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Old 12-18-2017, 01:54 PM   #471
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Originally Posted by Luminous View Post
I am going to try and give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you don't see how this is insulting to others like me. This comment implies that if you happened to enjoy this film, you must therefore be the so called "younger audience" with "shorter attention spans". Guess what? I was born in 82, and I happened to enjoy the film. So by your logic, does that mean I have a short attention span and therefore need Disney to wow me with spectacle to pull me away from my Tweets and Instagram posts? I've never used either of those social media platforms in my life! But please, continue attempting to justify your displeasure with something as trivial as a movie by belittling the people who don't agree with you.
So you have a Facebook then?

Even though I hated the film for various reasons, it's still entertaining. I think everyone somewhat agrees on that. Hell... I find The Rock, and Transformers 1 & 3 entertaining.
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Old 12-18-2017, 01:57 PM   #472
Hanky Panky
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Gareth Edwards, Director of Rogue One, and his cameo on Crait. It was a returned favor since he casted Rhian Johnson as an Imperial Technician in Rogue One.

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Old 12-18-2017, 01:58 PM   #473
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Star Wars fans hate Star Wars? Stop it. Being dismissive about someone’s opinion doesn’t make others opinions more valid. The vast majority of complaints are plot/direction/story related. My favorite thing people are doing is finding the most pointless and offensive user reviews and saying "see this is what all the criticism is here" while passing over well thought out comments. My opinion is that Star Wars fans are incredibly forgiving of the franchise. And let’s be honest if peoples only reaction was "meh I didn't like it" and moving on this franchise would not be at the ludicrous heights it's at. The Passionate fan base drives this property. Like me continuing to comment on a movie I already stated I don't like lol.....I'm seeing it again with my kids so maybe I'll draw more from it in a second viewing.
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Old 12-18-2017, 02:01 PM   #474
Baron Zemo
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Originally Posted by statman View Post
I'll have to see it again to clarify what I saw, but for now here a few random thoughts about the movie...
  1. - The space chase was incredibly stupid. If the Rebel ships were too fast for the FO ships how did the FO stay exactly the same distance behind them the whole time they were chasing them? Seems like the fighters would have been able to keep attacking the Rebels if they remained equidistant the whole time. Why didn't the FO just send a couple of Star Destroyers ahead with a mini light speed jump? Why was the "plan" to get the Rebels to that salt planet such a secret? Holdo could have avoid the mutiny if she would have just told Poe what she was doing. Seems like she was keeping everyone in the dark for some reason. Then when the Admiral decided that someone needed to stay aboard the cruiser to pilot it, why not use a droid? Surely they had a BB or R2 unit around somewhere to drive the ship? Why sacrifice a commanding officer for this suicide mission? Especially when the original plan was to let the cruiser just continue on course while the transports got away "stealthily".
  2. -Also, where did the whole transports' "stealth" tech info that DJ gave the first order come from anyway? Not literally where did it come from, but was it (stealth) mentioned before the reveal that DJ betrayed the Rebels, by giving the FO the codes? I don't recall it being mentioned. I might have missed it though.
  3. - The light speed collision was a fantastic special effect! A little convenient that it cut straight through Snokes ship and somehow completely obliterated ALL of the other FO ships in the vicinity, but still way cool.
  4. -The Finn/Rose subplot was terrible and completely destroyed the pacing of the movie.
  5. - I like how they give subtle clues that Luke's appearance on the salt planet is not what it seems. When he first appears to Leia, I noticed that his hair was cut and less gray, and his beard was trimmed with no gray. The fact that he was not leaving footprints in the salt while Kylo was. The use of his original light saber. The avoidance of contact when Kylo was attacking. I didn't put it all together until Kylo stabbed the image, but I definitely had an "aha!" moment. I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't really Luke being super powerful that saved him from the AT-AT barrage, but it was still a cool sequence.
  6. - I liked the interaction between Luke and Rey. Not enough of it though. Her "training" appeared to last only a few hours.
  7. - I kind of like the link between Rey and Kylo.
  8. - I liked the throne room battle.
  9. - I liked how Kylo mirrored what Snoke thought he was going to do with what I was actually doing in order to hide his true intentions.
  10. - I wish that when Kylo killed Snoke it spurred him to become less whiny and more badass, but alas that was not the case. I have a hard time seeing him being the Leader of the FO going forward.
  11. - I think Luke's scenes were what I liked best about the whole movie. The rest was kinda Meh...
  12. - The whole salt skimmer sequence was dumb. Did they even do anything with them besides making red dust swirls? I don't recall them shooting at the AT-AT's or the cannon? The only rebel shots I recall seeing fired was from the Millennium Falcon.

I guess overall, I liked the movie, but I didn't love it. I was hoping for better from all of the glowing reviews that are out there. I don't mind them going in a different direction. Most of the problems I have are with the plot points that were either dumb, or didn't make sense.

