically, in trying to focus on a few main characters while also capturing the immensity of the final showdown. As a result, the ending comes across as rushed and unbalanced, but at least it wraps things up. Additionally, the story is capped off with an assortment of scenes from the past, present, and future that will hopefully provide a framework for more material.

While Graham headed this massive undertaking, he was assisted by co-writers and artists that, even though their styles differed, made the series work as a whole. That says a lot, especially with something of this scope. This is one of the most enjoyable comics I've ever read; in fact, it prevented me from giving up on comics altogether when it debuted in 2012. Re-reading the whole thing, it still fills me with a sense of wonder, so I applaud everyone involved... yes, even Rob.
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Old 02-18-2017, 03:09 PM   #408
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Baltimore vol. 6 HC 9/10

It was a fun read. The Plot was interesting... may be a tiny bit harder than avarage to follow cause it jumped between two groups of Baltimore's crew, group 1 leaded by Baltimore to stop the blood red witch's evil in the city of St. Petesburg / Russia and group 2 was the rest of Baltimore's men who searched and found the first temple of The Red King in Carthage / Tunisia to gather information to stop The Red King. The book jumped between the activities of those two gruops from page to page and i don't really know a great deal about the Baltimore's men (cause the book didn't really talk about them that much) so at first i was like ''which group was that again ?!?!?'' lol but as the book went on i started to reconize all the characters and it was a smooter read. I'm not sure if mr. Hodge was dead or alive in the end of the book though... he was one of Baltimore's men. He was laying in a bed as white as marble when some of Baltimore's men stood next to the bed and one of them put a quilt on him but i don't know if that was to keep him warm or they were just covering him couse he was dead now... i guess i will learn that the next trade lol He is the guy who can understand the information Baltimore's men gathered at the first Temple of The Red King so if he is dead, everyone is probably screwed lol

The Art was fantastic as always, a perfect art for such a horror book. Very Grim and dark. I can't wait for the next volume.

IDW Transformes vol. 3 HC 7/10

All the spot light one shots were fun to read. The Transformers & Avengers crossover was medicore… It was the only part that was not written by Simon Furman and i got bored only at that part.

The Devistation Adventure after The TF & Avengers crossover was the best Transformeres event i have ever read so far. I really enjoyed it. Poor Sunstreaker… I hope The Autobots will save him from the mechanisation organisation. Those mechanisation guys really messed him up…That Scorponoc Headmaster guy really kicked Grimlock’s butt in The Spot Light: Grimlock one shot… He’s really formidable at least, unlike the Sunstreaker copy headmasters in The Davistation event cause Grimlock is a pretty tough dinobot. I like how all the spotlight one shots serves a purpose, they are not just self contained one shot stories but they also carry the overall story of The Transformers forward and connect to the events. That’s really fun to see, you are like ‘’oh that was happend in The Spot Light: Shock Wave and now continues in The Davistation event in another volume and then The Spot Light: Grimlock revealed what happend after them !’’ I love how everything is connected. Thinking about it, i really have a nerdgasm right now ! lol

Only thing i can say bad about The maincourse The Devistation event is; it didn’t have a proper end like all the comics’s biggest events, it just makes way, talks about an another big event in the end… which is not that bad actually at least in The Devistation event for me because i want more, much much more but if there are jaded TF fans out there, i can imagine how they roll their eyes. lol

Bloodshot vol. 2 TPB 10/10

The fun continues. The plot is the new allies of Bloodshot who he made in vol. 1 (are just two women, 1 psiot, 1 paramedic) kidnapped by The RSP from their hidding place and they were taken to a RSP secret base which was about to be infiltrated by Bloodshot (their kidnaping was part of Bloodshot's plan)

so Bloodshot infiltrated to the RSP secret base to learn who he is cause it's said to him by one of his other new allies, a former RSP worker scientist that the information about the Bloodshot's real identity was a secret which was kept in that secret RSP base's computers but after Bloodshot fought his way through the secret base to the computer room ( he fought against some RSP project super weird and creepy looking cyborg soldiers in very very brutal and bloody way with the distant help of his two women allies... i could hear The Dark Tranquilty play in my head at those fights, they were all totally METAL !!! lol) only thing he found was kidnapped psiot children and he saved them (fighting against a very strong build old lady called Gamma who took care of the psiot children and fed and got super tough on the fear of other psiots. She was about to finish the Bloodshot in a very brutal way but the psiot children realised that Bloodshot was there to save them and gathered and kicked the butt of the old hag gamma in a very brutal way)

it turned out that the scientist ( i can't remember his weird name lol) who helped Bloodshot was actually working for Toyo Harada (a super strong japanese psiot capitalist business man and yeah, ofcourse he's evil) for more info on Harada, The Harbinger series vol. 1 and 2 must be read and it must be read before Bloodshot vol. 1 and 2 and both Bloodshot and Harbinger connects to the event of Harbinger Wars after vol 2s. so The Bloodshot series is connected to the larger Valiant universe so early on. If you don't like series which make you read other series and tie in to big events and very intense violance, this series is not for you.

I really enjoyed the volume and can't wait for more.

Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Manace HC 5/10

You will enjoy the comics more if you watch the movie before reading the comics because you will know the absent little scenes between the panels and that will make you understand what's going on better... the art was ok but aspecially it was not very good at totally interpret action scenes like duel of the fates but if you watched the movie before reading, you can fill in the gaps between panels and enjoy the comics more as i said before.

Jar jar... lol you know what... i realised i don't hate jar jar as much as i used to anymore. I hated Jar Jar when i watched the movie in theaters at 1999 when i was 15. I realised reading the comics adaptation 18 years later, Now, if jar jar is a price i have to pay to see Yoda, Jabba The Hutt and Sidius in action one more time and to see a villain as cool as Darth Maul, so be it. I believe that's not that big of a price for that, it's a good bargain lol.
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Old 02-27-2017, 06:13 PM   #409
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Power Man and Iron Fist - The Boys are back in Town - by David Walker, Sanford Greene (issues 1-4), and Flaviano (issue 5) - 4/10

Simple plot, predictable storyline, virtually no character development, base humor, nothing new, really. Literally, bathroom reading. I was hoping for much more. Oh well. Not recommended.
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Old 03-04-2017, 12:08 PM   #410
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Gotham Central - Book 1 - ''In the line of duty'' - by Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, and Michael Lark - 9.5/10
- Collects issues 1-10

Gotham Central - Book 2 - ''Jokers and Madmen'' - by Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, and Michael Lark - 9.5/10
- Collects issues 11-22

Holy smokes - this is an excellent book. Ed Brubaker is Frank Miller's heir apparent - and more. Very highly recommended.
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