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Old 09-23-2021, 04:43 AM   #41
What's another word for Thesaurus?
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Winding down for bed I was thinking more about my personal hopes for this line and releases. We all have characters we like and dislike along with reasons for feeling that way. I figured I'd go into a little on how I'd go on characters and why in order of the releases in the original line...

He-Man - I was one of the people who passed on the Sideshow one because of the portrait and the production hair. I'm sure the new one will have a better face sculpt and a better factory that can better produce (hopefully) long hair.

Teela - Already on PO and a big hit with pretty much everyone.

Man-at-Arms - Although I enjoy the character and his useful role in each MOTU version, he isn't a character I'm super tied to and his visual design isn't something I'd need in my collection.

Stratos - Similar thoughts as above, but even lower on the totem pole.

Zodac - I still think this should be two versions... Zodac in his classic design and Zodak in his 200X design. Same body, just different portraits and paint applications. I'm in for Zodak, but I have absolutely no interest in Zodac.

Skeletor - I own and love the original, but I'm such a fan that I could double-dip on the new version. Things that would lead me towards a PO: A Keldor portrait and a great companion Evil-Lyn.

Beast Man - Although the preview sculpt is still early, I love what I saw so far.

Mer-Man - I don't have much emotional ties to this character, but I tend to like his visual design and especially the shown statue sculpt. I'm on the fence and really wish this guy would release after Trap-Jaw and Beast Man.

Battle Cat - One of my absolute childhood favorites and with the right sculpt would be a day 1 PO. I'd hope Panthor as a variant would be released at the same time.

Ram Man - A character that my friends loved, but I never really warmed up to. I'm sure this will look great and sell well, but not for me.

Man-E-Faces - Kinda similar to Mer-Man for me, but I did like his character a bit more. He usually has a great visual design, so this could catch me here as well.

Trap Jaw - Yup, pretty much another day 1 PO. I really hope Trap Jaw and Beast Man are released around the same time as they pair well in my mind.

Faker - An easy variant that could sell well. The toy was fun as a kid, but I don't think I need him in my statue collection.

Tri-Klops - Similar to Duncan for me... great character in the stories, but his visual design was always so uninteresting.

Evil-Lyn - Like with Skeletor, Lyn is one of the few I could be convinced to double-dip on. Options that would help push me into that direction would be portraits without the helmet showing her short white hair and possibly one with long white hair. Maybe do something different with the helmeted portrait like glowing eyes. It would also be cool to have switch out hands with a magic energy effect on them.

Panthor - Like I said with Battle Cat, Day 1 PO... especially if at the same time.

Zoar & Screech - I'm curious how Minion sold... these would probably do similar numbers. I'm personally not a fan of proximity pieces.

Fisto - Probably a no, but I loved Fisto and Jitzu as a kid. I'd have to see both designs before I could decide either way.

Orko - I doubt there's a need to do this character again, but if there was a new version I'd pass... I'm good with the previous one.

Mekaneck - Fun character with a fun design, but no... easy pass.

Buzz-Off - Another childhood favorite... the design could make or break this for me. One of those key details... give him three clawed fingers like 200X, not the crab pincers from the original design.

Prince Adam - A potential 3rd variant to release with He-Man and Faker. Not for me, but could do well.

Clawful - A rarely used baddie in the stories, but he did have a cool design. I could be swayed.

Whiplash - Similar thoughts as Clawful, but lower.

Kobra Khan - I'm a huge Snake Men fan, so I'm pretty much all in with the main 4.

Webstor - A childhood favorite, but I have to see a design to see how I feel now.

Jitzu - Again, I'd need to see his and Fisto's designs... but probably a no.

Moss Man - Another good character in the lore, but usually visually bland.

Sy-Klone - I loved the toy as a kid for the spinning action, but I never cared for his visual design.

Roboto - A cool character with a decent design, but not one I have to have.

Stinkor - A figure I wasn't allowed to have as a kid because of the smell, but I always dug his design. Maybe.

Spikor - Lots of great potential for a cool visual redesign, but not a character I hold close.

Two Bad - Another fun one as a kid with great visual possibilities in an updated statue design, but most likely a no.

Hordak - Already done in two versions. Amazing piece in either form!

Grizzlor - I really dig the Horde in stories and they have great potential for cool new designs. But there is only so much budget and space... as of now, sadly this faction is a no for now.

Leech - Could be such a cool design, but...

Mantenna - Another with great potential, but...

Modulok - Another big childhood fave. The Horde members would have to be revisited down the line after other heavy hitters are tackled first.

Extendar - I was never a fan of this character. Big no thanks.

Rio Blast - I eventually came around to this character, but not enough to ever get a statue of him.

Snout Spout - I liked him more than his partner Rio Blast, but another no.

Stonedar - Fun toy, but no

Rokkon - Ditto

King Hiss - Ah, my Snake Men! Actually Hiss is the bottom of the four for me. But if they are all produced and all look great, I'll have to get him to complete the core group.

Rattlor - One of my top choices that I NEED. Another important pairing for me is Rattlor AND Tung Lashor.

Tung Lashor - Another big NEED. One of my biggest childhood favorites right here.

Dragstor - Never cared for this one. A pass from me.

King Randor - Great in 200X, but not worth a statue spot in my collection.

Sorceress - Yes. I'm sure the classic look would sell best, but I also really liked the 200X design. Maybe you could somehow pay tribute to both in one sculpt and do two painted variants?

Clamp Champ - Just never was a fan.

Blast-Attak - Ditto

Ninjor - Ditto

Scare Glow - I could be swayed with a great sculpt and glow-in-the-dark paint.

Mosquitor - You have to do one for Pixel Dan, but sadly not for me.

Sssqueeze - Technically a Snake Man, but I never connected to this one.

Snake Face - Ditto
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