^ That's a pretty good synopsis to my own current views. Too many story crutches though I like the movie a whole lot.

You could totally tell the Finn, Poe, Rose, Maz stuff was just to extend those characters due to TFA response and to up the minority quotient.

TFA relied on simply reminding everyone of Star Wars and Han Solo's fate.
TLJ relied on surprises and Luke.
I'm sure they were going to rely heavily on Carrie Fisher for IX but now what is left to conclude other than Rey going to kill Kylo? Just a bunch of space battle and a lightsaber fight at the end?

Could be cool if they both swap sides at the end. Having Kylo kill Rey to save the galaxy sure would dump a ton of salt in a lot of folk's coffee.
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Old 12-18-2017, 02:06 PM   #475
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Originally Posted by qz33 View Post
^ That's a pretty good synopsis to my own views. Too many story crutches though I like the movie a whole lot.

You could totally tell the Finn, Poe, Rose, Maz stuff was just to extend those characters due to TFA response and to up the minority quotient.

TFA relied on simply reminding everyone of Star Wars and Han Solo's fate.
TLJ relied on surprises and Luke.
I'm sure they were going to rely heavily on Carrie Fisher for IX but now what is left to conclude other than Rey going to kill Kylo? Just a bunch of space battle and a lightsaber fight at the end?

Could be cool if they both swap sides at the end. Having Kylo kill Rey to save the galaxy sure would dump a ton of salt in a lot of folk's coffee.
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Old 12-18-2017, 02:14 PM   #476
Baron Zemo
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Maybe Rey and Kylo will still be brother and sister but Kylo will turn out being an adopted son...

That would be the ultimate irony Leia could deliver: "I am NOT your mother"
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Old 12-18-2017, 03:13 PM   #477
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Originally Posted by candyrocket786 View Post
So you have a Facebook then?

Even though I hated the film for various reasons, it's still entertaining. I think everyone somewhat agrees on that. Hell... I find The Rock, and Transformers 1 & 3 entertaining.
Unfortunately, yes. Considered deleting my profile many times. However, just too many friends and family use it to ignore.
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Old 12-18-2017, 03:33 PM   #478
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Originally Posted by statman View Post
....I wish that when Kylo killed Snoke it spurred him to become less whiny and more badass, but alas that was not the case. I have a hard time seeing him being the Leader of the FO going forward....
PREACH! It's the biggest reason I can't stand him and don't care what happens to him going forward.
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Old 12-19-2017, 12:31 AM   #479
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Originally Posted by statman View Post
I'll have to see it again to clarify what I saw, but for now here a few random thoughts about the movie...
  1. - The space chase was incredibly stupid. If the Rebel ships were too fast for the FO ships how did the FO stay exactly the same distance behind them the whole time they were chasing them? Seems like the fighters would have been able to keep attacking the Rebels if they remained equidistant the whole time. Why didn't the FO just send a couple of Star Destroyers ahead with a mini light speed jump? Why was the "plan" to get the Rebels to that salt planet such a secret? Holdo could have avoid the mutiny if she would have just told Poe what she was doing. Seems like she was keeping everyone in the dark for some reason. Then when the Admiral decided that someone needed to stay aboard the cruiser to pilot it, why not use a droid? Surely they had a BB or R2 unit around somewhere to drive the ship? Why sacrifice a commanding officer for this suicide mission? Especially when the original plan was to let the cruiser just continue on course while the transports got away "stealthily".
  2. -Also, where did the whole transports' "stealth" tech info that DJ gave the first order come from anyway? Not literally where did it come from, but was it (stealth) mentioned before the reveal that DJ betrayed the Rebels, by giving the FO the codes? I don't recall it being mentioned. I might have missed it though.
  3. - The light speed collision was a fantastic special effect! A little convenient that it cut straight through Snokes ship and somehow completely obliterated ALL of the other FO ships in the vicinity, but still way cool.
  4. -The Finn/Rose subplot was terrible and completely destroyed the pacing of the movie.
  5. - I like how they give subtle clues that Luke's appearance on the salt planet is not what it seems. When he first appears to Leia, I noticed that his hair was cut and less gray, and his beard was trimmed with no gray. The fact that he was not leaving footprints in the salt while Kylo was. The use of his original light saber. The avoidance of contact when Kylo was attacking. I didn't put it all together until Kylo stabbed the image, but I definitely had an "aha!" moment. I was a bit disappointed that it wasn't really Luke being super powerful that saved him from the AT-AT barrage, but it was still a cool sequence.
  6. - I liked the interaction between Luke and Rey. Not enough of it though. Her "training" appeared to last only a few hours.
  7. - I kind of like the link between Rey and Kylo.
  8. - I liked the throne room battle.
  9. - I liked how Kylo mirrored what Snoke thought he was going to do with what I was actually doing in order to hide his true intentions.
  10. - I wish that when Kylo killed Snoke it spurred him to become less whiny and more badass, but alas that was not the case. I have a hard time seeing him being the Leader of the FO going forward.
  11. - I think Luke's scenes were what I liked best about the whole movie. The rest was kinda Meh...
  12. - The whole salt skimmer sequence was dumb. Did they even do anything with them besides making red dust swirls? I don't recall them shooting at the AT-AT's or the cannon? The only rebel shots I recall seeing fired was from the Millennium Falcon.

