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Old 07-09-2009, 10:35 AM   #1
Sculptor of Gods
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The Mighty Reviews 7/09/09

I am desperately trying to get to the LCS today, so that I can post a review of Green Lantern... but I am not sure I'll be able to make it...

Please enjoy Sammy's reviews and a Trade review from our supremely busy captain Joe.

Sam Wilson's Reviews

Batman #688
DC Comics
Written by: Judd Winick
Drawn by: Mark Bagley

For those of you who missed it, apparently Batman, or at least Bruce Wayne, is dead. As far as how that happened, I don’t know and I don’t care. Grant Morrison was behind it and I think it was part of some “Zero Crisis Identity Final” or some such bulls**t and it won’t be permanent. So yeah, don’t know don’t care not buying the trade. Anyway, what should have happened a long time ago in the Bat-verse (I specifically referring to Knightfall when that French d-bag became Batman for a minute) finally did. Dick Grayson is now Batman (okay, so it happened once before way back when in the “Prodigal” storyline, but hey, now it’s more permanent). Dick Grayson is one of the most beloved characters in the DCU, and even though he stood fine on his own as Nightwing seeing him fill a role he was made for is pretty damn satisfying. I wanted to hate this book so bad. Judd Winick (real world d-bag) is writing it, Damien is Robin (Damien needs to go away), it has the earmarking of mediocrity to say the least. When the first issue of the new direction came out last month though, I was surprised. Winick has really stepped up his game and is now a comic writer, not just a place filler waiting to get off the bench. Yes, it was Ed Benes art that caused me to pick it up last time, but Mark Bagley is a fine substitution (even though it’s a little weird seeing him draw anything other than Spider-man). So anyway, how is issue two?

Gotham is pretty screwed right now. It’s under martial law and Arkham Asylum was destroyed freeing everyone who was kept there. Batman has been gone for a bit and people are thinking he’s gone for good. Commissioner Gordon is at the end of his rope and the city needs Batman back. In the first part of the new storyline, “Long Shadows” Batman comes back to reclaim the city. Two-Face and the Penguin are conspiring to become the criminal boss in Gotham. Penguin, kind of overtly, Two-Face, well, it seems he wants to take out the Penguin first then become the boss. Meanwhile, Dick Grayson is going through some growing pains as the new Batman. He’s learning that he’s not Bruce, but he kind of is Bruce. Damien of course acts like a little annoying pansy, but that’s forgiveable…

Batman is back and he’s good, maybe the best he’s been in a long, long time. Winick really shines in this book, and Mark Bagley is as good as he’s always been. In case you were wondering, his style suits Batman just fine, better than I would have thought. If you were doubting it, don’t; Batman is back and worth picking up.

Ms. Marvel #41
Marvel Comics
Written by: Brian Reed
Drawn by: Sergio Arino

To catch everyone up, all the New Avengers are now bad guys. The “Dark” Avengers are made up of former Thunderbolts who have taken an Avenger counterpart. Mrs. Marvel’s identity was taken over by Karla Sofen, aka Moonstone. Moonstone (or the new Ms. Marvel if you will) is a bad, bad person. She’s been with the Thunderbolts from the get-go and has always had an ulterior motive. Not really much of a team player as an evil bi**, she does what she has to do to make herself happy and to survive. Being a psychologist, she can also screw with people heads, which she does in evil, bi**y ways. Norman Osborne keeps her close by, not quite his number two, but close enough. Of course he only keeps her close because she is the one most likely to kill him in his sleep, but whatever. Anyway, Carol Danvers is out of the picture and Karla Sofen is trying to finish what she couldn’t, one of those things being the dismantling of AIM. On Norman Osborne’s suggestion, perhaps it would garner some public trust is Karla did some super-hero type things so that she does. Meanwhile, a being of pure energy has been popping up around New York, it has shown itself to Luke Cage and his band of Avengers and seems to want help of some kind (and it should also be noted that this being has a female form). Anyway, in the process of taking out AIM Karla has found herself some MODOK babies (seriously) and has taken them back to Avengers Tower. AIM wants them back, and has hired Deadpool to get them, which of course brings us to our current issue.

