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Old 01-21-2007, 03:44 PM   #1
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lost super early interview with Chris elizardo .

Finally another article in the series of meet the sculptor. Sorry folks but I type really slowwwwww.

This interview is going to be with Chris Elizardo from E Studios.

Chris has been sculpting for a few years now and has developed greatly in just the time I’ve known him. A few years ago I saw a garage kit of the Enemy Ace on EBay. This was and still is one of my favorite characters from childhood. I just had to get this for my collection and that started my hunt to who sculpted the piece. Chris, I tracked him down like some kind of a stalker to be able to get this kit. I found Chris to be a very relaxed a cool guy to talk with.

Chris is a Texan but we try not to hold that against him, there are some great sculptors that come from Texas, that and BBQ .

SF: Chris can you give me some bio information about you, likes, dislikes etc.?

Chris: Well, I'm 39 years old and Like you said from Texas, San Antonio to be exact. I live in New Braunfels Texas at the moment, but we may be moving to NJ for a job. I have been sculpting for fifteen years in just about every genre I can think of and I really enjoy doing it even though its like beating your head against the wall at times.

Now in talking with Chris one of the things he told me was he has a portable sculpting set up and has been known to sculpt in the parking lot waiting for the kids and all. To me that strikes as an addictive issue and perhaps he could use help… but then I realize the more he sculpts the more of his work I can own. So his addiction is a good thing.


1. SF: Chris I see on your site that you do not stay in only one type of character. On the site I see beer taps to games to 120mm to 1/6 scale pieces. Is there a reason you have dabbled in so many types of sculpting?

Chris: I like to stay versatile in my sculpting subject matter. Like some actors that you think only mainly fit into one character type and can't picture them playing any other type of roll, you know what I mean. I don't want to be the stereo typical cartoon character sculptor, besides its less boring to switch up sometimes. I had a guy a few years back that wouldn't commission me to do a sculpt because he said that he thought I couldn't pull off sculpting a horror piece. I wish I had already done some of CD Productions Cenebites then.

2. SF: I know you have done sculpts for the garage kit market for many different producers. Which sculpt that turned to a kit do you like the most to date?

Chris: I really like all of them especially getting to see so many different takes on the paint work that people do. If I had to say one that I liked most it probably would be the Stitch Cenobite that I did for Charlie at CD, not primarily because of my sculpting work but the awesome pics of her that I have seen painted by folks.

3. SF: What is your favorite medium to sculpt in? Why?

Chris: I like Super Sculpey mainly but I'm getting into Castilene because of some commission work that i'm working on currently, its good stuff just a little different.

4. SF: Recently you started doing more of the 120mm scale items. How hard was it to scale things down to that tiny size (ok some folks think these are large but in my hand it is tiny tiny)? When working at this scale do you use the same tools and methods or do you have to change your way to compensate for the size?

Chris: That's a good question, I would say that the technique and tools are the same with the exception of the need for jewelers glasses. It also just takes a little longer to get things just right and if you slip up at this scale that tiny nick you might have made in a lager sculpt could take off an entire face.

5. SF: What is your favorite piece at this scale you have done?

Chris: I really liked the Shadow figure that I did. I would have liked it more if the company that put it out would have chosen to go with the lampost scene i created to go with it, but sadly they didn't.

6. SF: to date what is the most unusual character or item you have sculpted for commission or yourself? And why is this a favorite?

Chris: I would have to say Spike for Cd Productions. It was just odd sculpting a guy with a big metal spike going all the way through his skull. The link below will take you to a small pic of him but he can be seen better at the site in the In Progress section.

7. SF: When working on a commission for a person or company how much input do you allow after the original sketch concepts? Do you let them change things all the time or only send pictures every so often for the clients comments?

Chris: It really depends on the company sometimes they just want me to sculpt all the way to the finishes and other times they want to see pictures of the entire process. Usually they want it the way it is pictured or drawn and I try and get as close as I can keeping in mind that it has to be able to be mold and cast.

8. SF: I notice some of the items on your site are painted. Did you paint these yourself or perhaps use the talents of one of the paintmasters that visit our site?

Chris: Some I painted but the good ones are painted by pros like Danno, Wes and Jim Rowell. The Hellboy Paint up on the front page of my site was painted by Jim.
Insert link to picture if possible here
9. SF: What is your favorite thing to do outside sculpting?

Chris: Ummmmm, hmmmm, hunting up new sculpting techniques, searching for new sculpting tools, looking at other sculptors works and try and learn from them. I also like spending time with the family. I have a nine year old daughter( Future Kit Sculptor) and a beautiful wife that I don't deserve. I collect comics, DVDs and really like going to the movies.

10. SF: Also have you heard the rumors that lunchmin’s wife cooks the best macaroni and cheese ever eaten by man?

Chris: LOL!!!! never underestimate the power of a woman

11. SF: Lately I am seeing more movie character likeness’ being done by you. Is this something you enjoy or do you prefer the ability to give your own take on a character?

Chris: I like doing likeness work, people have so much character in their faces, however I do think that no two people ever agree on the way a person is depicted we see things so differently its difficult at times. I have done likeness sculpts for Talking and Toy Presidents.

12. SF: Not sure if you have done an interview with anyone prior to this about your sculpting. I want to thank you for taking some time out in your schedule to do this interview. Chris I wish you all the best in your sculpting career. When you get a chance post some of your latest works in our sculptors corner.

Chris: Thanks CK! It was nice talking to you.

Chris does have a web site for folks that want to see his work can check out.

Interview for statueforums by CKinSD.
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