I guess overall, I liked the movie, but I didn't love it. I was hoping for better from all of the glowing reviews that are out there. I don't mind them going in a different direction. Most of the problems I have are with the plot points that were either dumb, or didn't make sense.
Statman, you must be strong with the Force as you read my mind. You hit on most of the same logic issues I had. The others I had were
1) where did the resistance bombers and A-Wings come from? The Resistance had none in the attack on Starkiller base as few days prior and those X-wings were their entire fleet.
2) When in the last couple of days did Poe have time to hot rod is X-wing with an added fifth thruster?
3) During the sublight chase, why didn't the First Order use TIEs to attack the Resistance? The TIEs were effective is destroying one of the landing bays and the bridge. They obvious had more TIE fighters as they deployed more on the assault on Crait

I missed the stealth discussion in which DJ sold them out.

I was told that it was mentioned that the Resistance was saving fuel for shuttles and that's why they didn't increase their lead. I totally missed that.

Some of the logic could have been easily fixed. The A-Wings and bombers could have been part of Holdo's fleet and that she is part of the surviving remnant of the Republic Navy and they joined the Resistance immediately after the battle of Starkiller Base. Also explains why Poe doesn't know who she is and why he doesn't trust her.

They could have used some sci-fi mumbo jumbo like the Resistance entered a nebula to prevent the FO from lightspeed jumping infront of them. Can make something up light you can't lightspeed navigate in an nebula because of degraded sensor readings and dangerous for shielded ships like TIEs.

And instead of stealth tech, the nebula could also made tracking small ships difficult due degraded sensors. DJ could have sold the Resistance transmission codes that he sees Finn use to the contact the Resistance as means of tracking the communications signals on the transports. Thus allowing the FO to target them.

Still leaves a few logic holes, but the story would have been better served with a few bits of logic and they could cut the Canto Bight scenes short. And when I mentioned the nebula idea to a friend at work, he replied that the nebula would have made for some interesting visuals.
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Old 12-19-2017, 12:51 AM   #480
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My sarcastic remarks in BOLD. Don't take me seriously.

Originally Posted by samhain81 View Post
Saw Star wars The Last Jedi this morning

A mediocre, single viewing film in the continuing Saga, with a lot of flaws.

My overall reasons of dislike:

1. Too much space (Like them or not, this was something the prequels did fantastically, give us a broad range of planets, habitats, and species). The new trilogy have so far shown us a total of about 4 different areas of habitat. Not enough. Phantom Menace showed 4 alone.
JD replies: Autuer director Rian Johnson breaks the Star Wars mold with first ever sublight chase that goes for over 30 minutes. How exciting!!!

2. Throwaway questions/answers from previous film.
-Who are Reys parents? Doesn't matter. They're nobodies.
-Who is Snoke? Doesn't matter. He's dead now.
JD replies: Autuer director Rian Johnson doesn't want to inherit JJ's plot lines and probably can't come up with a clever answer. So let's just negate the questions!

3. Throwaway characters who had great potential, primarily Phasma, and DJ.
JD replies: Autuer director Rian Johnson certainly listened to Star Wars fans and gave Phasma more to do. In this film, she get's to die! Take that JJ!

4. An aesthetic complaint. Kylo Ren destroying his helmet within the first few minutes of the film.
JD replies: Autuer director Rian Johnson ignores on screen continuity by moving Kylo's scar to a more aesthetically pleasing location. And he must have hated the helmet too. Does Snoke channel Johnson when he told Kylo to take off that stupid helmet? Brave choice!

5. No true villain.
JD replies: Autuer director Rian Johnson wants to keep the audiences guessing!

6. Plot lines that went nowhere, didn't pay off, and took up valuable time in the movie.
JD replies: Autuer director Rian Johnson needed to find an "entertaining" way to preach to us about war profiteering and animal rights. I wonder if Fathiers taste as good as porgs. Porgs, the other white meat!(TM). Plus set up his new trilogy Star Wars: The Adventures of Broom Boy. Can't wait!

7. No true lightsaber fight. Call me simple, but this is Star Wars. Every film up until now has had a significant lightsaber fight. The fight with Rey and Kylo was not a fight, as they were simply fighting a few guards. This was unacceptable.
JD replies: Autuer director Rian Johnson breaks the Star Wars mold by directing the first Star Wars movie to use the narrative crutch of flashbacks, and oh by the way, the first without a lightsaber dual. How original!

Can't think of any more right now, but I fear if I do, I will hate the film altogether.
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