Deadpool breaks into Avenger’s Tower and kills a crap ton of agents in hopes to get the MODOK babies back to AIM. Meanwhile, the energy chick turns out to be several different colored energy chicks and is trying to get the New Avengers to gather up the MODOK babies so they can make the energy chick whole again (yes, the energy chick is Carol Danvers). Karla Sofen meanwhile is trying to keep the MODOK babies where they are and Deadpool is really antagonizing the crap out of her. At the end of the issue, well, I can’t tell, that would be a disservice…

The whole “everything good is now bad” is getting a little old but Karla Sofen as Ms. Marvel is pretty good (I won’t go within 10 ft. of “Dark Wolverine” though). She’s evil, b**hy, and well, I like her. Of course I’ve always been a fan of Carol Danvers as well, and next issue kicks off “War of the Marvels”, so yeah. Get on board…
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Old 07-09-2009, 10:36 AM   #2
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Wktf’s Trade Review

Ghost Rider: Hell Bent & Heaven Bound
Marvel Comics
Written by: Jason Aaron
Drawn by: Roland Boschi & Tan Eng Huat
Covers by: Marko Djurdjevic

Jason Aaron, Wizard’s 2008 Writer of the Year, leaves his indelible mark on Ghost Rider and the character may never be the same again. Readers who love Aaron’s no-holds-barred tough guy style on Scalped and Wolverine would do well to check out Aaron’s Ghost Rider and I’m pretty sure this trade marks his inaugural but no less than to be expected totally irreverent take-no-prisoners-butt-kicking effort on the title. And, if you’ve gotten into the phenomenal ride that is the just completed Spirits of Vengeance arc you most certainly should check this trade out to see how it all kicks off.

Johnny Blaze has a serious mad-on as this trade opens up. We’re told that he’s just learned that he is not the hell-spawned agent of vengeance he thought but, rather, the pawn of the renegade angel Zadkiel who turned Johnny into the Angel of Vengeance and tool in Zadkiel’s private war against Heaven and God, Himself. Now Johnny’s out for revenge against his own creator, like the Frankenstein Monster taking it to Dr. Frankenstein. But everywhere the Ghost Rider goes trouble either follows him or just plain hunts him down. And Aaron’s imagination, here as elsewhere, proves to be tripping down paths that leave the rest of us just shaking our heads. It’s not enough for Ghost Rider to encounter road stalking ghouls and deranged killers. Aaron also gives us a gaggle of hot, sexy nurses sporting hunting rifles, sledge hammers, knives and a host of other weapons.

In Aaron’s hands Ghost Rider is a crazy rock and roll ride. Sure, it’s brutal, violent and gruesome but it’s also crazy, albeit slightly confusing fun. In Johnny’s quest for vengeance against Zadkiel he shows no quarter against the evil angel’s legions and no quarter is given either. Whether he’s part of the chaos or causing it himself, this Ghost Rider with this trae becomes one of Marvel’s most dangerous and unstable characters. Boschi’s art brings the unsettling violence to the page nicely but the switch to Huat doesn’t work quite so well. Regardless, with Aaron on the writing chores I closed this book both laughing and shaking my head. It’s wonderful to be so surprised and taken aback by the sheer audacity of a writer’s imagination and the execution of his craft. If you’d like to experience the same then, by all means, pick up this trade. Collecting Ghost Rider #20-25, this trade is just the first serving of Aaron’s stellar Ghost Rider run.
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Old 07-09-2009, 12:31 PM   #3
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Bonus Review:

Please forgive me for piggy-backing on, but I'd like to add a review myself:

Wednesday Comics #1
DC Comics
Various Writers/Artists

I think we all have great memories reading the Sunday Comics section in the newspaper. These delightful pages filled with comic, adventure, romance, political, and even super-hero comics. In an interesting departure from the norm, DC Comics has based a new 12-week weekly comic based off these old Sunday Comics, now called Wednesday comics. This collection of one page strips feature features 15 stories, each on a 14" by 20" page. The writeres and artist are some of DC's best, Gaiman, Allred, Kubert(s), Risso, Pope, Bermejo, Conner. Even Dan DiDio himself writes what promises to be a fun story about the Metal Men.

The properties range from DC heavy hitters Batman and Superman to Teen Titans and Sgt Rock to even Deadman and Metamorpho. Even Kamandi has his own strip. But, what we were all wondering was, despite the talent, would it work? Would a weekly comic of only one page on newsprint work when we have become used to a trade format?

At least with one week in, the answer is a resounding yes! The colors on some of the stories is eye popping, and the larger panels are a sight to see (including one of Hawkman flying with birds). But the most amazing part is how most of these stories work and draw you in.

The best of the bunch is the Batman strip, which is surprising chock full of drama and suspense on just one page. However, the Sgt Rock is almost equally impressive, drawing you in immediately to whatever story the Kuberts wants to tell. Other highlights inculde a more comedic take on Supergirl, an interesting pairing of the Demon and Catwoman, a masterful job of introducing Kamandi to the comic work who may not be familiair with him, and a mixture of action and romance with The Flash. By far, most of these stories work well enough to make you give it one more issue.

But, there is a mistep or two. For one, the price of $3.99 seems a bit steep for newprint, though I guess that is the price of securing such talent for the comics. One or two comics, however, seem to need more than one week to sell themselves. The top of that is Wonder Woman. Ben Caldwell, writer and aritst, has used every last square inch of his page to fit in by far the most panels of all the strips. The result is sloppy artwork and tiny work balloons. More than that, the story is very confusing, and even worse, not very interesting. Is Wonder Woman a tween, a teenager, or a woman? I couldn't tell by any of the panels. The Teen Titans strip also seems to need another week or two to cook and the art style of the page was a bit too manga and the story revolved more around the history of the Teen Titans and an incomprehensible fight agaisnt Trident.

But, all in all, I'm very much looking forward to a weekly dose of these fantastic comics!
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Old 07-09-2009, 03:21 PM   #4
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Doesn't look like I will be able to get to the LCS to grab up my GL issue so I can write a proper review gang... You know it's gonna rock though as it's all about the dastardly William Hand!!!
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Old 07-09-2009, 03:53 PM   #5
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Dang, I think I will have to pick up Wednesday Comics #1.
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Old 07-09-2009, 11:15 PM   #6
I don't have a solution but I admire the problem.
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It's SOLD Out at the comic shops near me.... Run n get it Mwf6171.. it wasn't on my list and.. i didn't book it earlier.. Big Mistake it seems based on the reviews..
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Old 07-09-2009, 11:25 PM   #7
I don't have a solution but I admire the problem.
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Originally Posted by Kdawg59 View Post
Doesn't look like I will be able to get to the LCS to grab up my GL issue so I can write a proper review gang... You know it's gonna rock though as it's all about the dastardly William Hand!!!
I't wasa great start.. i decided to jump on for the Blackest night, the rest i will get in trade or HC..
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Old 07-09-2009, 11:31 PM   #8
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WC # 1 was sold out at my shop too, I'm picking it up on Saturday.

No one picked up Green Lantern Prelude to Blackest Night?
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Old 07-10-2009, 12:06 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by supahman View Post
It's SOLD Out at the comic shops near me.... Run n get it Mwf6171.. it wasn't on my list and.. i didn't book it earlier.. Big Mistake it seems based on the reviews..
Oh I will get one supahman!!
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Old 07-10-2009, 09:06 AM   #10
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A review of Wednesday Comics #1 at Comic Book Resources that completely misses the point:

Imagine you're on a date with someone. They're cute, they're smiling at you, and you sit down to order some food. Right before the waiter comes in, they stand up and say, "Well, see you next week!" That's what every individual segment of "Wednesday Comics" #1 was like, at the appalling price of $3.99.

I guess this pinhead has never read Prince Valiant or The Phantom. It's called a cliffhanger.
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